International Colloquium on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) - 2013

At its forty-fifth session (New York, 25 June-6 July 2012), the Commission considered its possible future work in the area of public-private partnerships. It noted that PPPs were widely considered to be a tool for economic development as evidenced by the conclusions reached by States at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 20 to 22 June 2012, that encouraged the use of public-private partnerships. The Commission requested the Secretariat to hold a colloquium to identify the scope of possible work and primary issues to be addressed. The importance of coordination and cooperation between relevant bodies on ongoing work in that area was emphasised.

The colloquium on PPPs will take place from 2 to 3 May 2012 at the Vienna International Centre to identify the scope of possible work by UNCITRAL in that area, primary issues to be addressed in that work and the possible form that a resulting work product could take (a model law, legislative guide or other). The colloquium will bring together experts from government, private sector, academia and the non-profit sector. Issues expected to be discussed at the colloquium include oversight mechanisms, the promotion of domestic dispute prevention and resolution mechanisms in the context of public-private partnerships and the possible expansion of the scope of the UNCITRAL instruments on privately financed infrastructure projects (the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide and the UNCITRAL Model Legislative Provisions on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects [hyperlinks]), in particular to include forms of private financing and related transactions not currently covered in those instruments.

The colloquium will be conducted on an informal basis. Interpretation in the six official languages of the United Nations (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) will be available.

The report of the colloquium will be before the Commission at its forty-sixth session and will be made available upon its issuance.

International Colloquium on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
Vienna, 2-3 May 2013

Dr David H. Dombkins - UNCITRAL Colloquium on PPP

Bernard Nyembo - International Colloquium on PPPs

Bernard Nyembo - Section I: Existing texts and guidance on PPPs at the international level - do they need to be modernized and harmonized?

Bernard Nyembo - Section II: Possible minimum provisions, or core elements, of a legal text on PPP

Bernard Nyembo - Section III: Dispute Resolution

Irina Zapatrina - International Colloquium on PPP

Bruno de Cazlet - PFIP Historical background (1999-2000) and PPP evolution (2000‐2013)

Seungwoo Son - Legal Analysis on Public-Private Partnerships regarding Model PPP Rules

Simons & Simons - Report to the Third Session of the Team of Specialists on Public-Private Partnerships 18-19 April 2011 regarding Model PPP Laws

Lars Hultkrantz, Urban Karlström, Jan-Eric Nilsson - The Arlanda Airport Rail Link

Concept Note Prepared for French Business Association (MEDEF) And World Bank group meeting March 2013