At its fifty-seventh session, in 2024, UNCITRAL requested the secretariat to organize a colloquium on the relevance of UNCITRAL instruments to climate action, notably the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), the Model Law on Public Procurement, the Model Legislative Provisions on Public-Private Partnerships and the instruments on dispute settlement. The colloquium should help UNCITRAL assess the desirability for the secretariat to prepare guidance documents on the practical application and interpretation of existing instruments and possible supplementary texts to address issues concerning climate action. In response to the request, the UNCITRAL secretariat is organizing the UNCITRAL Colloquium on the Law of International Trade for a Greener Future on 23 and 24 October 2024 at the Vienna International Centre (Vienna, Austria).
Sessions and Events
- 7–25 July 2025, Vienna
- 29 September-3 October 2025, Vienna (tentative)
- 30 September–4 October 2024, Vienna
- 3-7 February 2025, New York
- 13-17 October 2025, Vienna (tentative)
- 23–27 September 2024, Vienna
- 20-24 January 2025, Vienna
- 7-11 April 2025, New York
- 22-26 September 2025, Vienna (tentative)
- 18–22 November 2024, Vienna
- 24-28 March 2025, New York
- 20-24 October 2025, Vienna (tentative)
- 16-20 December 2024, Vienna
- 12-16 May 2025, New York
- 10-14 November 2025, Vienna (tentative)
- 9–13 December 2024, Vienna
- 17-21 March 2025, New York
- 15-19 December 2025, Vienna (tentative)
La secretaría de la CNUDMI se complace en anunciar la 5ta edición de las Jornadas de la CNUDMI para América Latina y el Caribe (UNCITRAL LAC Days), las cuales tendrán lugar entre el 1 de Octubre y el 13 de Diciembre de 2024.
UNCITRAL LAC Days brinda un foro académico para que miembros de la academia, investigadores, estudiantes y partes interesadas del sector público y privado con una pasión por el derecho mercantil internacional compartan experiencias y mejores prácticas.
At its fifty-seventh session, the Commission mandated Working Group II to work on the recognition and enforcement of electronic arbitral awards and, subsequently, on electronic notices of arbitration. In this regard, the Commission provided the Working Group with a broad mandate to identify the issues and explore appropriate solutions to address those issues without prejudice to the final form of the outcome. Hence, the Commission requested that the Secretariat organize a two-day colloquium during the eightieth session of the Working Group to further assess the issues with respect to the use of electronic awards.
The UNCITRAL Secretariat is pleased to announce that the fifth edition of UNCITRAL LAC Days will take place between 1st October and 13th December 2024.
UNCITRAL LAC Days bring together members of the academia, researchers, students, and private and public stakeholders with a passion for international trade law to share experiences and best practices in an academic forum.
The China Arbitration Summit 2024 & China-MENA Arbitration Summit will be held on 26 September 2024 at China World Summit Wing, Beijing. The Summit is co-hosted by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), the International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions (IFCAI), and the All China Lawyers Association (ACLA).
The Summit, which is a flagship event of the China Arbitration Week, will focus on the theme “International Arbitration Transcending Eras”. the Summit will bring together arbitration and legal experts from across the globe to share their views on cutting-edge and topical issues in the new era, explore the future direction of international arbitration, and jointly develop international arbitration that transcends eras. Concurrently with the Summit, the China-MENA Arbitration Summit will be held to further strengthen communication and cooperation in international commercial arbitration, and to promote collaboration in dispute resolution between China and the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region.
New Articles
The monthly compilation for August of the bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL is now available.
The monthly compilation for JulyPDFOpens a new window of the bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL is now available.
The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) adopted four new texts and agreed on a future programme of work at its 57th session in New York. Read the full press release here.
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