At its fifty-seventh session, in 2024, the Commission noted the emergence of new types of assets that could be used as collateral in international finance (including digital assets, data, verified carbon credits and crop receipts) as well as the development of new international financing practices. The Commission also noted legislative efforts by international and regional organizations to address transactions involving such assets as well as the evolving legislative approaches of States to legally characterize those new types of assets. It thus requested the UNCITRAL secretariat to organize a colloquium to clarify and refine various aspects of possible future work in the area. Read more here.
Sessions and Events
- 7–25 July 2025, Vienna
- 29 September-3 October 2025, Vienna (tentative)
- 3-7 February 2025, New York
- 13-17 October 2025, Vienna (tentative)
- 20-24 January 2025, Vienna
- 17-19 February 2025, New York
- 7-11 April 2025, New York
- 22-26 September 2025, Vienna (tentative)
- 18–22 November 2024, Vienna
- 24-28 March 2025, New York
- 20-24 October 2025, Vienna (tentative)
- 16-20 December 2024, Vienna
- 12-16 May 2025, New York
- 10-14 November 2025, Vienna (tentative)
- 9–13 December 2024, Vienna
- 17-21 March 2025, New York
- 15-19 December 2025, Vienna (tentative)
En su 57º período de sesiones, celebrado en 2024, la CNUDMI solicitó a la secretaría que organizara un coloquio sobre la pertinencia de los instrumentos de la CNUDMI para la acción climática, en particular la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Contratos de Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías (CIM), la Ley Modelo de la CNUDMI sobre la Contratación Pública, las Disposiciones Legales Modelo de la CNUDMI sobre las Alianzas Público-Privadas y los instrumentos sobre solución de controversias. El coloquio debería ayudar a la CNUDMI a evaluar la conveniencia de que la secretaría preparara documentos de orientación sobre la aplicación práctica y la interpretación de los instrumentos existentes y posibles textos complementarios para abordar las cuestiones relativas a la acción climática. En respuesta a esa solicitud, la secretaría de la CNUDMI está organizando el Coloquio de la CNUDMI sobre el Derecho Mercantil Internacional para un Futuro Más Verde que tendrá lugar los días 23 y 24 de octubre de 2024 en el Centro Internacional de Viena (Viena, Austria).
À sa cinquante-septième session, en 2024, la CNUDCI a prié le secrétariat d’organiser un colloque sur la pertinence des instruments de la CNUDCI pour l’action climatique, notamment la Convention des Nations Unies sur les contrats de vente internationale de marchandises (CVIM), la Loi type sur la passation des marchés publics, les Dispositions législatives types sur les partenariats public-privé et les instruments sur le règlement des différends. Le colloque devrait aider la CNUDCI à déterminer s’il est souhaitable que secrétariat établisse des documents d’orientation sur l’application et l’interprétation dans la pratique des instruments existants et d’éventuels textes complémentaires pour traiter les questions relatives à l’action climatique. Pour donner suite à cette demande, le secrétariat de la CNUDCI organise le Colloque de la CNUDCI sur le droit du commerce international à l’appui d’un avenir plus vert les 23 et 24 octobre 2024 au Centre international de Vienne (Vienne, Autriche).
At its fifty-seventh session, in 2024, UNCITRAL requested the secretariat to organize a colloquium on the relevance of UNCITRAL instruments to climate action, notably the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), the Model Law on Public Procurement, the Model Legislative Provisions on Public-Private Partnerships and the instruments on dispute settlement. The colloquium should help UNCITRAL assess the desirability for the secretariat to prepare guidance documents on the practical application and interpretation of existing instruments and possible supplementary texts to address issues concerning climate action. In response to the request, the UNCITRAL secretariat is organizing the UNCITRAL Colloquium on the Law of International Trade for a Greener Future on 23 and 24 October 2024 at the Vienna International Centre (Vienna, Austria).
New Articles
Panama has the United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration (the "Mauritius Convention on Transparency"). Read the full press release here.
With its ratification of the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (the "Singapore Convention on Mediation"), Israel becomes the 15th State Party to the Convention. Read the full press release here.
Ghana has signed the United Nations Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships (the "Beijing Convention on the Judicial Sale of Ships"). Read the full press release here.
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