UNCITRAL Events and News

UNCITRAL Events and Colloquia

06 November 2023 to 07 November 2023


06 November 2023 to 07 November 2023

Jointly organised by UNCITRAL RCAP and the Department of Justice of the Hong Kong SAR, China, the 5th UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Judicial Summit 2023, as part of Hong Kong Legal Week 2023, will take place from 6 to 7 November 2023. A biennial flagship event, the theme this year is “Post-pandemic Resilience, New Beginnings and Innovations in International Trade Law and Dispute Resolution.” The Summit brings together judges, government officials, legal practitioners, academics, and other professionals from various jurisdictions to discuss topical legal issues. Day 1 of the Summit is a Judicial Conference open to the public, consisting of four sessions on the Beijing Convention on the Judicial Sale of Ships, UNCITRAL texts on MSMEs, UNCITRAL’s recent work on dispute resolution and UNCITRAL’s work on digital economy and trade, respectively. Registration for Day 1 is available here. Day 2 of the Summit is an invitation-only Judicial Roundtable for judges and judicial personnel to discuss the UNCITRAL mediation framework and the use of technology in dispute resolution and court proceedings.

02 November 2023

UNCITRAL RCAP invites you to join the KMOJ – UNCITRAL ADR Special Session on ISDS Reform, co-hosted with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea. This flagship event, taking place on 2 November 2023 in Seoul, Republic of Korea, serves as a forum for exchanging perspectives with a focus on ISDS reform. Representatives from across the Asia-Pacific and international legal experts will discuss investment mediation, the codes of conduct and the advisory centre on international investment law as well as dispute prevention and mitigation. The event will be held in English with simultaneous translation in Korean and is open to the public free of charge.  

30 October 2023 to 29 November 2023

The UNCITRAL secretariat with its partners is organizing a series of events for nine Portuguese-speaking countries with the aim of increasing awareness and understanding of UNCITRAL insolvency texts, in particular their relevance to resolution of financial difficulties of micro- and small enterprises. The program of the event and the link to register are available here.   

26 October 2023 to 28 October 2023

On 26–28 October 2023, the University of Kiel will be hosting a conference on ‘EU Insolvency Law and Third Countries: Which Way(s) Forward?’. It is part of a research project coordinated by Professors Alexander Trunk (University of Kiel) and Jasnica Garasic (University of Zagreb), which is endorsed by UNCITRAL and supported by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. It is conducted in cooperation with representatives of the European Commission and the Hague Conference on Private International Law.

01 October 2023 to 15 December 2023

La secretaría de la CNUDMI se complace en anunciar la 4ta edición de las Jornadas de la CNUDMI para América Latina y el Caribe (UNCITRAL LAC Days), las cuales tendrán lugar entre el 1 de Octubre y el 15 de Diciembre de 2023. UNCITRAL LAC Days brinda un foro académico para que miembros de la academia, investigadores, estudiantes y partes interesadas del sector público y privado con una pasión por el derecho mercantil internacional compartan experiencias y mejores prácticas. El tema de esta edición - “Explorando las fronteras digitales del comercio transfronterizo” – permitirá discutir el marco existente de la CNUDMI sobre comercio electrónico y el trabajo legislativo en curso, lo cual contribuye al desarrollo de un marco legal propicio para el comercio transfronterizo en la economía digital.  Presione aquí para más información.

01 October 2023 to 30 November 2023

The second edition of the UNCITRAL Days in Africa will be held between 1st October and 30 November 2023. This new series of event will be held under the following theme: “The use of UNCITRAL texts in Africa: Trends and prospects”. It will provide a great opportunity to discuss the impact of UNCITRAL texts in African States where they have been implemented or being considered for adoption. The need for update of existing texts with most recent UNCITRAL instrument could also be discussed, as well as explanatory and pedagogical materials being made available on various subjects by UNCITRAL secretariat to further common understanding and harmonized approach of UNCITRAL texts (such as online modules). If you are interested in attending an event organized this year, please send an email to uncitral[@]un.org to receive the updated program and the link.

01 October 2023 to 15 December 2023

The UNCITRAL Secretariat is pleased to announce that the fourth edition of UNCITRAL LAC Days will take place between 1st October and 15th December 2023. UNCITRAL LAC Days bring together members of the academia, researchers, students, and private and public stakeholders with a passion for international trade law to share experiences and best practices in an academic forum. The theme for this edition, “Exploring the digital frontiers of cross-border trade” provides a timely discussion on how UNCITRAL’s existing framework on e-commerce and ongoing legislative work could support States in developing an enabling legal framework for cross-border trade in the digital economy.

01 October 2023 to 30 November 2023

La deuxième édition des Journées de la CNUDCI en Afrique se tiendra du 1er octobre au 30 novembre 2023. Cette nouvelle série d'événements se déroulera sous le thème suivant : « L'utilisation des textes de la CNUDCI en Afrique : Tendances et perspectives ». Ce sera une excellente occasion de discuter de l'impact des textes de la CNUDCI dans les États africains où ils ont été mis en œuvre ou dans lesquels l'adoption de textes CNUDCI est envisagée. La nécessité de mettre à jour les textes existants avec les instruments les plus récents de la CNUDCI pourrait également être discutée, ainsi que des documents explicatifs et pédagogiques mis à disposition sur divers sujets par le secrétariat de la CNUDCI pour favoriser une compréhension commune et une approche harmonisée des textes de la CNUDCI (modules en ligne). Si vous souhaitez suivre un événement organisé cette année, veuillez envoyer un courriel à uncitral[@]un.org pour recevoir le programme mis à jour et le lien.

14 September 2023 to 16 September 2023

UNCITRAL RCAP held the 2023 UNCITRAL South Asia Conference, a flagship event co-hosted with the Ministry of External Affairs, Republic of India and the UNCITRAL National Coordination Committee of India on 14 - 16 September in New Delhi. Global and regional legal and judicial experts shared insights on commercial law topics including the digital economy, MSMEs and access to credit, insolvency, investor-state dispute settlement reform, international commercial arbitration and mediation, and more. Special highlights included a high-level inaugural and roundtable sessions focusing on regional perspectives on UNCITRAL. 

News Articles

31 January 2025

The monthly compilation for January PDF of the bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL is now available.

13 January 2025

Panama has the United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration (the "Mauritius Convention on Transparency"). Read the full press release here.

10 January 2025

With its ratification of the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (the "Singapore Convention on Mediation"), Israel becomes the 15th State Party to the Convention. Read the full press release here.