Commission Sessions
UNCITRAL carries out its work at annual sessions held alternately in New York and Vienna. The work at these sessions typically includes finalization and adoption of draft texts referred to the Commission by the working groups; consideration of progress reports of the working groups on their respective projects; selection of topics for future work or further research; reporting on technical cooperation and assistance activities and coordination of work with other international organizations; monitoring of developments in the CLOUT system and the status and promotion of UNCITRAL legal texts; consideration of General Assembly resolutions on the work of UNCITRAL; and administrative matters.
58 th session, 7 - 25 July 2025, Vienna
- Calendar form of the agenda for the 58th Commission session (unofficial document)
- A/CN.9/1193 - Report of Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) on the work of its eightieth session
- A/CN.9/1194 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its forty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/1197 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its sixty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/1198 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its sixty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/1199 - Report of Working Group VI (Negotiable Cargo Documents) on the work of its forty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/1204 - Report of the Colloquium on the Law of International Trade for a Greener Future
- A/CN.9/1208 - Relevant General Assembly resolutions
- A/CN.9/1209/Add.4 -Non-legislative activities - Transparency repository
- A/CN.9/1209/Add.5 - Non-legislative activities - The online and social media presence of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/1223 - Role of UNCITRAL in promoting the rule of law at the national and international levels
57 th session, 24 June - 12 July 2024, New York
- A/79/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Fifty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/1157/Rev.1 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the fifty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/1158 - Report of Working Group I (Warehouse Receipts) on the work of its fortieth session
- A/CN.9/1159 - Report of Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) on the work of its seventy-eighth session
- A/CN.9/1160 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its forty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/1161 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its forty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/1162 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its sixty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/1163 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its sixty-third session
- A/CN.9/1164 - Report of Working Group VI (Negotiable Cargo Documents) on the work of its forty-third session
- A/CN.9/1165 - Report of Working Group I (Warehouse Receipts) on the work of its forty-first session
- A/CN.9/1166 - Report of Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) on the work of its seventy-ninth session
- A/CN.9/1167 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its forty-eighth session (New York, 1-5 April 2024)
- A/CN.9/1169 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its sixty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/1170 - Report of Working Group VI (Negotiable Cargo Documents) on the work of its forty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/1171 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/1172/Rev.1 - Status of conventions and model laws and other UNCITRAL texts
- A/CN.9/1173 - Relevant General Assembly resolutions
- A/CN.9/1174 - Non-legislative activities
- A/CN.9/1174/Add.1/Rev.1 - Non-legislative activities - Technical cooperation and assistance
- UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Days Report 2023 (unofficial document)
- UNCITRAL Days in Africa Report 2023 (unofficial document)
- UNCITRAL Latin America and Caribbean Days Report 2023 (unofficial document)
- A/CN.9/1174/Add.2 - Non-legislative activities - Activities of the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific
- A/CN.9/1174/Add.3 - Non-legislative activities - Ways and means of ensuring a uniform interpretation and application of international conventions and uniform laws in the field of the law of international trade: CLOUT, digests and other materials
- Report of the UNCITRAL Academy 2023 (unofficial document)
- A/CN.9/1174/Add.4 - Non-legislative activities - Operation of the transparency repository
- A/CN.9/1174/Add.5 - Non-legislative activities - UNCITRAL’s online and social media presence
- A/CN.9/1174/Add.6 - Non-legislative activities - UNCITRAL Law Library, publications, press releases and other outreach activities
- A/CN.9/1174/Add.7 - Non-legislative activities - Internship programme and moots
- A/CN.9/1174/Add.8 - Non-legislative activities - Planned activities for the period 1 January 2024 onwards
- A/CN.9/1174/Add.9 - Resources and funding
- A/CN.9/1175 - Legal issues relating to the use of distributed ledger technology in trade
- A/CN.9/1176 - Coordination activities
- A/CN.9/1177 - Role of UNCITRAL in promoting the rule of law at the national and international levels
- A/CN.9/1178 - Draft provisions on automated contracting
- A/CN.9/1179 - Draft guide to enactment of the provisions on automated contracting
- A/CN.9/1180 - Work programme of the Commission
- A/CN.9/1181 - Draft UNCITRAL Model Clauses on Specialised Express Dispute Resolution (SPEDR)
- A/CN.9/1182 - Draft model law on warehouse receipts
- A/CN.9/1183 - Draft guide to enactment of the UNCITRAL/UNIDROIT model law on warehouse receipts
- A/CN.9/1184 - Draft statute of an advisory centre on international investment dispute resolution
- A/CN.9/1185 - Possible reform of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) - Draft toolkit on prevention and mitigation of international investment disputes
- A/CN.9/1186 - Submission by the Governments of Germany, Israel, Japan, Republic of Korea and Spain (English only)
- A/CN.9/1187 - Coordination and cooperation - International governmental and non-governmental organizations invited to sessions of UNCITRAL and its working groups
- A/CN.9/1188 - Compilation of comments on the draft model law on warehouse receipts
- A/CN.9/1188/Add.1 - Compilation of comments on the draft model law on warehouse receipts
- A/CN.9/1189 - Stocktaking of Developments in Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy – progress report
- A/CN.9/1190 - Stocktaking of developments in dispute resolution in the digital economy – future work proposals
- iGLIP Report (unofficial document)
- A/CN.9/1191/Rev.1 - UNCITRAL/UNIDROIT study on the legal nature of verified carbon credits issued by independent carbon standard setters
56 th session, 3 - 21 July 2023, Vienna
UNCITRAL Colloquium on Climate Change and the Law of International Trade
Side events at the 56th Commission Session
- A/78/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Fifty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/1121 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the fifty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/1122 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its thirty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/1123 - Report of Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) on the work of its seventy-sixth session
- A/CN.9/1124 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its forty-third session
- A/CN.9/1125 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its sixty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/1126 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its sixty-first session
- A/CN.9/1127 - Report of Working Group VI (Negotiable Multimodal Transport Documents) on the work of its forty-first session
- A/CN.9/1128 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its thirty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/1129 - Report of Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) on the work of its seventy-seventh session
- A/CN.9/1130 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its forty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/1131 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its forty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/1132 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its sixty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/1133 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its sixty-second session
- A/CN.9/1134 - Report of Working Group VI (Negotiable Multimodal Transport Documents) on the work of its forty-second session
- A/CN.9/1135 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/1136 - Status of conventions and model laws and the operation of the Transparency Registry
- A/CN.9/1137 - UNCITRAL regional presence
- A/CN.9/1138 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/1139 - Dissemination of information and related activities to support UNCITRAL’s work and the use of its texts, including report on CLOUT and Digests
- A/CN.9/1140 - Work programme of the Commission
- A/CN.9/1141 - Relevant General Assembly resolutions
- A/CN.9/1142 - Coordination and cooperation
- A/CN.9/1143 - Coordination activities
- A/CN.9/1144 - Exploratory work on the impact of COVID-19 on international trade law
- A/CN.9/1145 - Early dismissal and preliminary determination
- A/CN.9/1146 - Legal issues relating to the use of distributed ledger technology in trade: scoping paper
- A/CN.9/1147 - Role of UNCITRAL in promoting the rule of law at the national and international levels
- A/CN.9/1148 - Draft code of conduct for arbitrators in international investment dispute resolution and commentary
- A/CN.9/1149 - Draft code of conduct for judges in international investment dispute resolution and commentary
- A/CN.9/1150 - Draft provisions on mediation
- A/CN.9/1151 - Draft UNCITRAL guidelines on investment mediation
- A/CN.9/1152 - Warehouse receipts
- A/CN.9/1153 - Possible future work on climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience
- A/CN.9/1153/Add.1 - Possible future work on climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience
- A/CN.9/1154 - Stocktaking of Developments in Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy
- A/CN.9/1155 - Stocktaking of Developments in Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy
- A/CN.9/1156 - Draft Guide on access to credit for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs)
55 th session, 27 June - 15 July 2022, New York
- A/77/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Fifty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/1083 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the fifty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/1084 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its thirty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/1085 - Report of Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) on the work of its seventy-fourth session
- A/CN.9/1086 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its forty-first session
- A/CN.9/1087 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its sixty-second session
- A/CN.9/1088 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fifty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/1089 - Report of Working Group VI (Judicial Sale of Ships) on the work of its thirty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/1090 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its thirty-seventh session (New York, 9–13 May 2022)
- A/CN.9/1091 - Report of the Colloquium on Possible Future Work on Dispute Settlement
- A/CN.9/1092 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its forty-second session (New York, 14-18 February 2022)
- A/CN.9/1093 - Summary of the Chairperson and the Rapporteur of the work of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) at its sixty-third session
- A/CN.9/1094 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its sixtieth session
- A/CN.9/1095 - Report of Working Group VI (Judicial Sale of Ships) on the work of its fortieth session
- A/CN.9/1096 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/1097 - Status of conventions and model laws and the operation of the Transparency Registry
- A/CN.9/1098 - UNCITRAL regional presence
- A/CN.9/1099 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/1100 - Dissemination of information and related activities to support UNCITRAL’s work and the use of its texts, including report on CLOUT and Digests
- UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day Report 2021 (not an official document)
- UNCITRAL LAC Days Report 2021 (not an official document)
- A/CN.9/1101 - Results of the preparatory work by the UNCITRAL secretariat towards the development of a new international instrument on negotiable multimodal transport documents
- A/CN.9/1102 - Warehouse receipts
- A/CN.9/1103 - Work programme of the Commission
- A/CN.9/1104 - Relevant General Assembly resolutions
- A/CN.9/1105 - Role of UNCITRAL in promoting the rule of law at the national and international levels
- A/CN.9/1106 - International governmental and non-governmental organizations invited to sessions of UNCITRAL and its working groups
- A/CN.9/1107 - Coordination activities
- A/CN.9/1108 - Draft convention on the international effects of judicial sales of ships
- A/CN.9/1109 - Compilation of comments on the draft convention on the international effects of judicial sales of ships
- A/CN.9/1109/Add.1 - Compilation of comments on the draft convention on the international effects of judicial sales of ships - Addendum 1
- A/CN.9/1109/Add.2 - Compilation of comments on the draft convention on the international effects of judicial sales of ships - Addendum 2
- A/CN.9/1109/Add.3 - Compilation of comments on the draft convention on the international effects of judicial sales of ships - Addendum 3
- A/CN.9/1110 - Draft explanatory note on the Convention on the international effects of judicial sales of ships – Part I
- A/CN.9/1110/Add.1 - Draft explanatory note on the Convention on the international effects of judicial sales of ships – Part II
- A/CN.9/1110/Add.2 - Draft explanatory note on the Convention on the international effects of judicial sales of ships – Part III
- A/CN.9/1112 - Draft Model Law on the Use and Cross-border Recognition of Identity Management and Trust Services
- A/CN.9/1113 - Draft Model Law on the Use and Cross-border Recognition of Identity Management and Trust Services: Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/1113/Add.1 - Draft Model Law on the Use and Cross-border Recognition of Identity Management and Trust Services: Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/1114 - Early dismissal and preliminary determination
- A/CN.9/1115 - Endorsement of texts of other organizations: International Standard Demand Guarantee Practice for URDG 758
- A/CN.9/1116 - Legal issues related to digital economy – advancing work on automated contracting and other progress
- A/CN.9/1117 - Legal issues related to digital economy – proposal for future work on data transactions
- A/CN.9/1118 - Dispute Settlement - Recommendations to assist mediation centres and other interested bodies with regard to mediation under the UNCITRAL Mediation Rules (2021)
- A/CN.9/1119 - Exploratory work on the impact of COVID-19 on international trade law
- A/CN.9/1120 - Possible future work on climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience
- A/CN.9/1120/Add.1 - Possible future work on climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience
- Submission from the Governments of Switzerland and the United States – Proposal for alternative dates for working group sessions (not an official document)
54 th session, 28 June - 16 July 2021, Vienna
- A/76/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Fifty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/1041/Rev.1 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the fifty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/1042 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its thirty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/1043 - Report of Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) on the work of its seventy-second session session
- A/CN.9/1044 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its thirty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/1045 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its sixtieth session
- A/CN.9/1046 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fifty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/1047/Rev.1 - Report of Working Group VI (Judicial Sale of Ships) on the work of its thirty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/1048 - Summary of the Chair and the Rapporteur on the work of Working Group I (MSMEs) at its thirty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/1049 - Report of Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) on the work of its seventy-third session
- A/CN.9/1050 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its fortieth session
- A/CN.9/1051 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its sixty-first session
- A/CN.9/1052 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fifty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/1053 - Report of Working Group VI (Judicial Sale of Ships) on the work of its thirty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/1054 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its resumed fortieth session (Vienna, 4 and 5 May 2021)
- A/CN.9/1055 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/1056 - Status of conventions and model laws and the operation of the Transparency Registry
- UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day 2020 Report (not an official document)
- 2020 UNCITRAL LAC Days Report (not an official document)
- A/CN.9/1057 - UNCITRAL regional presence
- A/CN.9/1058 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/1059 - Dissemination of information and related activities to support UNCITRAL’s work and the use of its texts, including report on CLOUT and Digests
- A/CN.9/1060 - Report of the Colloquium on Applicable Law in Insolvency Proceedings
- A/CN.9/1061 - Work programme - Results of the preparatory work by the UNCITRAL secretariat towards the development of a new international instrument on negotiable multimodal transport document
- A/CN.9/1062 - Draft Legislative Guide on an UNCITRAL Limited Liability Organization
- A/CN.9/1063 - Resource requirements to implement investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) reform
- A/CN.9/1064 - Legal issues related to the digital economy (including dispute resolution) – progress report
- A/CN.9/1064/Add.1 - Revised draft legal taxonomy – revised section on artificial intelligence and automation section
- A/CN.9/1064/Add.2 - Revised draft legal taxonomy – revised section on data transactions
- A/CN.9/1064/Add.3 - Revised draft legal taxonomy – revised section on online platforms
- A/CN.9/1064/Add.4 - Legal issues related to the digital economy – dispute resolution in the digital economy
- A/CN.9/1065 - Legal issues related to the digital economy – proposal for legislative work on electronic transactions and the use of artificial intelligence and automation
- A/CN.9/1066 - Work Programme - Warehouse receipts
- A/CN.9/1067 - Enlargement of the membership of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Proposal by the Governments of Austria, Canada, Japan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
- A/CN.9/1068 - Work programme of the Commission
- A/CN.9/1069 - Coordination activities
- A/CN.9/1070 - Relevant General Assembly resolutions
- A/CN.9/1071 - Role of UNCITRAL in promoting the rule of law at the national and international levels
- A/CN.9/1072 - Coordination and cooperation - International governmental and non-governmental organizations invited to sessions of UNCITRAL and its working groups
- A/CN.9/1073 - Settlement of commercial disputes - Draft Guide to Enactment and Use of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Mediation and International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (2018)
- A/CN.9/1074 - Settlement of commercial disputes - International commercial mediation: draft UNCITRAL Mediation Rules
- A/CN.9/1075 - Settlement of commercial disputes - International commercial mediation: draft UNCITRAL Notes on Mediation
- A/CN.9/1076 - Reserved for proposals by States and international organizations for future work. No proposal has been received as of 24 June 2021.
- A/CN.9/1077 - Consideration of a draft text on a simplified insolvency regime - Revisions to the draft commentary contained in working papers A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.172 and Add.1 in the light of deliberations of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) at its fifty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/1078 - Decision adopted by States members of UNCITRAL in December 2020 concerning working group sessions in accordance with the procedure for taking decisions of UNCITRAL during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic
- A/CN.9/1079 - Decisions adopted by States members of UNCITRAL in June 2021 concerning the fifty-fourth session of UNCITRAL in accordance with the procedure for taking decisions of UNCITRAL during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic
- A/CN.9/1080 - Exploratory work on the impact of COVID-19 on international trade law – Part I
- A/CN.9/1081 - Exploratory work on the impact of COVID-19 on international trade law – Part II
- A/CN.9/1082 - Draft UNCITRAL Expedited Arbitration Rules
- A/CN.9/1082/Add.1 - Draft UNCITRAL Expedited Arbitration Rules
- Submission from the Government of Switzerland – Adjudication Procedure (not an official document)
53 rd session, 6-17 July 2020 (held online) and 14-18 September 2020 (Vienna, online)
- A/75/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Fifty-third session
- A/CN.9/1001/Rev.1 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the fifty-third session
- A/CN.9/1002- Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its thirty-third session
- A/CN.9/1003 - Report of Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) on the work of its seventieth session
- A/CN.9/1004 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its thirty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/1004/Add.1 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its resumed thirty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/1005 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its fifty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/1006 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fifty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/1007 - Report of Working Group VI (Judicial Sale of Ships) on the work of its thirty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/1008 - Report of the Colloquium on Civil Asset Tracing and Recovery
- A/CN.9/1009 - Compilation of comments on the draft legislative guide on an UNCITRAL limited liability organization as contained in working paper A/CN.9/WG.I/WP.118
- A/CN.9/1009/Add.1 - Compilation of comments on the draft legislative guide on an UNCITRAL limited liability organization as contained in working paper A/CN.9/WG.I/WP.118
- A/CN.9/1010 - Report of Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) on the work of its seventy-first session
- A/CN.9/1011 - Resources to implement the work programme with respect to investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) reform
- A/CN.9/1012 - Legal issues related to the digital economy
- A/CN.9/1012/Add.1 - Legal issues related to the digital economy - artificial intelligence
- A/CN.9/1012/Add.2 - Legal issues related to the digital economy - data transactions
- A/CN.9/1012/Add.3 - Legal issues related to the digital economy - digital assets
- A/CN.9/1013 - Decisions pertaining to the fifty-third session of UNCITRAL adopted by States members of UNCITRAL in accordance with the procedure for taking decisions of UNCITRAL during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic adopted by States members of UNCITRAL on 8 June 2020
- A/CN.9/1014 - Possible future work on warehouse receipts
- A/CN.9/1015 - Report on the operation of the repository of published information under the UNCITRAL Rules on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration, and consideration of the way forward
- A/CN.9/1016 - Work programme of the Commission
- A/CN.9/1017 - Publications to promote a uniform interpretation and application of UNCITRAL texts (CLOUT and digests) and support their implementation and enactment
- A/CN.9/1018 - Coordination activities
- A/CN.9/1019 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/1020 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/1021 - Relevant General Assembly resolutions
- A/CN.9/1022 - Role of UNCITRAL in promoting the rule of law at the national and international levels
- A/CN.9/1023 - International governmental and non-governmental organizations invited to sessions of UNCITRAL and its working groups
- A/CN.9/1024 - UNCITRAL Regional Presence - Activities of the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific
- A/CN.9/1025 - Settlement of commercial disputes - Draft Guide to Enactment and Use of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Mediation and International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (2018)
- A/CN.9/1026 - Settlement of commercial disputes - International commercial mediation: draft UNCITRAL Mediation Rules
- A/CN.9/1027 - Settlement of Commercial Disputes - International Commercial Mediation: Draft UNCITRAL Notes on Mediation
- A/CN.9/1028 - Endorsement of texts of other organizations: Incoterms® 2020 rules
- A/CN.9/1029 - Legal Guide to Uniform Legal Instruments in the Area of International Commercial Contracts (with a focus on sales)
- A/CN.9/1030 - Adjustments to the draft Legal Guide to Uniform Legal Instruments in the Area of International Commercial Contracts (with a focus on sales), as contained in document A/CN.9/1029
- A/CN.9/1031 - Dispute settlement: Draft UNCITRAL mediation rules and notes on mediation - Compilation of comments from Governments
- A/CN.9/1031/Add.1 - Dispute settlement: Draft UNCITRAL mediation rules and notes on mediation - Compilation of comments from Governments
- A/CN.9/1031/Add.2 - Dispute settlement: Draft UNCITRAL mediation rules and notes on mediation - Compilation of comments from Governments
- A/CN.9/1032 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/1033 - Dissemination of information and related activities to support UNCITRAL’s work and the use of its texts
- A/CN.9/1034 - Possible future work on railway consignment notes
- A/CN.9/1035 - Progress report of Working Group II - Proposal by the government of Belgium
- A/CN.9/1036 - Work programme - Submission by Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Ghana, Italy, Mauritius, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the European Union
- A/CN.9/1037 - Work programme - Submission by the Government of Japan
- A/CN.9/1038 - Decisions adopted by States members of UNCITRAL in August 2020 in accordance with the procedure for taking decisions of UNCITRAL during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic
- A/CN.9/1039/Rev.1 - Submission by the Governments of Armenia, the Russian Federation and Viet Nam
- A/CN.9/1040 - Other business - Submission by Australia, Bahrain, Chile, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Peru,Thailand and the United States of America
52 nd session, 8-19 July 2019, Vienna
- A/74/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law fifty-second session
- A/CN.9/962 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the fifty-second session
- A/CN.9/963 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its thirty-first session
- A/CN.9/964 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its thirty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/965 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its fifty - seventh session
- A/CN.9/966 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fifty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/967 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its thirty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/968 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its thirty-second session
- A/CN.9/969 - Report of Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) on the work of its sixty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/970 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its thirty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/971 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its fifty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/972 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fifty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/973 - Report of Working Group VI (Judicial Sale of Ships) on the work of its thirty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/974 - Draft notes on the main issues of cloud computing contracts
- A/CN.9/975 - Review of draft UNCITRAL secretariat notes on the main issues of cloud computing contracts - Considerations relating to the preparation of an online tool containing a legal text
- A pilot online tool containing the draft notes on the main issues of cloud computing contracts
- List of examples of other online tools (not an official document)
- A/CN.9/976 - Promotion of awareness, understanding and use of UNCITRAL texts
- A/CN.9/977 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/978 - Coordination activities
- A/CN.9/979 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/980/Rev.1 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/981 - Work programme of the Commission
- A/CN.9/982/Rev.1 - Public - private partnerships (PPPs): Proposed updates to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects
- A/CN.9/982/Add.1 - Public - private partnerships (PPPs): Proposed updates to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects
- A/CN.9/982/Add.2 - Public - private partnerships (PPPs): Proposed updates to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects
- A/CN.9/982/Add.3 - Public - private partnerships (PPPs): Proposed updates to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects
- A/CN.9/982/Add.4/Rev.1 - Public - private partnerships (PPPs): Proposed updates to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects
- A/CN.9/982/Add.5/Rev.1 - Public - private partnerships (PPPs): Proposed updates to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects
- A/CN.9/982/Add.6/Rev.1 - Public - private partnerships (PPPs): Proposed updates to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects
- A/CN.9/982/Add.7/Rev.1 - Public - private partnerships (PPPs): Proposed updates to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects
- A/CN.9/983 - Relevant General Assembly resolutions
- A/CN.9/984 - Coordination and cooperation - International governmental and non-governmental organizations invited to sessions of UNCITRAL and its working groups
- A/CN.9/985 - Role of UNCITRAL in promoting the rule of law at the national and international levels
- A/CN.9/986 - International Commercial Mediation: Draft UNCITRAL Mediation Rules
- A/CN.9/987 - International Commercial Mediation: Draft UNCITRAL Notes on Mediation
- A/CN.9/988 - Activities of the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific
- A/CN.9/989 - Compilation of Comments on the draft model law on enterprise group insolvency
- A/CN.9/989/Add.1 - Compilation of Comments on the draft model law on enterprise group insolvency as contained in an annex to the report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fifty-fourth session (A/CN.9/966)
- A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.165 - Enterprise group insolvency: draft guide to enactment
- A/CN.9/990 - Finalization and adoption of texts in the area of insolvency law - Draft text on obligations of directors of enterprise group companies in the period approaching insolvency
- A/CN.9/991 - Report of the Colloquium on contractual networks and other forms of inter-firm cooperation
- A/CN.9/992 - Work programme - Possible future work on warehouse receipts
- Developing an UNCITRAL Instrument on Warehouse Receipts (not an official document)
- A/CN.9/993 - Draft Practice Guide to the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/994 - Consideration of issues in the area of security interests - Finalization and adoption of a practice guide to the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/995 - Work programme - Proposal of the European Union
- A/CN.9/996 - Work programme - Proposal by the United States of America
- A/CN.9/997 - Work programme - Possible future work in the field of dispute resolution in international high-tech related transactions - Proposal by the Governments of Israel and Japan
- A/CN.9/998 - Work programme - Possible future work regarding railway consignment notes - Proposal by the Government of the People’s Republic of China
- A/CN.9/999 - Finalization and adoption of model legislative provisions on public-private partnerships with an accompanying legislative guide
- A/CN.9/1000 - Public-private partnerships (PPPs): Proposed updates to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects – Comments by the Government of Algeria
- Draft model law on enterprise group insolvency (A/CN.9/972, Annex)
51 st session, 25 June - 13 July 2018, New York
- A/73/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Fifty-first session
- A/CN.9/927/Rev.1 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the fifty-first session
- A/CN.9/928 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its twenty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/929 - Report of Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) on the work of its sixty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/930/Rev.1 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its thirty-fourth session - Part I
- A/CN.9/930/Add.1/Rev.1 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its thirty-fourth session - Part II
- A/CN.9/931 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fifty-second session
- A/CN.9/932 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its thirty-second session
- A/CN.9/933 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its thirtieth session
- A/CN.9/934 - Report of Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) on the work of its sixty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/935 - Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its thirty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/936 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its fifty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/937 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fifty-third session
- A/CN.9/938 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its thirty-third session
- A/CN.9/939 - Public-private partnerships (PPPs): Proposed updates to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects
- A/CN.9/939/Add.1 - Public-private partnerships (PPPs): Proposed updates to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects (revised Introduction)
- A/CN.9/939/Add.2 - Public-private partnerships (PPPs): Proposed updates to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects (revised chapters I and II)
- A/CN.9/939/Add.3 - Public-private partnerships (PPPs): Proposed updates to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects (revised chapter III)
- A/CN.9/940 - Draft legislative guide on key principles of a business registry
- A/CN.9/941 - Adopting an enabling legal environment for the operation of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs)
- A/CN.9/942 - Settlement of commercial disputes - International commercial mediation: draft convention on international settlement agreements resulting from mediation
- A/CN.9/943 - Settlement of commercial disputes - International commercial mediation: draft model law on international commercial mediation and international settlement agreements resulting from mediation
- A/CN.9/944/Rev.1 - Possible future work on cross-border issues related to the judicial sale of ships: Proposal from the Government of Switzerland
- A/CN.9/945 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Draft convention on international settlement agreements resulting from mediation - Draft model law on international commercial mediation and international settlement agreements resulting from mediation - Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/946 - Promotion of ways and means of ensuring a uniform interpretation and application of UNCITRAL legal texts
- A/CN.9/947 - Activities of the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific
- A/CN.9/948 - Coordination activities
- A/CN.9/949 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/950 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/951 - Coordination and cooperation - International governmental and non-governmental organizations invited to sessions of UNCITRAL and its working groups
- A/CN.9/952 - Work programme of the Commission
- A/CN.9/952/Corr.1 - Work programme of the Commission
- A/CN.9/953 - Relevant General Assembly resolutions
- A/CN.9/954 - Contractual networks and economic development: a proposal by Italy for possible future work by UNCITRAL on alternative forms of organization to corporate-like models - advanced proposal
- A/CN.9/955 - Recognition and enforcement of insolvency-related judgments: draft guide to enactment of the model law
- A/CN.9/956 - Compilation of comments on the draft model law on the recognition and enforcement of insolvency-related judgments as contained in an annex to the report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fifty-second session (A/CN.9/931)
- A/CN.9/956/Add.1 - Compilation of comments on the draft model law on the recognition and enforcement of insolvency-related judgments as contained in an annex to the report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fifty-second session (A/CN.9/931) - Addendum
- A/CN.9/956/Add.2 - Compilation of comments on the draft model law on the recognition and enforcement of insolvency-related judgments as contained in an annex to the report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fifty-second session (A/CN.9/931) - Addendum
- A/CN.9/956/Add.3 - Compilation of comments on the draft model law on the recognition and enforcement of insolvency-related judgments as contained in an annex to the report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fifty-second session (A/CN.9/931) - Addendum
- A/CN.9/957 - Public-private partnerships (PPPs): Proposed updates to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects - Comments by the World Bank
- A/CN.9/958/Rev.1 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/959 - Proposal by the Governments of Italy, Norway and Spain: future work for Working Group II
- A/CN.9/960 - Work programme of the Commission - Legal aspects of smart contracts and artificial intelligence: submission by the Czechia
- A/CN.9/961 - Possible future work - Proposal by the Government of Belgium: future work for Working Group II
- A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.154 - Proposal for future work submitted by the United States of America
- A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.157 - Recognition and enforcement of insolvency-related judgments: draft guide to enactment of the model law
50 th session, 3-21 July 2017, Vienna
- A/72/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Fiftieth session
- A/CN.9/894 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the fiftieth session
- A/CN.9/895 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its twenty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/896 - Report of Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) on the work of its sixty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/897 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its fifty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/898 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fiftieth session
- A/CN.9/899 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its thirtieth session
- A/CN.9/900 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its twenty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/901 - Report of Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) on the work of its sixty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/902 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its fifty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/903 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fifty-first session
- A/CN.9/904 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its thirty-first session
- A/CN.9/905 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/906 - Promotion of ways and means of ensuring a uniform interpretation and application of UNCITRAL legal texts
- A/CN.9/907 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/908 - Coordination activities
- A/CN.9/909 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/910 - Activities of the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific
- A/CN.9/911 - Work programme of the Commission
- A/CN.9/912 - Possible future work in procurement and infrastructure development
- A/CN.9/913 - Possible future legislative work on security interests and related topics
- A/CN.9/914 - Draft Guide to Enactment of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/914/Add.1 - Draft Guide to Enactment of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/914/Add.2 - Draft Guide to Enactment of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/914/Add.3 - Draft Guide to Enactment of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/914/Add.4 - Draft Guide to Enactment of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/914/Add.5 - Draft Guide to Enactment of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/914/Add.6 - Draft Guide to Enactment of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/915 - Possible future work in the field of dispute settlement: Concurrent proceedings in international arbitration
- A/CN.9/916 - Possible future work in the field of dispute settlement: Ethics in international arbitration
- A/CN.9/917 - Possible future work in the field of dispute settlement: Reforms of investor - State dispute settlement (ISDS)
- CIDS_Mauritius - CIDS research paper on whether the Mauritius Convention can serve as a model for further reforms (not an official document)
- A/CN.9/918 - Investor-State Dispute Settlement Framework - Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/918/Add.1 - Investor-StateDispute Settlement Framework - Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/918/Add.2 - Investor-State Dispute Settlement Framework - Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/918/Add.3 - Investor-State Dispute Settlement Framework - Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/918/Add.4 - Investor-State Dispute Settlement Framework - Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/918/Add.5 - Investor-State Dispute Settlement Framework - Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/918/Add.6 - Investor-State Dispute Settlement Framework - Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/918/Add.7 - Investor-State Dispute Settlement Framework - Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/918/Add.8 - Investor-State Dispute Settlement Framework - Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/918/Add.9 - Investor-State Dispute Settlement Framework - Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/918/Add.10 - Investor-State Dispute Settlement Framework - Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/919 - Endorsement of texts of other organizations: ICC Uniform Rules for Forfaiting (URF 800)
- A/CN.9/920 - Draft Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records with Explanatory Notes
- A/CN.9/921 - Draft Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/921/Add.1 - Draft Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/921/Add.2 - Draft Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/921/Add.3 - Draft Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/922 - Draft Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records with explanatory notes - Proposed amendments to the draft explanatory notes and additional issues for consideration by the Commission
- A/CN.9/923 - Proposal of the Comité Maritime International (CMI) for possible future work on cross-border issues related to the Judicial sale of ships
- A/CN.9/924 - Possible future coordination and technical assistance work on security interests and related topics
- A/CN.9/925 - Possible future work by UNCITRAL on contractual networks: proposal of the Government of Italy
- A/CN.9/926 - Possible future work on security interests: Proposal for a Practice Guide to the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions - Proposal of the Governments of Australia, Canada, Japan and the United Kingdom
49 th session, 27 June-15 July 2016, New York
- A/71/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
- A/CN.9/859 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the forty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/860 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its twenty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/861 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its sixty-third session
- A/CN.9/862 - Report of Working Group III (Online Dispute Resolution) on the work of its thirty-second session
- A/CN.9/863 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its fifty-second session
- A/CN.9/864 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its forty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/865 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its twenty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/866 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its twenty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/867 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its sixty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/868 - Report of Working Group III (Online Dispute Resolution) on the work of its thirty-third session
- A/CN.9/869 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its fifty-third session
- A/CN.9/870 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its forty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/871 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its twenty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/872 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/873 - Promotion of ways and means of ensuring a uniform interpretation and application of UNCITRAL legal texts
- A/CN.9/874 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/875 - Coordination activities
- A/CN.9/876 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/877 - UNCITRAL regional presence - Activities of the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific
- A/CN.9/878 - Work programme of the Commission
- A/CN.9/879 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Revision of the UNCITRAL Notes on Organizing Arbitral Proceedings
- A/CN.9/880 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Possible future work on ethics in international arbitration
- A/CN.9/881 - Concurrent proceedings in international arbitration
- A/CN.9/882 - Technical assistance to law reform - Compilation of comments by States on a draft guidance note on strengthening United Nations support to States to implement sound commercial law reforms
- A/CN.9/882/Add.1 - Technical assistance to law reform - Compilation of comments by States on a draft guidance note on strengthening United Nations support to States to implement sound commercial law reforms
- A/CN.9/882/Add.1/Corr.1 - Technical assistance to law reform - Compilation of comments by States on a draft guidance note on strengthening United Nations support to States to implement sound commercial law reforms
- A/CN.9/883 - Technical assistance to law reform - Draft guidance note on strengthening United Nations support to States, upon their request, to implement sound commercial law reforms
- A/CN.9/884 - Draft Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/884/Add.1 - Draft Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/884/Add.2 - Draft Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/884/Add.3 - Draft Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/884/Add.4 - Draft Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/885 - Draft Guide to Enactment of the draft Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/885/Add.1 - Draft Guide to Enactment of the draft Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/885/Add.2 - Draft Guide to Enactment of the draft Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/885/Add.3 - Draft Guide to Enactment of the draft Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/885/Add.4 - Draft Guide to Enactment of the draft Model Law on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/886 - Draft Model Law on Secured Transactions - Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/887 - Draft Model Law on Secured Transactions - Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/887/Add.1 - Draft Model Law on Secured Transactions - Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/888 - Online dispute resolution for cross-border electronic commerce transactions - Technical Notes on Online Dispute Resolution
- A/CN.9/889 - Possible future work in procurement and infrastructure development
- A/CN.9/890 - Settlement of commercial disputes: presentation of a research paper on the Mauritius Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration as a possible model for further reforms of investor-State dispute settlement
- A/CN.9/891 - Legal Issues Related to Identity Management and Trust Services
- A/CN.9/892 - Joint proposal on cooperation in the area of international commercial contract law (with a focus on sales)
- A/CN.9/893 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Proposal received from the Swiss Arbitration Association
48 th session, 29 June-16 July 2015, Vienna
- A/70/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, forty-eighth session (29 June-16 July 2015)
- A/CN.9/824 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the forty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/825 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its twenty-third session
- A/CN.9/826 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its sixty-first session
- A/CN.9/827 - Report of Working Group III (Online Dispute Resolution) on the work of its thirtieth session
- A/CN.9/828 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its fiftieth session
- A/CN.9/829 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its forty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/830 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its twenty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/831 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its twenty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/832 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its sixty-second session
- A/CN.9/833 - Report of Working Group III (Online Dispute Resolution) on the work of its thirty-first session
- A/CN.9/834 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of is fifty-first session
- A/CN.9/835 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its forty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/836 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its twenty-seventh session~
- A/CN.9/837 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/838 - Coordination activities
- A/CN.9/839 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/840 - Promotion of ways and means of ensuring a uniform interpretation and application of UNCITRAL legal texts
- A/CN.9/841 - Planned and possible future work
- A/CN.9/842 - Activities of the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific
- A/CN.9/843 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/844 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Revision of the UNCITRAL Notes on Organizing Arbitral Proceedings
- A/CN.9/845 - Technical assistance to law reform
- A/CN.9/846 - Settlement of commercial disputes - Enforcement of settlement agreements resulting from international commercial conciliation/mediation - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/846/Add.1 - Settlement of commercial disputes - Enforcement of settlement agreements resulting from international commercial conciliation/mediation - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/846/Add.2 - Settlement of commercial disputes - Enforcement of settlement agreements resulting from international commercial conciliation/mediation - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/846/Add.3 - Settlement of commercial disputes - Enforcement of settlement agreements resulting from international commercial conciliation/mediation - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/846/Add.4 - Settlement of commercial disputes - Enforcement of settlement agreements resulting from international commercial conciliation/mediation - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/846/Add.5 - Settlement of commercial disputes - Enforcement of settlement agreements resulting from international commercial conciliation/mediation - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/847 - Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts
- A/CN.9/848 - Concurrent proceedings in investment arbitration
- A/CN.9/849 - Current trends in the field of international sale of goods law
- A/CN.9/850 - Planned and possible future work in procurement and infrastructure development
- A/CN.9/851 - Insolvency Law: treatment of financial contracts and netting; sovereign debt restructuring
- A/CN.9/852 - Draft Model Law on Secured Transactions (Chapter IV)
- A/CN.9/853 - Draft Model Law on Secured Transactions (Chapter VIII-IX)
- A/CN.9/854 - Possible future work in the area of electronic commerce - legal issues related to identity management and trust services
- A/CN.9/855 - Proposal by the Government of Algeria: possible future work in the area of international arbitration between States and investors - code of ethics for arbitrators
- A/CN.9/856 - Possible future work in the area of electronic commerce - Contractual issues in the provision of cloud computing services - Proposal by Canada
- A/CN.9/857 - Possible future work in the area of online dispute resolution - Proposal by Israel
- A/CN.9/858 - Possible future work in the area of online dispute resolution - Proposal by Colombia, Honduras and the United States of America
47 th session, 7-18 July 2014, New York
- A/69/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, forty-seventh session (7-18 July 2014)
- A/CN.9/793 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the forty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/794 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its fifty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/795 - Report of Working Group III (Online Dispute Resolution) on the work of its twenty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/796 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its twenty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/797 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its forty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/798 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its forty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/799 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its sixtieth session
- A/CN.9/800 - Report of Working Group I (MSMEs) on the work of its twenty-second session
- A/CN.9/801 - Report of Working Group III (Online Dispute Resolution) on the work of its twenty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/802 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its twenty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/803 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its forty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/804 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of is forty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/805 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/806 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/807 - Planned and possible future work - Part I
- A/CN.9/808 - Activities of the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific
- A/CN.9/809 - Coordination activities
- A/CN.9/810 - Promotion of ways and means of ensuring a uniform interpretation and application of UNCITRAL legal texts
- A/CN.9/811 - Draft Model Law on Secured Transactions: Security Interests in Non-Intermediated Securities
- A/CN.9/812 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Draft convention on transparency in treaty-based investor-State arbitration
- A/CN.9/813 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Draft convention on transparency in treaty-based investor-State arbitration, Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/813/Add.1 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Draft convention on transparency in treaty-based investor-State arbitration, Compilation of comments
- A/CN.9/814 - UNCITRAL Guide on the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958)
- A/CN.9/814/Add.1 - UNCITRAL Guide on the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958)
- A/CN.9/814/Add.2 - UNCITRAL Guide on the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958)
- A/CN.9/814/Add.3 - UNCITRAL Guide on the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958)
- A/CN.9/814/Add.5 - UNCITRAL Guide on the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958)
- A/CN.9/815 - Report of the Fourth International Insolvency Law Colloquium
- A/CN.9/816 - Planned and possible future work - Part II
- A/CN.9/817 - Online dispute resolution for cross-border electronic commerce transactions: Proposal by the Governments of Colombia, Kenya, Honduras and the United States of America
- A/CN.9/818 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/819 - Possible future work in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) Discussion paper - Part I
- A/CN.9/820 - Possible future work in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) Discussion paper - Part II
- A/CN.9/821 - Possible future work in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) Report of the UNCITRAL colloquium on PPPs
- A/CN.9/822 - Planned and possible future work - Part III, Proposal by the Government of the United States of America: future work for Working Group II
- A/CN.9/823 - Planned and possible future work - Part IV, Proposal by the Government of Canada: possible future work on electronic commerce - legal issues affecting cloud computing
46 th session, 8-26 July 2013, Vienna
- A/68/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, forty-sixth session (8-26 July 2013)
- A/CN.9/759 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the forty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/760 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its fifty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/761 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its forty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/762 - Report of Working Group III (Online Dispute Resolution) on the work of its twenty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/763 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its forty-second session
- A/CN.9/764 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its twenty-second session
- A/CN.9/765 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its fifty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/766 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its forty-third session
- A/CN.9/767 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its twenty-third session
- A/CN.9/768 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its forty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/769 - Report of Working Group III (Online Dispute Resolution) on the work of its twenty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/770 - Guidance on procurement regulations to be promulgated in accordance with article 4 of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/771 - Glossary of procurement-related terms used in the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/772 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/773 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/774 - Planned and possible future work
- A/CN.9/775 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/776 - Coordination activities
- A/CN.9/777 - Promotion of ways and means of ensuring a uniform interpretation and application of UNCITRAL legal texts
- A/CN.9/778 - The UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency: the judicial perspective
- A/CN.9/779 - Possible future work in the area of public-private partnerships (PPPs): Report of the UNCITRAL colloquium on PPPs (Vienna, 2-3 May 2013)
- A/CN.9/780 - Microfinance: creating an enabling legal environment for micro-business and small and medium-sized enterprises
- A/CN.9/781 - Draft UNCITRAL Guide on the Implementation of a Security Rights Registry
- A/CN.9/781/Add.1 - Draft UNCITRAL Guide on the Implementation of a Security Rights Registry: Annex I. Terminology and recommendations
- A/CN.9/781/Add.2 - Draft UNCITRAL Guide on the Implementation of a Security Rights Registry: Annex II, Examples of Registry Forms
- A/CN.9/782 - International Colloquium on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): discussion paper
- A/CN.9/783 - Settlement of commercial disputes: draft UNCITRAL rules on transparency in treaty-based investor-State arbitration
- A/CN.9/784 - Settlement of commercial disputes: applicability of the UNCITRAL rules on transparency to the settlement of disputes arising under existing investment treaties
- A/CN.9/785 - Settlement of commercial disputes: possible future work in the field of settlement of commercial disputes
- A/CN.9/786 - Settlement of commercial disputes: UNCITRAL Guide on the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958): Excerpt, guide on article VII
- A/CN.9/787 - Settlement of commercial disputes: draft UNCITRAL rules on transparency in treaty-based investor-State arbitration: compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/787/Add.1 - Settlement of commercial disputes: draft UNCITRAL rules on transparency in treaty-based investor-State arbitration: compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/787/Add.1/Corr.1 - Settlement of commercial disputes: draft UNCITRAL rules on transparency in treaty-based investor-State arbitration: compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/787/Add.2 - Settlement of commercial disputes: draft UNCITRAL rules on transparency in treaty-based investor-State arbitration: compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/787/Add.3 - Settlement of commercial disputes: draft UNCITRAL rules on transparency in treaty-based investor-State arbitration: compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/788 - Commercial fraud
- A/CN.9/789 - Proposal by the Government of the United States regarding UNCITRAL future work: Provisional agenda item 16
- A/CN.9/790 - Proposal by the Government of Colombia
- A/CN.9/791 - Settlement of commercial disputes: draft UNCITRAL rules on transparency in treaty-based investor-State arbitration: Repository of published information under article 8 of the draft UNCITRAL rules on transparency in treaty-based investor-State arbitration
- A/CN.9/792 - Revised Guide to Enactment of the Model Law and draft Part four of the Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law: Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/792/Add.1 - Revised Guide to Enactment of the Model Law and draft Part four of the Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law: Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/792/Add.2 - Revised Guide to Enactment of the Model Law and draft Part four of the Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law: Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/792/Add.3 - Revised Guide to Enactment of the Model Law and draft Part four of the Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law: Compilation of comments by Governments
45 th session, 25 June - 6 July 2012, New York
- A/67/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, forty-fifth session (25 June-6 July 2012)
- A/CN.9/735 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the forty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/735/Add.1 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the forty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/736 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its fifty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/737 - Report of the Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its forty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/738 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its fortieth session
- A/CN.9/739 - Report of Working Group III (Online Dispute Resolution) on the work of its twenty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/740 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its twentieth session
- A/CN.9/741 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its fifty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/742 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its forty-first session
- A/CN.9/743 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its twenty-first session
- A/CN.9/744 - Report of Working Group III (Online Dispute Resolution) on the work of its twenty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/745 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its twenty-first session
- A/CN.9/746 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Recommendations to assist arbitral institutions and other interested bodies with regard to arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, as revised in 2010
- A/CN.9/746/Add.1 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Recommendations to assist arbitral institutions and other interested bodies with regard to arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, as revised in 2010
- A/CN.9/747 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Recommendations to assist arbitral institutions and other interested bodies with regard to arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, as revised in 2010 Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/747/Add.1 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Recommendations to assist arbitral institutions and other interested bodies with regard to arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, as revised in 2010 Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/748 - Promotion of ways and means of ensuring a uniform interpretation and application of UNCITRAL legal texts
- A/CN.9/749 - Coordination activities
- A/CN.9/750 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/751 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/752 - A strategic direction for UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/752/Add.1 - A strategic direction for UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/753 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/754 - Revised Guide to Enactment to accompany the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/754/Add.1 - Revised Guide to Enactment to accompany the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/754/Add.2 - Revised Guide to Enactment to accompany the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/754/Add.3 - Revised Guide to Enactment to accompany the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/755 - Procurement and infrastructure development: possible future work
- A/CN.9/756 - Selected legal issues impacting microfinance
- A/CN.9/757 - Selected legal issues impacting microfinance: Observations by the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) International Section
- A/CN.9/758 - Possible future work in the area of international contract law: Proposal by Switzerland on possible future work by UNCITRAL in the area of international contract law
44 th session, 27 June - 8 July 2011, Vienna
- A/66/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, forty-fourth session (27 June - 8 July 2011)
- A/CN.9/711 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the forty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/711/Corr.1 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the forty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/712 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its fifty-third session (Vienna, 4-8 October 2010)
- A/CN.9/713 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its nineteenth session (Vienna, 1-5 November 2010)
- A/CN.9/714 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its eighteenth session (Vienna, 8-12 November 2010)
- A/CN.9/715 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its thirty-ninth session (Vienna, 6-10 December 2010)
- A/CN.9/716 - Report of Working Group III (Online Dispute Resolution) on the work of its twenty-second session (Vienna, 13-17 December 2010)
- A/CN.9/717 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its fifty-fourth session (New York, 7-11 February 2011)
- A/CN.9/718 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its twentieth session (New York, 14-18 March 2011)
- A/CN.9/719 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its nineteenth session (New York, 11-15 April 2011)
- A/CN.9/720 - Comparison and analysis of major features of international instruments relating to secured transactions
- A/CN.9/721 - Report of Working Group III (Online Dispute Resolution) on the work of its twenty-third session (New York, 23-27 May 2011)
- A/CN.9/722 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/723 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/724 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/725 - Coordination activities
- A/CN.9/726 - Promotion of ways and means of ensuring a uniform interpretation and application of UNCITRAL legal texts
- A/CN.9/727 - Legal and regulatory issues surrounding microfinance
- A/CN.9/728 - Present and possible future work on electronic commerce
- A/CN.9/728/Add.1 - Present and possible future work on electronic commerce
- A/CN.9/729 - Draft revised text of the Model Law - Note by the Secretariat
- A/CN.9/729/Add.1 - Draft revised text of the Model Law - Note by the Secretariat
- A/CN.9/729/Add.2 - Draft revised text of the Model Law - Note by the Secretariat
- A/CN.9/729/Add.3 - Draft revised text of the Model Law - Note by the Secretariat
- A/CN.9/729/Add.4 - Draft revised text of the Model Law - Note by the Secretariat
- A/CN.9/729/Add.5 - Draft revised text of the Model Law - Note by the Secretariat
- A/CN.9/729/Add.6 - Draft revised text of the Model Law - Note by the Secretariat
- A/CN.9/729/Add.7 - Draft revised text of the Model Law - Note by the Secretariat
- A/CN.9/729/Add.8 - Draft revised text of the Model Law - Note by the Secretariat
- A/CN.9/730 - Finalization and adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/730/Add.1 - Finalization and adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/730/Add.2 - Finalization and adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/731 - Revised Guide to Enactment to accompany the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/731/Add.1 - Revised Guide to Enactment to accompany the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/731/Add.2 - Revised Guide to Enactment to accompany the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/731/Add.3 - Revised Guide to Enactment to accompany the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/731/Add.4 - Revised Guide to Enactment to accompany the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/731/Add.5 - Revised Guide to Enactment to accompany the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/731/Add.6 - Revised Guide to Enactment to accompany the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/731/Add.7 - Revised Guide to Enactment to accompany the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/731/Add.8 - Revised Guide to Enactment to accompany the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/731/Add.9 - Revised Guide to Enactment to accompany the UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
- A/CN.9/732 - Judicial materials on the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency
- A/CN.9/732/Add.1 - The UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency: The judicial perspective (continued)
- A/CN.9/732/Add.2 - The UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency: The judicial perspective (continued)
- A/CN.9/732/Add.3 - The UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency: The judicial perspective (continued)
- A/CN.9/733 - Judicial materials on the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency: Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/733/Add.1 - Judicial materials on the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency: Compilation of comments by Governments (continued)
- A/CN.9/734 - Note by the Secretariat - Annex - Proposal by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
43 rd session, 21 June - 9 July 2010, New York
- A/65/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, forty-third session
- A/CN.9/683 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the forty-third session
- A/CN.9/683/Corr.1 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the forty-third session - Corrigendum
- A/CN.9/684 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its fifty-first session (Vienna, 14-18 September 2009)
- A/CN.9/685 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its sixteenth session (Vienna, 2-6 November 2009)
- A/CN.9/686 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its thirty-seventh session (Vienna, 9-13 November 2009)
- A/CN.9/687 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its seventeenth session
- A/CN.9/688 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its fifty-second session
- A/CN.9/689 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its seventeenth session (New York, 8-12 February 2010)
- A/CN.9/690 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its eighteenth session (New York, 12-16 April 2010)
- A/CN.9/691 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its thirty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/692 - Present and possible future work on electronic commerce
- A/CN.9/693 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/694 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/695 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/695/Add.1 - Technical cooperation and assistance - Transport Law
- A/CN.9/696 - Promotion of ways and means of ensuring a uniform interpretation and application of UNCITRAL legal texts
- A/CN.9/697 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work
- A/CN.9/697/Add.1 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Comments received from Member States and interested international organizations
- A/CN.9/698 - Microfinance in the context of international economic development
- A/CN.9/699 - UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on insolvency law: draft part three - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/699/Add.1 - UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law: draft part three on the treatment of enterprise groups in insolvency - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/699/Add.2 - UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on insolvency law: draft part three on the treatment of enterprise groups in insolvency - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/699/Add.3 - UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on insolvency law: draft part three on the treatment of enterprise groups in insolvency - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/699/Add.4 - UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law: draft part three on the treatment of enterprise groups in insolvency - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/700 - Draft Supplement to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions dealing with security rights in intellectual property
- A/CN.9/700/Add.1 - Draft Supplement to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions dealing with security rights in intellectual property
- A/CN.9/700/Add.2 - Draft Supplement to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions dealing with security rights in intellectual property
- A/CN.9/700/Add.3 - Draft Supplement to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions dealing with security rights in intellectual property
- A/CN.9/700/Add.4 - Draft Supplement to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions dealing with security rights in intellectual property
- A/CN.9/700/Add.5 - Draft Supplement to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions dealing with security rights in intellectual property
- A/CN.9/700/Add.6 - Draft Supplement to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions dealing with security rights in intellectual property
- A/CN.9/700/Add.7 - Draft Supplement to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions dealing with security rights in intellectual property
- A/CN.9/701 - Draft Supplement to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions dealing with security rights in intellectual property - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/702 - Possible future work on security interests
- A/CN.9/702/Add.1 - Possible future work on security interests
- A/CN.9/703 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
- A/CN.9/703/Add.1 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
- A/CN.9/704 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/704/Add.1 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/704/Add.2 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/704/Add.3 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/704/Add.4 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/704/Add.5 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/704/Add.6 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/704/Add.7 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/704/Add.8 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/704/Add.9 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/704/Add.10 - Settlement of commercial disputes: revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/705 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
- A/CN.9/706 - Possible future work on online dispute resolution in cross-border electronic commerce transactions
- A/CN.9/707 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/707/Add.1 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/708 - UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law - Part three: Treatment of enterprise groups in insolvency - Note by the Secretariat: Revisions to A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.92 and Add.1
- A/CN.9/709 - Insolvency Law: possible future work - Further proposal by the delegation of Switzerland for preparation by the UNCITRAL Secretariat of a study on the feasibility and possible scope of an instrument regarding the cross-border resolution of large and complex financial institutions
- A/CN.9/710 - Possible future work on online dispute resolution in cross-border electronic commerce transactions - Note supporting the possible future work on online dispute resolution by UNCITRAL, submitted by the Institute of International Commercial Law
42 nd session, 29 June - 17 July 2009, Vienna
- A/64/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
- A/CN.9/663 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the forty-second session
- A/CN.9/664 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its fourteenth session (Vienna, 8-12 September 2008)
- A/CN.9/665 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its forty-ninth session (Vienna, 15-19 September 2008)
- A/CN.9/666 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its thirty-fifth session (Vienna, 17-21 November 2008)
- A/CN.9/667 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its fourteenth session (Vienna, 20-24 October 2008)
- A/CN.9/668 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its fifteenth session (New York, 2-6 February 2009)
- A/CN.9/669 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its fiftieth session (New York, 9-13 February 2009)
- A/CN.9/670 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its fifteenth session (New York, 27 April-1 May 2009)
- A/CN.9/671 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its thirty-sixth session (New York, 18-22 May 2009)
- A/CN.9/672 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its sixteenth session (New York, 26-29 May 2009)
- A/CN.9/673 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/674 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/675 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/675/Add.1 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/676 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work
- A/CN.9/676/Add.1 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - comments received from Member States and interested international organizations
- A/CN.9/676/Add.2 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Comments received from Member States and interested international organizations
- A/CN.9/676/Add.3 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Comments received from Member States and interested international organizations
- A/CN.9/676/Add.4 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Comments received from Member States and interested international organizations
- A/CN.9/676/Add.5 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Comments received from Member States and interested international organizations
- A/CN.9/676/Add.6 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Comments received from Member States and interested international organizations
- A/CN.9/676/Add.7 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Comments received from Member States and interested international organizations
- A/CN.9/676/Add.8 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Comments received from Member States and interested international organizations
- A/CN.9/676/Add.9 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Comments received from Member States and interested international organizations
- A/CN.9/677 - UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules: Designating and appointing authorities under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
- A/CN.9/678 - Possible future work on electronic commerce
- A/CN.9/679 - Possible future work in the area of transport law: Commentary or explanatory notes on the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea ("Rotterdam Rules")
- A/CN.9/680 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Proposal by France
- A/CN.9/681 - Possible future work on electronic commerce - Recommendations for future work of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) submitted by the United States of America
- A/CN.9/681/Add.1 - Possible future work on electronic commerce - Proposal of the United States of America on electronic transferable records
- A/CN.9/681/Add.2 - Possible future work on electronic commerce - Proposal of the United States of America on online dispute resolution
- A/CN.9/XLII/CRP.2 - Draft UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement - Proposals for revised chapter IV and an additional provision for chapter I
- A/CN.9/682 - Proposal of the Delegation of Spain Concerning the Future Work of Working Group IV
41 st session, 16 June - 3 July 2008, New York
- A/63/17(SUPP) - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
- A/63/17/Corr.1 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law - Corrigendum
- A/CN.9/640 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its 12th session (Vienna, 3-7 September 2007)
- A/CN.9/641 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration) on the work of its 47th session (Vienna, 10-14 September 2007)
- A/CN.9/642 - Report of Working Group III (Transport) on the work of its 20th session (Vienna, 15-25 October 2007)
- A/CN.9/643 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency) on the work of its 33rd session (Vienna, 5-9 November 2007
- A/CN.9/644 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the forty-first session
- A/CN.9/645 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its twenty-first session (Vienna, 14-25 January 2008)
- A/CN.9/646 - Report of the Working Group on Arbitration and Conciliation on the work of its forty-eighth session (New York, 4-8 February 2008)
- A/CN.9/647 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its thirty-fourth session (New York, 3-7 March 2008)
- A/CN.9/648 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its thirteenth session (New York, 7-11 April 2008)
- A/CN.9/649 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its thirteenth session (New York, 19-23 May 2008)
- A/CN.9/650 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/651 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/652 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/653 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work
- A/CN.9/654 - Facilitation of cooperation, direct communication and coordination in cross-border insolvency proceedings
- A/CN.9/655 - Possible future work on electronic commerce: Legal issues arising out of the implementation and operation of single windows in international trade
- A/CN.9/656 - Report on the survey relating to the legislative implementation of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958)
- A/CN.9/656/Add.1 - Report on the survey relating to the legislative implementation of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958)
- A/CN.9/657 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/657/Add.1 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/657/Add.2 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of public procurement law
- A/CN.9/658 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/658/Add.1 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/658/Add.2 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/658/Add.3 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/658/Add.4 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/658/Add.5 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/658/Add.6 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/658/Add.7 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/658/Add.8 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/658/Add.9 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/658/Add.10 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/658/Add.11 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/658/Add.12 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/658/Add.13 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/658/Add.14 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/658/Add.14/Corr.1 - Draft convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea: Compilation of comments by Governments and intergovernmental organizations
- A/CN.9/659 - Indicators of Commercial Fraud (A/CN.9/624, A/CN.9/624/Add.1, and A/CN.9/624/Add.2)
- A/CN.9/659/Add.1 - Indicators of Commercial Fraud (A/CN.9/624, A/CN.9/624/Add.1, and A/CN.9/624/Add.2)
- A/CN.9/659/Add.2 - Indicators of Commercial Fraud (A/CN.9/624, A/CN.9/624/Add.1 and A/CN.9/624/Add.2)
- A/CN.9/660 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Comments received from Member States
- A/CN.9/660/Add.1 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/660/Add.2 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Comments received from Governments
- A/CN.9/660/Add.3 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Comments received from Governments
- A/CN.9/660/Add.4 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/660/Add.5 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Comments received from Member States
- A/CN.9/661 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Recommendation regarding the interpretation of article II, paragraph (2), and article VII, paragraph (1), of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958) ("New York Convention")
- A/CN.9/661/Add.1 - Settlement of commercial disputes - Recommendation regarding the interpretation of article II, paragraph (2), and article VII, paragraph (1), of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958) ("New York Convention") - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/661/Add.2 - Settlement of commercial disputes - Recommendation regarding the interpretation of article II, paragraph (2), and article VII, paragraph (1), of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958) ("New York Convention") - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/661/Add.3 - Settlement of commercial disputes - Recommendation regarding the interpretation of article II, paragraph (2), and article VII, paragraph (1), of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958) ("New York Convention") - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/662 - Settlement of commercial disputes - Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules - Observations by the Government of Canada
40 th session, 25 June - 12 July 2007; 10-14 December 2007, Vienna
- A/62/17(SUPP) - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its fortieth session
- A/62/17(PartI) - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its fortieth session*
- A/CN.9/613 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the fortieth session
- A/CN.9/614 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) on the work of its forty-fifth session (Vienna, 11-15 September 2006)
- A/CN.9/615 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its tenth session (Vienna, 25-29 September 2006)
- A/CN.9/616 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its eighteenth session (Vienna, 6-17 November 2006)
- A/CN.9/617 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its eleventh session (Vienna, 4-8 December 2006)
- A/CN.9/618 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its thirty-first session (Vienna, 11-15 December 2006)
- A/CN.9/619 - Report of the Working Group on Arbitration and Conciliation on the work of its forty-sixth session (New York, 5-9 February 2007)
- A/CN.9/620 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its twelfth session (New York, 12-16 February 2007)
- A/CN.9/621 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its nineteenth session (New York, 16-27 April 2007)
- A/CN.9/622 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its thirty-second session (New York, 14-18 May 2007)
- A/CN.9/623 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its eleventh session (New York, 21-25 May 2007)
- A/CN.9/624 - Indicators of Commercial Fraud
- A/CN.9/624/Add.1 - Indicators of Commercial Fraud
- A/CN.9/624/Add.2 - Indicators of Commercial Fraud
- A/CN.9/625 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/626 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/627 - Technical cooperation and assistance
- A/CN.9/628 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/628/Add.1 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/629 - Facilitation of cooperation, direct communication and coordination in cross-border insolvency proceedings
- A/CN.9/630 - Possible future work on electronic commerce - Comprehensive reference document on elements required to establish a favourable legal framework for electronic commerce: sample chapter on international use of electronic authentication and signature methods
- A/CN.9/630/Add.1 - Possible future work on electronic commerce - Comprehensive reference document on elements required to establish a favourable legal framework for electronic commerce: sample chapter on international use of electronic authentication and signature methods
- A/CN.9/630/Add.2 - Possible future work on electronic commerce - Comprehensive reference document on elements required to establish a favourable legal framework for electronic commerce: sample chapter on international use of electronic authentication and signature methods
- A/CN.9/630/Add.3 - Possible future work on electronic commerce Comprehensive reference document on elements required to establish a favourable legal framework for electronic commerce: sample chapter on international use of electronic authentication and signature methods
- A/CN.9/630/Add.4 - Possible future work on electronic commerce - Comprehensive reference document on elements required to establish a favourable legal framework for electronic commerce: sample chapter on international use of electronic authentication and signature methods
- A/CN.9/630/Add.5 - Possible future work on electronic commerce - Comprehensive reference document on elements required to establish a favourable legal framework for electronic commerce: sample chapter on international use of electronic authentication and signature methods
- A/CN.9/631 - Security Interests - Recommendations of the UNCITRAL draft Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/631/Add.1 - Security Interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/631/Add.2 - Security Interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/631/Add.3 - Security Interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/631/Add.4 - Security Interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/631/Add.5 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/631/Add.6 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/631/Add.7 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/631/Add.8 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/631/Add.9 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/631/Add.10 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/631/Add.11 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/632 - Possible future work on security rights in intellectual property
- A/CN.9/633 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions - Comments of the European Community and its member States
- A/CN.9/634 - Settlement of commercial disputes - UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules: Report of the Secretary-General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration on its activities under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules since 1976
- A/CN.9/635 - France's Observations on UNCITRAL's working methods
- A/CN.9/XL/INF/2 - Programme for the Congress: Modern Law for Global Commerce - to celebrate the 40th annual session of UNCITRAL - 9-12 July 2007
- A/62/17(PartII) - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its resumed fortieth session
- A/CN.9/636 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the resumed fortieth session
- A/CN.9/637 - Security interests - Terminology and recommendations of the UNCITRAL draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/637/Add.1 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/637/Add.2 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/637/Add.3 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/637/Add.4 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/637/Add.5 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/637/Add.6 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/637/Add.7 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/637/Add.8 - Security interests - Draft legislative guide on secured transactions
- A/CN.9/638 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work
- A/CN.9/638/Add.1 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work
- A/CN.9/638/Add.2 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work
- A/CN.9/638/Add.3 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work
- A/CN.9/638/Add.4 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work
- A/CN.9/638/Add.5 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work
- A/CN.9/638/Add.6 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work
- A/CN.9/639 - UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work - Observations by the United States
39 th session, 19 June - 7 July 2006, New York
- A/61/17 - Report of United Nations Commission on international Trade Law on the work of its thirty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/587 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the thirty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/588 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its eighth session (Vienna, 5-9 September 2005)
- A/CN.9/589 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration) on the work of its forty-third session (Vienna, 3-7 October 2005)
- A/CN.9/590 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its eighth session (Vienna, 7-11 November 2005)
- A/CN.9/591 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its sixteenth session (Vienna, 28 November-9 December 2005)
- A/CN.9/591/Corr.1 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its sixteenth session (Vienna, 28 November-9 December 2005): Corrigendum
- A/CN.9/592 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration) on the work of its forty-fourth session (New York, 23-27 January 2006)
- A/CN.9/593 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its ninth session (New York, 30 January-3 February 2006)
- A/CN.9/594 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its seventeenth session (New York, 3-13 April 2006)
- A/CN.9/595 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its ninth session (New York, 24-28 April 2006)
- A/CN.9/596 - Insolvency law: possible future work
- A/CN.9/597 - Insolvency Law: Developments in insolvency law: adoption and interpretation of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross Border Insolvency and developments in interpretation of "centre of main interests" in the European Union
- A/CN.9/598 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/598/Add.1 - Legislative work of international organizations relating to public procurement
- A/CN.9/598/Add.2 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of law relating to Security Interests
- A/CN.9/599 - Technical assistance
- A/CN.9/600 - Commercial fraud: ongoing and possible future work
- A/CN.9/601 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/602 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/603 - Report of the Working Group on Security Interests on the work of its tenth session (New York, 1-5 May 2006)
- A/CN.9/604 - Possible future work in the area of electronic commerce
- A/CN.9/605 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Interim measures
- A/CN.9/606 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Form of arbitration agreement
- A/CN.9/607 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Draft declaration regarding the interpretation of article II, paragraph (2), and article VII, paragraph (1), of the New York Convention
- A/CN.9/608 - Legal aspects of electronic commerce: Explanatory note on the Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts
- A/CN.9/608/Add.1 - Legal aspects of electronic commerce: Explanatory note on the Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts
- A/CN.9/608/Add.2 - Legal aspects of electronic commerce: Explanatory Note on the Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts
- A/CN.9/608/Add.3 - Legal aspects of electronic commerce: Explanatory note on the Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts
- A/CN.9/608/Add.4 - Legal aspects of electronic commerce: Explanatory note on the Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts
- A/CN.9/609 - Draft legislative provisions on interim measures and the form of arbitration agreement-Draft declaration regarding the interpretation of articles II (2) and VII (1) of the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/609/Add.1 - Draft legislative provisions on interim measures and the form of arbitration agreement-Draft declaration regarding the interpretation of articles II (2) and VII (1) of the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/609/Add.2 - Draft legislative provisions on interim measures and the form of arbitration agreement-Draft declaration regarding the interpretation of articles II (2) and VII (1) of the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/609/Add.3 - Draft legislative provisions on interim measures and the form of arbitration agreement-Draft declaration regarding the interpretation of articles II (2) and VII (1) of the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/609/Add.4 - Draft legislative provisions on interim measures and the form of arbitration agreement-Draft declaration regarding the interpretation of articles II (2) and VII (1) of the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/609/Add.5 - Draft legislative provisions on interim measures and the form of arbitration agreement - Draft declaration regarding the interpretation of articles II (2) and VII (1) of the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/609/Add.6 - Draft legislative provisions on interim measures and the form of arbitration agreement-Draft declaration regarding the interpretation of articles II (2) and VII (1) of the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/610 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Possible future work in the field of settlement of commercial disputes
- A/CN.9/610/Corr.1 - Settlement of commercial disputes: Possible future work in the field of settlement of commercial disputes
- A/CN.9/610/Add.1 - Settlement of commercial disputes - Possible future work in the field of settlement of commercial disputes: revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
- A/CN.9/611 - Security Interests: Draft Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions. Security rights in receivables
- A/CN.9/611/Add.1 - Security Interest: Draft Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions. Security rights in rights to payment of funds credited to a bank account, proceeds under an independent undertaking, negotiable instruments and negotiable documents
- A/CN.9/611/Add.2 - Security Interests: Recommendations of the draft Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/611/Add.3 - Security Interests: Draft Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions
- A/CN.9/612 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft convention on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea]: Joint proposal by Australia and France on freedom of contract under volume contracts
38 th session, 4-15 July 2005, Vienna
- A/60/17 - Report of United Nations Commission on international Trade Law on the work of its thirty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/567 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the thirty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/568 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its sixth session (Vienna, 30 August - 3 September 2004)
- A/CN.9/569 - Report of the Working Group on Arbitration and Conciliation on the work of its forty-first session (Vienna, 13-17 September 2004)
- A/CN.9/570 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its sixth session (Vienna, 27 September - 1 October 2004)
- A/CN.9/571 - Report of the Working Group on Electronic Commerce on the work of its forty-fourth session (Vienna, 11-22 October 2004)
- A/CN.9/572 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its fourteenth session
- A/CN.9/573 - Report of the Working Group on Arbitration and Conciliation on the work of its forty-second session (New York, 10-14 January 2005)
- A/CN.9/574 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its seventh session (New York, 24-28 January 2005)
- A/CN.9/575 - Report of Working Group I (Procurement) on the work of its seventh session (New York, 4-8 April 2005)
- A/CN.9/576 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its fifteenth session (New York, 18-28 April 2005)
- A/CN.9/577 - Draft Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts
- A/CN.9/577/Add.1 - Draft Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts. Addendum: Background Information
- A/CN.9/578 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.1 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.2 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.3 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.4 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.5 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.6 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.7 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.8 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.9 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.10 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.11 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.12 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.13 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.14 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.15 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.16 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/578/Add.17 - Draft convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracts - Comments received from Member States and international organizations
- A/CN.9/579 - Current work by other international organizations in the area of electronic commerce
- A/CN.9/580 - Insolvency law : Developments in insolvency law: adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency; use of cross-border protocols and court-to-court communication guidelines; and case law on interpretation of "centre of main interests" and "establishment" in the European Union
- A/CN.9/580/Add.1 - Coordination of work: Current activities of international organizations related to Insolvency law
- A/CN.9/580/Add.2 - Insolvency law: Developments in insolvency law: adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency
- A/CN.9/581 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/582 - Insolvency law: Possible future work in the area of insolvency law
- A/CN.9/582/Add.1 - Insolvency law: Possible future work in the area of insolvency law - Proposal by International Association of Restructuring, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Professionals (INSOL) - Treatment of corporate groups in insolvency
- A/CN.9/582/Add.2 - Insolvency law: Possible future work in the area of insolvency law - Treatment of corporate groups in insolvency
- A/CN.9/582/Add.3 - Insolvency law: Possible future work in the area of insolvency law - Proposal by the International Insolvency Institute (III), Committee on Cross-Border Communications - Cross-border insolvency protocols in transnational cases
- A/CN.9/582/Add.4 - Insolvency law : Possible future work in the area of insolvency law - Proposal by the International Insolvency Institute (III), Committee on Debtor in Possession Financing in International Reorganizations - Post-commencement financing in international reorganizations
- A/CN.9/582/Add.5 - Insolvency law: Possible future work in the area of insolvency law - Post-commencement financing in international reorganizations
- A/CN.9/582/Add.6 - Insolvency law: Possible future work in the area of insolvency law - Proposal by the International Insolvency Institute (III), Committee on Corporate and Professional Responsibilities - Directors' and officers' responsibilities and liabilities in insolvency and pre-insolvency cases
- A/CN.9/582/Add.7 - Insolvency law: Possible future work in the area of insolvency law - Proposal by the International Insolvency Institute (III), Committee on Commercial Fraud - Proposal for Study and Recommendations in the Area of Commercial Fraud
- A/CN.9/583 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/584 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/585 - Interim report on the survey relating to the legislative implementation of the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
- A/CN.9/586 - Technical assistance
37 th session, 14-25 June 2004, New York
- A/59/17 - Report of United Nations Commission on international Trade Law on its thirty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/541 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the thirty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/542 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its twenty-ninth session (Vienna, 1-5 September 2003)
- A/CN.9/543 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its fourth session (Vienna, 8-12 September 2003)
- A/CN.9/544 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its twelfth session (Vienna, 6-17 October 2003)
- A/CN.9/545 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration) on the work of its thirty-ninth session (Vienna, 10-14 November 2003)
- A/CN.9/546 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its forty-second session (Vienna, 17-21 November 2003)
- A/CN.9/547 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration) on the work of its fortieth session (New York, 23-27 February 2004)
- A/CN.9/548 - Report of the Working Group on Electronic Commerce on the work of its forty-third session, held in New York from 15 to 19 March 2004
- A/CN.9/549 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its fifth session (New York, 22-25 March 2004)
- A/CN.9/550 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) and Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of their second joint session (New York, 26 and 29 March 2004)
- A/CN.9/551 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its thirtieth session, (New York, 29 March - 2 April 2004)
- A/CN.9/552 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its thirteenth session (New York, 3-14 May 2004)
- A/CN.9/553 - Possible future work in the area of public procurement
- A/CN.9/554 - Report on the 5th UNCITRAL-INSOL Judicial Colloquium on Cross-Border Insolvency, 2003
- A/CN.9/555 - Report on UNCITRAL Colloquium on International Commercial Fraud
- A/CN.9/557 - Explanatory note on the United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade
- A/CN.9/558 - Draft UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law - Compilation of comments by international organizations
- A/CN.9/558/Add.1 - Draft UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law - Compilation of comments by governments
- A/CN.9/559 - Draft Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law - Revisions to A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.70
- A/CN.9/559/Add.1 - Draft Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law - Revisions to A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.70
- A/CN.9/559/Add.2 - Draft Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law - Revisions to A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.70
- A/CN.9/559/Add.3 - Draft Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law - Revisions to A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.70
- A/CN.9/560 - Training and Technical assistance
- A/CN.9/561 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/562 - Introduction to the digest of case law on the United Nations Sales Convention
- A/CN.9/563 - Uniform interpretation of UNCITRAL texts: sample digest of case law on the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985)
- A/CN.9/563/Add.1 - Uniform interpretation of UNCITRAL texts: sample digest of case law on the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985) - Addendum
- A/CN.9/564 - Partnerships between the United Nations and non-State actors, in particular the private sector: recent developments across the United Nations and possible implications for the Commission's work
- A/CN.9/565 - Coordination of work: activities of international organizations in the area of security interests
- A/CN.9/566 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
36 th session, 30 June - 11 July 2003, Vienna
- A/58/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on its thirty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/519 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the thirty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/521 - Report of Working Group I ( Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects) on the work of its fifth session (Vienna, 9-13 September 2002)
- A/CN.9/522 - Draft addendum to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects
- A/CN.9/522/Add.1 - Draft addendum to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects -Consolidated final draft of model legislative provisions
- A/CN.9/522/Add.2 - Draft addendum to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects -Consolidated final draft of model legislative provisions
- A/CN.9/523 - Report of Working Group II (Arbitration) on the work of its thirty-seventh session (Vienna, 7-11 October 2002)
- A/CN.9/524 - Report of the Working Group on Arbitration on the work of its thirty-eighth session (New York, 12-16 May 2003)
- A/CN.9/525 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its tenth session (Vienna, 16-20 September 2002)
- A/CN.9/526 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its eleventh session (New York, 24 March to 4 April 2003)
- A/CN.9/527 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its fortieth session (Vienna, 14-18 October 2002)
- A/CN.9/528 - Report of Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) on the work of its forty-first session (New York, 5-9 May 2003)
- A/CN.9/529 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its twenty-seventh session (Vienna, 9-13 December 2002)
- A/CN.9/530 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its twenty-eighth session (New York, 24-28 February 2003)
- A/CN.9/531 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its second session (Vienna, 17-20 December 2002)
- A/CN.9/532 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its third session (New York, 3-7 March 2003)
- A/CN.9/533 - Draft addendum to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects
- A/CN.9/533/Add.1 - Draft addendum to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/533/Add.2 - Draft addendum to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects -Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/533/Add.3 - Draft addendum to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects -Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/533/Add.4 - Draft addendum to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects -Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/533/Add.5 - Draft addendum to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects -Compilation of comments by Governments and international organization
- A/CN.9/533/Add.6 - Draft addendum to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects -Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/533/Add.7 - Draft addendum to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects -Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/534 - Draft legislative guide on insolvency law
- A/CN.9/535 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) and Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of their first joint session (Vienna, 16-17 December 2002)
- A/CN.9/536 - Training and technical assistance
- A/CN.9/537 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/538 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/539 - Current activities of international organizations in the area of public procurement: possible future work
- A/CN.9/539/Add.1 - Current activities of international organizations in the area of public procurement: possible future work
- A/CN.9/540 - Possible future work relating to commercial fraud
35 th session, 17-28 June 2002, New York
- A/57/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on its thirty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/503 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the thirty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/504 - Report of the Working Group on Insolvency Law on the work of its twenty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/505 - Report of the Working Group on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects at its fourth session
- A/CN.9/506 - Report of the Working Group II (Arbitration) on the work of its thirty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/507 - Report of the Working Group on Insolvency Law on the work of its twenty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/508 - Report of the Working Group II (Arbitration) on the work of its thirty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/509 - Report of the Working Group on Electronic Commerce on the work of its thirty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/510 - Report of the Working Group on Transport Law on the work of its ninth session
- A/CN.9/511 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its twenty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/511/Corr.1 - Report of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) on the work of its twenty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/512 - Report of Working Group VI (Security Interests) on the work of its first session
- A/CN.9/513 - Draft Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation: Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/513/Add.1 - Draft Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation: Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/513/Add.2 - Draft Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation: Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/514 - Draft Guide to Enactment and Use of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation
- A/CN.9/515 - Training and technical assistance
- A/CN.9/516 - Status of conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/517 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/518 - Report on the 4th UNCITRAL-INSOL Judicial Colloquium on Cross-Border Insolvency, 2001
34 th session, 25 June - 13 July 2001, Vienna
- A/56/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its 34th session
- A/56/17/Corr.3 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on its thirty-fourth session, 25 June - 13 July 2001
- A/CN.9/482 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the thirty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/483 - Report of the Working Group of Electronic Commerce on the work of its thirty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/484 - Report of the Working Group on Electronic Commerce on the work of its thirty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/485 - Report of the Working Group on Arbitration on the work of its thirty-third session
- A/CN.9/485/Corr.1 - Report of the Working Group on Arbitration on the work of the thirty-third session
- A/CN.9/486 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its twenty-third Session
- A/CN.9/487 - Report of the Working Group on Arbitration on the work of its thirty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/488 - Possible work on privately financed infrastructure projects
- A/CN.9/489 - Receivables financing: analytical commentary on the draft Convention on Assignment of Receivables in International Trade
- A/CN.9/489/Add.1 - Receivables financing: analytical commentary on the draft Convention on Assignment of Receivables in International Trade
- A/CN.9/490 - Draft Convention on Assignment of Receivables in International Trade: compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/490/Add.1 - Draft Convention on Assignment of Receivables in International Trade: compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/490/Add.2 - Draft Convention on Assignment of Receivables in International Trade: compilation of comments by organizations
- A/CN.9/490/Add.3 - Draft Convention on Assignment of Receivables in International Trade: compilation of comments by organizations
- A/CN.9/490/Add.4 - Draft Convention on Assignment of Receivables in International Trade: compilation of comments by organizations
- A/CN.9/490/Add.5 - Draft Convention on Assignment of Receivables in International Trade: compilation of comments by organizations
- A/CN.9/491 - Receivables financing: draft Convention on Assignment of Receivables in International Trade: comments on pending and other issues
- A/CN.9/491/Add.1 - Receivables financing: draft Convention on Assignment of Receivables in International Trade: comments on pending and other issues - Addendum
- A/CN.9/492 - Draft Model Law on Electronic Signatures - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/492/Add.1 - Draft Model Law on Electronic Signatures - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/492/Add.2 - Draft Model Law on Electronic Signatures - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/492/Add.3 - Draft Model Law on Electronic Signatures - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/493 - Electronic Signatures: Draft Guide to Enactment of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signatures
- A/CN.9/494 - Training and technical assistance
- A/CN.9/495 - Report on UNCITRAL-INSOL-IBA Global Insolvency Colloquium
- A/CN.9/496 - Security interests
- A/CN.9/497 - Possible future work on transport law
- A/CN.9/498 - Uniform interpretation of UNCITRAL texts: sample digest of case law on the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna, 1980)
- A/CN.9/499 - Working methods of the Commission
- A/CN.9/500 - Increase of the membership of the Commission
- A/CN.9/501 - Status of Conventions and model laws
- A/CN.9/502 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/502/Corr.1 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
33 rd session, 12 June - 7 July 2000, New York
- A/55/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its thirty-third session
- A/CN.9/464 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the thirty-third session
- A/CN.9/465 - Report of the Working Group on Electronic Commerce on the Work of the Thirty-Fifth Session (Vienna, 6-17 September 1999)
- A/CN.9/466 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the Work of the Thirty-first Session (Vienna, 11-22 October 1999)
- A/CN.9/467 - Report of the Working Group on Electronic Commerce on the Work of the Thirty-Sixth Session (New York, 14-25 February 2000)
- A/CN.9/468 - Report of the Working Group on Arbitration on the Work of the Thirty-Second Session (Vienna, 20-31 March 2000)
- A/CN.9/469 - Report of the Working Group on Insolvency Law on the Work of its Twenty-Second Session (Vienna, 6-17 December 1999)
- A/CN.9/470 - Receivables Financing - Analytical Commentary to the draft Convention on Assignment [in Receivables Financing] [of Receivables in International Trade]
- A/CN.9/471 - Privately financed infrastructure projects: draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Introductions
- A/CN.9/471/Add.1 - Privately financed infrastructure projects: draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Introduction and background information on privately financed infrastructure projects
- A/CN.9/471/Add.2 - Privately financed infrastructure projects: draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - General legislative and institutional framework
- A/CN.9/471/Add.3 - Privately financed infrastructure projects: draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - II. Project Risks and Government Support
- A/CN.9/471/Add.4 - Privately financed infrastructure projects: draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - III. Selection of the Concessionaire
- A/CN.9/471/Add.5 - Privately financed infrastructure projects: draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - IV. Construction and operation of infrastructure
- A/CN.9/471/Add.6 - Privately financed infrastructure projects: draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - V. Duration, extension and termination of the project agreement
- A/CN.9/471/Add.7 - Privately financed infrastructure projects: draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - VI. Settlement of disputes
- A/CN.9/471/Add.8 - Privately financed infrastructure projects: draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - VII. Other Relevant Areas of Law
- A/CN.9/471/Add.9 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects: Draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Consolidated Legislative Recommendations
- A/CN.9/472 - Draft Convention on Assignment [in Receivables Financing] [of Receivables in International Trade] - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/472/Add.1 - Draft Convention on Assignment [in Receivables Financing] [of Receivables in International Trade] - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/472/Add.2 - Draft Convention on Assignment [in Receivables Financing] [of Receivables in International Trade] - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/472/Add.3 - Draft Convention on Assignment [in Receivables Financing] [of Receivables in International Trade] - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/472/Add.4 - Draft Convention on Assignment [in Receivables Financing] [of Receivables in International Trade] - Compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/472/Add.5 - Draft Convention on Assignment [in Receivables Financing] [of Receivables in International Trade] - Compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/473 - Training and Technical Assistance
- A/CN.9/474 - Status of Conventions and Model Laws
- A/CN.9/475 - Security Interests - Current activities and possible future work
- A/CN.9/476 - Transport Law: possible future work
- A/CN.9/477 - International Standby Practices (ISP98)
- A/CN.9/478 - Uniform Rules for Contract Bonds (URCB)
- A/CN.9/479 - ICC INCOTERMS 2000
- A/CN.9/481 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
32 nd session, 17 May - 4 June 1999, Vienna
- A/54/17 - Report of UNCITRAL on the work of its thirty-second session
- A/CN.9/453 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the thirty-second session
- A/CN.9/454 - Report of the Working Group on Electronic Commerce on the work of the thirty-third session (New York, 29 June - 10 July 1998)
- A/CN.9/455 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of the twenty-ninth session (Vienna, 5-16 October 1997)
- A/CN.9/456 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of the thirtieth session (New York, 1-12 March 1999)
- A/CN.9/457 - Report of the Working Group on Electronic Commerce on the work of the thirty-fourth session (Vienna, 8-19 February 1999)
- A/CN.9/458 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects: Draft Chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects
- A/CN.9/458/Add.1 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects: Draft Chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Introduction and background information on privately financed infrastructure projects
- A/CN.9/458/Add.2 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects: Draft Chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Chapter I. General Legislative Considerations
- A/CN.9/458/Add.3 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects: Draft Chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Chapter II. Project risks and government support
- A/CN.9/458/Add.4 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects: Draft Chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Chapter III. Selection of the Concessionaire
- A/CN.9/458/Add.5 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects: Draft Chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Chapter IV. The Project Agreement
- A/CN.9/458/Add.6 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects: Draft Chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Chapter V. Infrastructure Development and Operation
- A/CN.9/458/Add.7 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects: Draft Chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Chapter VI. End of Project Term, Extension and Termination
- A/CN.9/458/Add.8 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects: Draft Chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Chapter VII. Governing Law
- A/CN.9/458/Add.9 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects: Draft Chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Chapter VIII. Settlement of Disputes
- A/CN.9/459 - International Stand-by Practices (ISP98)
- A/CN.9/459/Add.1 - Uniform Rules for Contract Bonds (URCB)
- A/CN.9/460 - Possible future work in the area of international commercial arbitration
- A/CN.9/461 - Training and technical assistance
- A/CN.9/462 - Status of Conventions
- A/CN.9/462/Add.1 - Possible future work in the area of insolvency law: Proposal by Australia
- A/CN.9/463 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
31 st session, 1-12 June 1998, New York
- A/53/17 - Report of UNCITRAL on the work of its thirty-first session
- A/CN.9/443 - Provisional Agenda
- A/CN.9/444 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects - Draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects
- A/CN.9/444/Add.1 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects - Draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Introduction and Background Information
- A/CN.9/444/Add.2 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects - Draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Chapter I. General Legislative Considerations
- A/CN.9/444/Add.3 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects - Draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects
- A/CN.9/444/Add.4 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects - Draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Chapter III. Selection of the Concessionaire
- A/CN.9/444/Add.5 - Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects - Draft chapters of a legislative guide on privately financed infrastructure projects - Chapter IV. Conclusion and General Terms of the Project Agreement
- A/CN.9/445 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the Work of the Twenty-Seventh Session (Vienna, 20 - 31 October 1997)
- A/CN.9/446 - Report of the Working Group on Electronic Commerce on the Work of the Thirty-Second Session (Vienna, 19-30 January 1998)
- A/CN.9/447 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the Work of the Twenty-Eighth Session (New York, 2-13 March 1998)
- A/CN.9/448 - Training and Technical Assistance
- A/CN.9/449 - Status of Conventions
- A/CN.9/450 - Possible Addition to the Uncitral Model Law On Electronic Commerce: Draft Provision on Incorporation by Reference
- A/CN.9/451 - Document not available
- A/CN.9/452 - Bibliography of Recent Writings Related to the Work of UNCITRAL
30 th session, 12-30 May 1997, Vienna
- A/52/17 - Report of UNCITRAL on the work of its thirtieth session
- A/CN.9/430 - Provisional Agenda
- A/CN.9/431 - Explanatory Note on UN Convention on Independent Bank Guarantees and Letters of Credit
- A/CN.9/432 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the Work of the Twenty-Fifth Session (New York, 8 - 19 July 1996)
- A/CN.9/433 - Report of the Working Group on Insolvency Law on the Work of the Twentieth Session (Vienna, 7 - 18 October 1996)
- A/CN.9/434 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the Work of the Twenty-Sixth Session (Vienna, 11 - 22 November 1996)
- A/CN.9/435 - Report of the Working Group on Insolvency Law on the Work of the Twenty-First Session (New York, 20 - 31 January 1997)
- A/CN.9/436 - Draft Guide to Enactment of the UNCITRAL Model Legislative Provisions on Cross-Border Insolvency
- A/CN.9/437 - Report of the Working Group on Electronic Commerce on the Work of the Thirty-First Session (New York, 18 - 28 February 1997)
- A/CN.9/438 - Privately-Financed Infrastructure Projects: Draft Chapters of a legislative guide on privately-financed infrastructure projects
- A/CN.9/438/Add.1 - Privately-Financed Infrastructure Projects: Draft Chapters of a legislative guide on privately-financed infrastructure projects: Chapter I
- A/CN.9/438/Add.2 - Privately-Financed Infrastructure Projects: Draft Chapters of a legislative guide on privately-financed infrastructure projects: Chapter II
- A/CN.9/438/Add.3 - Privately-Financed Infrastructure Projects: Draft Chapters of a legislative guide on privately-financed infrastructure projects: Chapter V
- A/CN.9/439 - Training and Technical Assistance
- A/CN.9/440 - Status of Conventions
- A/CN.9/441 - Bibliography of Recent Writings Related to the Work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/442 - Cross-Border Insolvency: Guide to Enactment of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency
29 th session, 28 May - 14 June 1996, New York
- A/51/17 - Report of UNCITRAL on the work of its twenty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/418 - Provisional Agenda
- A/CN.9/419 - Report of the Working Group on Insolvency Law on the work of its Eighteenth Session (Vienna, 30 October - 10 November 1995)
- A/CN.9/419/Corr.1 - Corrigendum to the Report of the Working Group on Insolvency Law on the Work of the Eighteenth Session (Vienna, 30 October - 10 November 1995)
- A/CN.9/420 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the Work of the Twenty-Fourth Session (Vienna, 13 - 24 November 1995)
- A/CN.9/421 - Report of the Working Group on Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) on the Work of the Thirtieth Session (Vienna, 26 February - 8 March 1996)
- A/CN.9/422 - Report of the Working Group on Insolvency Law on the Work of the Nineteenth Session (New York, 1 - 12 April 1996)
- A/CN.9/423 - International Commercial Arbitration: Draft Notes on Organizing Arbitral Proceedings
- A/CN.9/424 - Possible Future Work: Build-Operate-Transfer projects
- A/CN.9/425 - International Commercial Arbitration: Monitoring the legislative implementation of the 1958 New York Convention: progress report
- A/CN.9/426 - Electronic Data Interchange: Guide to Enactment of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Legal Aspects of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Related Means of Communication
- A/CN.9/427 - Training and Technical Assistance
- A/CN.9/428 - Status of Conventions
- A/CN.9/429 - Bibliography of Recent Writings Related to the Work of UNCITRAL
28 th session, 2-26 May 1995, Vienna
- A/50/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its twenty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/404 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and scheduling of meetings of the twenty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/405 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its twenty-second session
- A/CN.9/406 - Report of the Working Group on Electronic Data Interchange on the work of its twenty-eighth session
- A/CN.9/407 - Report of the Working Group on Electronic Data Interchange on the work of its twenty-ninth session
- A/CN.9/408 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its twenty-third session
- A/CN.9/409 - Draft Model Law on Legal Aspects of Electronic Data and Add.1-4 Interchange (EDI) and Related Means of Communication: compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/409/Add.1 - Draft Model Law on Legal Aspects of Electronic Data and Add.1-4 Interchange (EDI) and Related Means of Communication: compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/409/Add.2 - Draft Model Law on Legal Aspects of Electronic Data and Add.1-4 Interchange (EDI) and Related Means of Communication: compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/409/Add.3 - Draft Model Law on Legal Aspects of Electronic Data and Add.1-4 Interchange (EDI) and Related Means of Communication: compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/409/Add.4 - Draft Model Law on Legal Aspects of Electronic Data and Add.1-4 Interchange (EDI) and Related Means of Communication: compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/410 - International commercial arbitration: draft Notes on Organizing Arbitral Proceedings
- A/CN.9/411 - Draft Convention on Independent Guarantees and Stand-by Letters of Credit
- A/CN.9/412 - Assignment in receivables financing: discussion and preliminary draft of uniform rules
- A/CN.9/413 - Cross-border insolvency: report on UNCITRAL - INSOL Judicial Colloquium on Cross-Border Insolvency
- A/CN.9/414 - Possible future work: Build-Operate-Transfer projects
- A/CN.9/415 - Training and technical assistance
- A/CN.9/416 - Status of Conventions
- A/CN.9/417 - Bibliography of Recent Writings Related to the Work of UNCITRAL
27 th session, 31 May - 17 June 1994, New York
- A/49/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its twenty-seventh session
- A/CN.9/383 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/384 - UNCITRAL Model Law on International Credit Transfers
- A/CN.9/385 - United Nations Convention on the Liability of Operators of Transport Terminals in International Trade
- A/CN.9/386 - United Nations Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes
- A/CN.9/387 - Report of the Working Group on Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) on the work of its twenty-sixth session (Vienna, 11-22 October 1993)
- A/CN.9/388 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its twentieth session (Vienna, 22 November-3 December 1993)
- A/CN.9/389 - Report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its sixteenth session (Vienna, 6-17 December 1993)
- A/CN.9/390 - Report of the Working Group on Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) on the work of its twenty -seventh session (New York, 28 February-11 March 1994)
- A/CN.9/391 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its twenty-first session (New York, 14-25 February 1994)
- A/CN.9/392 - Report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its seventeenth session (New York, 14-25 March 1994)
- A/CN.9/393 - Procurement: Guide to Enactment of UNCITRAL Model Law on procurement of goods and construction
- A/CN.9/394 - Draft amendments to the Guide to Enactment of UNCITRAL Model Law on procurement of goods and construction: note by the Secretariat
- A/CN.9/395 - Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits
- A/CN.9/396 - Draft guidelines for preparatory conferences in arbitral proceedings
- A/CN.9/396/Add.1 - Draft guidelines for preparatory conferences in arbitral proceedings : Addendum
- A/CN.9/397 - Legal aspects of receivables financing
- A/CN.9/398 - Cross-border insolvency: report on UNCITRAL-INSOL Colloquium on Cross-Border Insolvency
- A/CN.9/399 - Build-operate-transfer projects
- A/CN.9/400 - Training and Technical Assistance
- A/CN.9/401 - Status of Conventions
- A/CN.9/401/Add.1 - Status of the Hamburg Rules
- A/CN.9/402 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/403 - Guide to Enactment of UNCITRAL Model Law on Procurement of Goods and Construction and Services
26 th session, 5-23 July 1993, Vienna
- A/48/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its twenty-sixth session
- A/CN.9/370 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/371 - Procurement: report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its fifteenth session
- A/CN.9/372 - Report of Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its eighteenth session
- A/CN.9/373 - Electronic Data Interchange: Report of the Working Group on Electronic Data Interchange on the work of its twenty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/374 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its nineteenth session
- A/CN.9/374/Corr.1 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its nineteenth session: Corrigendum
- A/CN.9/375 - Draft Guide to Enactment of UNICTRAL Model Law on Procurement
- A/CN.9/376 - Model Law on Procurement: compilation of comments by Governments
- A/CN.9/376/Add.1 - Model law on Procurement : compilation of comments by Governments : Canada
- A/CN.9/376/Add.2 - Model law on Procurement : compilation of comments by Governments : Japan
- A/CN.9/377 - Proposed amendments to the draft Model Law on Procurement
- A/CN.9/378 - Possible future work : proposals for possible future work made at the UNCITRAL Congress : note / by the Secretariat
- A/CN.9/378/Add.1 - Procurement of services
- A/CN.9/378/Add.2 - Guidelines for the pre-hearing conferences in arbitral proceedings
- A/CN.9/378/Add.3 - Assignment of claims
- A/CN.9/378/Add.4 - Cross-border insolvency
- A/CN.9/378/Add.5 - Legal issues on privatization
- A/CN.9/379 - Training and technical assistance
- A/CN.9/380 - Coordination of work
- A/CN.9/381 - Status of UNCITRAL texts
- A/CN.9/382 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
25 th session, 4-22 May 1992, New York
- A/47/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its twenty-fifth session
- A/CN.9/355 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/356 - Procurement: report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the workd of its thirteenth session
- A/CN.9/357 - International countertrade: report of the Working Group on International payments on the work of its twenty-third session
- A/CN.9/358 - International guaranty letters: report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its sixteenth session
- A/CN.9/359 - Procurement: report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its twenty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/360 - Electronic data interchange: report of the Working Group on International Payments on the work of twenty-fourth session
- A/CN.9/361 - International guaranty letters: report of the Working Group on International Contracts Practices on the work of its seventeenth session
- A/CN.9/362 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: report of the Secretary-General
- A/CN.9/362/Add.1 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Introduction
- A/CN.9/362/Add.2 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Scope and terminology of Legal Guide
- A/CN.9/362/Add.3 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Contracting approach
- A/CN.9/362/Add.4 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Countertrade commitment
- A/CN.9/362/Add.5 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: General remarks on drafting
- A/CN.9/362/Add.6 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Type, quality and quantity of goods
- A/CN.9/362/Add.7 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Pricing of goods
- A/CN.9/362/Add.8 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Participation of third parties
- A/CN.9/362/Add.9 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Payment
- A/CN.9/362/Add.10 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Restrictions on resale of countertrade goods
- A/CN.9/362/Add.11 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Liquidated damages and penalty of clauses
- A/CN.9/362/Add.12 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Security for performance
- A/CN.9/362/Add.13 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Failure to complete countertrade transaction
- A/CN.9/362/Add.14 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Choice of law
- A/CN.9/362/Add.15 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Settlement of disputes
- A/CN.9/362/Add.16 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Draft illustrative provisions
- A/CN.9/362/Add.17 - Drafts chapters of Legal Guide on International Countertrade Transactions: Chapter summaries
- A/CN.9/363 - Training and assistance
- A/CN.9/364 - Coordination of work
- A/CN.9/367 - Draft model law on international credit transfers
- A/CN.9/368 - Status of conventions
- A/CN.9/369 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
24 th session, 10-28 June 1991, Vienna
- A/46/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its twenty-fourth session (Vienna, 10-28 June 1991)
- A/CN.9/340 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/341 - Report of the Working Group on International Payments on the work of its twenty-first session
- A/CN.9/342 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its fourteenth session
- A/CN.9/343 - Report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its twelfth session
- A/CN.9/344 - Report of the Working Group on International Payments on the work of its twenty-second session
- A/CN.9/345 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its fifteenth session
- A/CN.9/346 - International Credit Transfers: comments on the draft Model Law on International Credit Transfer
- A/CN.9/347 - Model Law on International Credit Transfers: compilation of comments by Government and international organizations
- A/CN.9/347/Add.1 - Model Law on International Credit Transfers: compilation of comments by Government and international organizations
- A/CN.9/348 - International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) INCOTERMS
- A/CN.9/349 - United Nations Decade of International Law
- A/CN.9/350 - Electronic data interchange
- A/CN.9/351 - Training and assistance
- A/CN.9/352 - Current activities of international organizations related to harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/353 - Status of conventions
- A/CN.9/354 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
23 rd session, 25 June - 6 July 1990, New York
- A/45/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its twenty-third session
- A/CN.9/327 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/328 - Report of the Working Group on International Payments on the work of its nineteenth session
- A/CN.9/329 - Report of the Working Group on International Payments on the work of its twentieth session
- A/CN.9/330 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its thirteenth session
- A/CN.9/331 - Report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its eleventh session
- A/CN.9/332 - International countertrade: draft legal guide on drawing up contracts in international countertrade transactions: sample chapters
- A/CN.9/332/Add.1 - International countertrade: draft legal guide on drawing up contracts in international countertrade transactions: sample chapters
- A/CN.9/332/Add.2 - International countertrade: draft legal guide on drawing up contracts in international countertrade transactions: sample chapters
- A/CN.9/332/Add.3 - International countertrade: draft legal guide on drawing up contracts in international countertrade transactions: sample chapters
- A/CN.9/332/Add.4 - International countertrade: draft legal guide on drawing up contracts in international countertrade transactions: sample chapters
- A/CN.9/332/Add.5 - International countertrade: draft legal guide on drawing up contracts in international countertrade transactions: sample chapters
- A/CN.9/332/Add.6 - International countertrade: draft legal guide on drawing up contracts in international countertrade transactions: sample chapters
- A/CN.9/332/Add.7 - International countertrade: draft legal guide on drawing up contracts in international countertrade transactions: sample chapters
- A/CN.9/332/Add.8 - International countertrade: draft legal guide on drawing up contracts in international countertrade transactions: sample chapters
- A/CN.9/333 - Electronic data interchange: preliminary study of legal issues related to the formation of contracts by electronic means
- A/CN.9/334 - Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods
- A/CN.9/335 - Training and assistance
- A/CN.9/336 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/337 - Status of Conventions
- A/CN.9/338 - United Nations Decade of International Law
- A/CN.9/339 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
22 nd session, 16 May - 2 June 1989, Vienna
- A/44/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its twenty-second session (Vienna, 16 May-2 June 1989)
- A/CN.9/314 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/315 - Report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its tenth session
- A/CN.9/316 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its twelfth session
- A/CN.9/317 - Report of the Working Group on International Payments on the work of its seventeenth session
- A/CN.9/318 - Report of the Working Group on International Payments on the work of its eighteenth session
- A/CN.9/319 - Liability of operators of transport terminals: compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Convention on the Liability of Operators of Transport Terminals in International Trade
- A/CN.9/319/Add.1 - Liability of operators of transport terminals: compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Convention on the Liability of Operators of Transport Terminals in International Trade
- A/CN.9/319/Add.2 - Liability of operators of transport terminals: compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Convention on the Liability of Operators of Transport Terminals in International Trade
- A/CN.9/319/Add.3 - Liability of operators of transport terminals: compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Convention on the Liability of Operators of Transport Terminals in International Trade
- A/CN.9/319/Add.4 - Liability of operators of transport terminals: compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Convention on the Liability of Operators of Transport Terminals in International Trade
- A/CN.9/319/Add.5 - Liability of operators of transport terminals: compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Convention on the Liability of Operators of Transport Terminals in International Trade
- A/CN.9/320 - Limits of liability and units of account in international transport conventions
- A/CN.9/321 - Liability of operators of transport terminals: draft final clauses for the draft Convention on the Liability of Operators of Transport Termnals in International Trade
- A/CN.9/322 - International countertrade: draft outline of the possible content and structure of a legal guide on drawing up international countertrade contracts
- A/CN.9/323 - Training and assistance
- A/CN.9/324 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/325 - Status of Conventions
- A/CN.9/326 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
21 st session, 11-20 April 1988, New York
- A/43/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its twenty-first session
- A/CN.9/296 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/297 - Report of the Working Group on International Payments on the work of its sixteenth session (Vienna, 2-13 November 1987)
- A/CN.9/298 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its eleventh session (New York, 18-29 January 1988)
- A/CN.9/299 - Working methods of the Commission
- A/CN.9/300 - Programme of work of the Commission
- A/CN.9/301 - Stand-by-letters of credit and guarantees
- A/CN.9/302 - International countertrade: preliminary study of legal issues in international countertrade
- A/CN.9/303 - Co-ordination of work: register of organizations
- A/CN.9/304 - Status of Conventions
- A/CN.9/305 - Promotion of texts emanating from the work of the Commission
- A/CN.9/306 - United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea, 1978 (Hamburg)
- A/CN.9/307 - United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
- A/CN.9/308 - Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods (New York, 1974)
- A/CN.9/309 - UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration
- A/CN.9/310 - Activities of the secretariat to distribute and to promote awareness of the UNCITRAL Legal Guide on Drawing Up International Contracts for the Construction of Industrial Works
- A/CN.9/311 - Training and assistance
- A/CN.9/312 - Collection and dissemination of information on interpretation of UNCITRAL legal texts
- A/CN.9/313 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
20 th session, 20 July - 14 August 1987, Vienna
- A/42/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its twentieth session
- A/CN.9/286 - Provisional Agenda, Annotations thereto and Scheduling of Meetings
- A/CN.9/287 - Report of Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its tenth session
- A/CN.9/288 - Report of the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments on the work of its fifteenth session
- A/CN.9/289 - Report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its ninth session
- A/CN.9/290 - Draft Legal Guide on Drawing Up International Contracts for Constructions of Industrial Works
- A/CN.9/291 - International Procurement
- A/CN.9/292 - Legal implications of automatic data processing
- A/CN.9/293 - Training and assistance
- A/CN.9/294 - Status of conventions
- A/CN.9/295 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
19 th session, 23 June - 11 July 1986, New York
- A/41/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its nineteenth session
- A/CN.9/272 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/273 - Report of the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments on the work of its fourteenth session (Vienna, 9-20 December 1985)
- A/CN.9/274 - Draft Convention on International Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes: text of draft articles as revised by the Commission at its seventeenth session or by the Working group on international Negotiable Instruments at its thirteenth or fourteenth session
- A/CN.9/275 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract practices on the work of its ninth session (New York, 6-17 January 1986)
- A/CN.9/276 - Report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its eighth session (Vienna, 17-27 March 1986)
- A/CN.9/277 - Future work in the area of the new international economic order
- A/CN.9/278 - Electronic funds transfers
- A/CN.9/279 - Legal implications of automatic data processing
- A/CN.9/280 - Co-ordination of work: activities of international organizations on certain aspects of arbitration
- A/CN.9/281 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/282 - Training and assistance
- A/CN.9/283 - Status of conventions
- A/CN.9/284 - Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
- A/CN.9/285 - Draft Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes: response to requests of the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments
18 th session, 3-21 June 1985, Vienna
- A/40/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its eighteenth session
- A/CN.9/258 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/259 - Report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its sixth session (Vienna, 10-20 September 1984)
- A/CN.9/260 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract practices on the work of its eighth session (Vienna, 3-13 December 1984)
- A/CN.9/261 - Report of the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments on the work of its thirteenth session (New York, 7-18 January 1985)
- A/CN.9/262 - Report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its seventh session (New York, 8-19 April 1985)
- A/CN.9/263 - Analytical compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft text of a model law on international commercial arbitration
- A/CN.9/263/Add.1 - Analytical compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft text of a model law on international commercial arbitration
- A/CN.9/263/Add.2 - Analytical compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft text of a model law on international commercial arbitration
- A/CN.9/263/Add.3 - Analytical compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft text of a model law on international commercial arbitration
- A/CN.9/264 - Analytical commentary on draft text of a model law on international commercial arbitration
- A/CN.9/265 - Legal value of computer records
- A/CN.9/266 - Draft legal guide on electronic funds transfers
- A/CN.9/266/Add.1 - Draft legal guide on electronic funds transfers
- A/CN.9/266/Add.2 - Draft legal guide on electronic funds transfers
- A/CN.9/267 - Dissemination of decisions concerning UNCITRAL legal texts and uniform interpretation of such texts
- A/CN.9/268 - Further work of the Commission in the area of international contracts for construction of industrial works
- A/CN.9/269 - Co-ordination of work: Legal aspects of technology transfert: Current activities of international organizations within the United Nations system
- A/CN.9/270 - Training and assistance
- A/CN.9/271 - Status of conventions
17 th session, 25 June - 10 July 1984, New York
- A/39/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its seventeenth session
- A/CN.9/244 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and tentative schedule of meetings
- A/CN.9/244/Corr.1 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and tentative schedule of meetings
- A/CN.9/245 - Sixth session of the Working Group on International Contract Practices (Vienna, 29 August-9 September 1983: Report of the Working Group on the work of its sixth session
- A/CN.9/246 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its seventh session (New York, 6-17 February 1984)
- A/CN.9/247 - Report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its fifth session (New York, 23 January-3 February 1984)
- A/CN.9/248 - Draft Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes and draft Convention on International Cheques: analytical compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/249 - Draft Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes and Draft Convention on International Cheques: major controversial and other issues
- A/CN.9/249/Add.1 - Draft Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes and Draft Convention on International Cheques: major controversial and other issues
- A/CN.9/250 - Draft legal guide on electronic funds transfer
- A/CN.9/250/Add.1 - Draft legal guide on electronic funds transfer
- A/CN.9/250/Add.2 - Draft legal guide on electronic funds transfer
- A/CN.9/250/Add.3 - Draft legal guide on electronic funds transfer
- A/CN.9/250/Add.4 - Draft legal guide on electronic funds transfer
- A/CN.9/251 - Uniform customs and practice for documentary credits
- A/CN.9/252 and Annex I and II - Liability of operators of transport terminals
- A/CN.9/253 - Current activities of international organizations in the field of barter and barter-like transactions
- A/CN.9/254 - Legal aspects of automatic data processing
- A/CN.9/255 - Co-ordination of work in general
- A/CN.9/256 - Training and Assistance
- A/CN.9/257 - Status of Conventions
16 th session, 24 May - 3 June 1983, Vienna
- A/38/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its sixteenth session
- A/CN.9/231 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and tentative schedule of meetings
- A/CN.9/232 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its fourth session (Vienna, 4-15 October 1982)
- A/CN.9/233 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its fifth session (New York, 22 February - 4 March 1983)
- A/CN.9/234 - Report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its fourth session (Vienna, 16-20 May 1983)
- A/CN.9/235 - Revised text of draft uniform rules on liquidated damages and penalty clauses
- A/CN.9/236 - Co-ordination of work: some recent developments in the field of international transport of goods
- A/CN.9/237 - Current activities of international organizations related to harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/237/Add.1 - Current activities of international organizations related to harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/237/Add.2 - Current activities of international organizations related to harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/237/Add.3 - Current activities of international organizations related to harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/238 - Co-ordination of work: legal aspects of automatic data processing
- A/CN.9/239 - Co-ordination of work in general
- A/CN.9/240 - Training and assistance
- A/CN.9/241 - Status of conventions
- A/CN.9/242 - Electronic funds transfers progress report
- A/CN.9/243 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its sixteenth session (Vienna, 24 May - 3 June 1983)
15 th session, 26 July - 6 August 1982, New York
- A/37/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its fifteenth session
- A/37/17/Corr.1 - English Only
- A/37/17/Corr.2 - English Only
- A/CN.9/209 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/210 - Report of the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments on the work of its eleventh session (New York, 3-14 August 1981)
- A/CN.9/211 - Draft Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes: text of draft articles as adopted by the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments
- A/CN.9/212 - Draft Convention on International Cheques: text of draft articles as adopted by the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments
- A/CN.9/213 - Commentary on draft Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes
- A/CN.9/214 - Commentary on draft Convention on International Cheques
- A/CN.9/215 - Report of the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments on the work of its twelfth session (Vienna, 4-12 January 1982)
- A/CN.9/216 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its third session (New York, 16-26 February 1982)
- A/CN.9/217 - Report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its third session (New York, 12-23 April 1982)
- A/CN.9/218 - Text of draft uniform rules on liquidated damages and penalty clauses, together with a commentary thereon
- A/CN.9/219 - Draft uniform rules on liquidated damages and penalty clauses: analysis of the responses of Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/219/Add.1 - Draft uniform rules on liquidated damages and penalty clauses: analysis of the responses of Governments and international organizations
- A/CN.9/220 - Universal unit of account for international conventions
- A/CN.9/221 - Electronic funds transfer
- A/CN.9/222 - International commercial arbitration: recommendations concerning administrative services provided in arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
- A/CN.9/223 - International payments: possible courses of action concerning the draft Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes and the draft Convention on International Cheques
- A/CN.9/224 - Most-favoured-nation clause
- A/CN.9/225 - International transport documents
- A/CN.9/226 - Co-ordination of activities
- A/CN.9/227 - Status of conventions
- A/CN.9/228 - Training and assistance
- A/CN.9/229 - Co-ordination of work: documentary credits
- A/CN.9/230 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its fifteenth session
14 th session, 19-26 June 1981, Vienna
- A/36/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its fourteenth session
- A/CN.9/195 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and tentative schedule of meetings
- A/CN.9/196 - International Payments: report of the working Group on International Negotiables Instruments on the work of its tenth session (Vienna, 5-16 January 1981)
- A/CN.9/197 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its second session (New york, 13-17 April 1981)
- A/CN.9/198 - Report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its second session held in Vienna, 9-18 June 1981: clauses related to contracts for the supply and construction of large industrial works
- A/CN.9/199 - Electronic funds transfer
- A/CN.9/200 - Universal unit of account for international conventions
- A/CN.9/201 - Clauses protecting parties against the effects of currency fluctuations
- A/CN.9/202 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/202/Add.1 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/202/Add.2 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/202/Add.3 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/202/Add.4 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/203 - Question of co-ordination: direction of the work of the Commission
- A/CN.9/204 - Alternative methods for the final adoption of conventions emanating from the work of the Commission
- A/CN.9/205/Rev.1 - Status of conventions
- A/CN.9/206 - Training and assistance: possibility of holding regional seminars
- A/CN.9/207 - International commercial arbitration: Possible features of a model law on international commercial arbitration
- A/CN.9/208 - Co-ordination of activities
13 th session, 14-25 July 1980, New York
- A/35/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its thirteenth session
- A/CN.9/176 - Report of the Working Group on the New International Economic Order on the work of its session (New York, 14-25 January 1980)
- A/CN.9/177 - Report of the Working Group on International Contract Practices on the work of its first session (Vienna, 24-28 September 1979)
- A/CN.9/178 - Report of the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments on the work of its eighth session (Geneva, 3-14 September 1979)
- A/CN.9/179 - Draft prepared by the Secretary-General: revised draft UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules
- A/CN.9/180 - Commentary on the revised draft of UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules
- A/CN.9/181 - Report of the working group on International Negotiable Instruments on the work of its ninth session (New York, 2-11 January 1980)
- A/CN.9/181/Annex - Draft Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International promissory Notes as adopted by the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments at its eighth session (Geneva, 3-14 September 1979) and its ninth session (New York, 2-11 January 1980)
- A/CN.9/182 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and tentative shedule of meetings
- A/CN.9/183 - United Nations Conference on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
- A/CN.9/186 - Security interests, issues to be considered in the preparation of uniform rules
- A/CN.9/187 - Observations and comments by States and international organizations on the revised draft UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules
- A/CN.9/187/Add.1 - Observations and comments by States and international organizations on the revised draft UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules
- A/CN.9/187/Add.2 - Observations and comments by States and international organizations on the revised draft UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules
- A/CN.9/187/Add.3 - Observations and comments by States and international organizations on the revised draft UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules
- A/CN.9/189 - Issues relating to the use of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules and the designation of an appointing authority
- A/CN.9/190 - International commercial arbitration; progress report on the preparation of a model law on arbitral procedure
- A/CN.9/191 - Study by the Secretary-General: international contracts in the field of industrial development
- A/CN.9/192 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/192/Add.1 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/192/Add.2 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/193 - Legal implications of the new international economic order
- A/CN.9/194 - Legal implications of the new international economic order
12 th session, 18-29 June 1979, Vienna
- A/34/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its twelfth session
- A/CN.9/157 - Report of the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments on the work of its seventh session (New York, 3-12 January 1979)
- A/CN.9/158 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and tentative shedule of meetings
- A/CN.9/159 - Barter or exchange in international trade
- A/CN.9/160 - Note by the Secretary-General on the progress made by the Secretariat in respect of its investigatory study on contract practices in international trade
- A/CN.9/161 - Liquidated damages and penalty clauses
- A/CN.9/162 - Memorandum on the second co-ordination meeting, held at Rome on 9 and 10 April 1979, as agreed upon by the participants
- A/CN.9/163 - Stand-by letters of credit
- A/CN.9/164 - Clauses protecting parties against the effects of currency fluctuations
- A/CN.9/165 - Security interests; feasibility of uniform rules to be used in the financing of trade
- A/CN.9/166 - Draft UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules
- A/CN.9/167 - Conciliation of international trade disputes
- A/CN.9/168 - Study on the application and interpretation of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958)
- A/CN.9/169 - Further work in respect of international commercial arbitration
- A/CN.9/170 - Issues relevant in the context of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
- A/CN.9/171 - Possible work programme of the Commission
- A/CN.9/172 - Survey of the work of international organizations in the field of transport law
- A/CN.9/173 - Training and assistance in the field of international trade law
- A/CN.9/174 - States of signatures and ratifications of the United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea, 1978 (Hamburg Rules), adopted at Hamburg on 30 March 1978
- A/CN.9/175 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
11 th session, 30 May - 16 June 1978, New York
- A/33/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its eleventh session (New York, 30 May-16 June 1978)
- A/CN.9/141 - Report of the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments on the work of its fifth session (New York, 18-29 July 1977)
- A/CN.9/142 and Annex - Report of the Working Group on the International Sale of Goods on the work of its ninth session (Geneva, 19-30 September 1977)
- A/CN.9/143 - Draft Convention on the formation of contracts for the international sale of goods
- A/CN.9/144 - Commentary on the draft Convention on the formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
- A/CN.9/145 - Incorporation of the provisions of the draft Convention on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods into the draft Convention on the International Sale of Goods
- A/CN.9/146 - Analytical compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Convention on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods as adopted by the Working Group on the International Sale of Goods and on the draft of a uniform law for the unification of certain rules relating to validity of contracts for the international sale of goods prepared by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law
- A/CN.9/146/Add.1 - Analytical compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Convention on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods as adopted by the Working Group on the International Sale of Goods and on the draft of a uniform law for the unification of certain rules relating to validity of contracts for the international sale of goods prepared by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law
- A/CN.9/146/Add.2 - Analytical compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Convention on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods as adopted by the Working Group on the International Sale of Goods and on the draft of a uniform law for the unification of certain rules relating to validity of contracts for the international sale of goods prepared by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law
- A/CN.9/146/Add.3 - Analytical compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Convention on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods as adopted by the Working Group on the International Sale of Goods and on the draft of a uniform law for the unification of certain rules relating to validity of contracts for the international sale of goods prepared by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law
- A/CN.9/146/Add.4 - Analytical compilation of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Convention on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods as adopted by the Working Group on the International Sale of Goods and on the draft of a uniform law for the unification of certain rules relating to validity of contracts for the international sale of goods prepared by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law
- A/CN.9/147 - Report of the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments on the work of its sixth session (Geneva, 3-13 January 1978)
- A/CN.9/148 - Multinational enterprises
- A/CN.9/149 and Corr.1-2 - Programme of work of the Commission
- A/CN.9/149 Annex 1 - Programme of work of the Commission
- A/CN.9/149 Annex 2 - Programme of work of the Commission
- A/CN.9/149 Annex 3 - Programme of work of the Commission
- A/CN.9/150 - United Nations Conference on the Carriage of Goods by Sea
- A/CN.9/151 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/152 - Training and assistance in the field of international trade law
- A/CN.9/153 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and tentative shedule of meetings
- A/CN.9/154 - Co-ordination of work between the Commission and other international organizations
- A/CN.9/155 - Recommendations of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee
- A/CN.9/156 - Proposal by France
10 th session, 23 May - 17 June 1977, Vienna
- A/32/17 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its tenth session
- A/CN.9/125/Add.1 - Comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft convention on the international sale of goods
- A/CN.9/125/Add.2 - Comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft convention on the international sale of goods
- A/CN.9/125/Add.3 - Comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft convention on the international sale of goods
- A/CN.9/126 - Analysis of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft convention on the international sale of goods as adopted by the Working Group on the international sale of goods
- A/CN.9/127 - International commercial arbitration
- A/CN.9/127/Add.1 - International commercial arbitration
- A/CN.9/128 and Annex I and II - Report of the Working Group on the International Sale of Goods on the work of its eighth session (New York, 4-14 January 1977)
- A/CN.9/129 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/129/Add.1 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/130 - Security interests
- A/CN.9/131 - Study on security interests
- A/CN.9/132 - Note by the Secretariat on article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code of the United States of America
- A/CN.9/133 - Liability for damage caused by products intended for or involved in international trade
- A/CN.9/134 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/135 - Draft convention on the international sale of goods; draft articles concerning implementation and other final clauses
- A/CN.9/136 - General conditions of sale and standard contracts
- A/CN.9/137 - Training and assistance in the field of international trade law
- A/CN.9/138 - Consistency of legal provisions drafted by the Commission or its workings groups
- A/CN.9/139 - Analysis of the replies of Governments to the questionnaire on liability for damage caused by products
- A/CN.9/140 - Possible conference of plenipotentiaries to conclude a Convention on the International Sales of Goods: financial implications
9 th session, 12 April - 7 May 1976, New York
- A/31/17(SUPP) - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its ninth session
- A/CN.9/109 - Note by the Secretary-General: comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea
- A/CN.9/109/Add.1 - Note by the Secretary-General: comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Convention on the Carriage of Goods by sea (addendum): additional comments by international organizations
- A/CN.9/109/Add.2 - Note by the Secretary-General: comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft convention on the carriage of Goods by sea (addendum)
- A/CN.9/110 - Report of the Secretary-General: analysis of comments by Governments and international organizations on the draft Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea
- A/CN.9/111 - Training and assistance in the field of international trade law
- A/CN.9/112 - Report of the Secretary-General: revised draft set of arbitration rules for optional use in ad hoc arbitration relating to international trade (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules)
- A/CN.9/112/Add.1 - Report of the Secretary-General: revised draft set of arbitration rules for optional use in ad hoc arbitration relating to international trade (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules) (addendum): commentary on the draft UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
- A/CN.9/113 - Working paper prepared by the Secretariat; revised draft set of arbitration rules for optional use in ad hoc arbitration relating to international trade (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules); alternative draft provisions for the draft UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
- A/CN.9/114 - Note by the Secretariat: draft UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules; schedule of fees of arbitrators
- A/CN.9/115 - Report of the Secretary-General: draft Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea; draft provisions concerning implementation, reservations and other final clauses
- A/CN.9/115/Add.1 - Report of the Secretary-General: draft Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea; draft provisions concerning implementation, reservations and other final clauses
- A/CN.9/116 and Annex I-II - Report of the Working Group on the International Sale of Goods on the work of its seventh session (Geneva, 5-16 January 1976)
- A/CN.9/117 - Report of the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments on the work of its fourth session (New York, 2-12 February 1976)
- A/CN.9/118 - Ratification of or adherence to conventions concerning international trade law
- A/CN.9/119 - Report of the Secretary-General: current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/120 - Provisional agenda, annotations thereto and tentative schedule of meetings
- A/CN.9/121 - Note by the Secretary-General: training and assistance in the field of international trade law
- A/CN.9/122 - Relevant provisions of the resolutions of the sixth and seventh sessions of the General Assembly
- A/CN.9/123 - International sale of goods
- A/CN.9/124 - Date and place of the tenth session
8 th session, 1-7 April 1975, Geneva
- A/10017 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its eighth session (Geneva, 1-7 April 1975)
- A/CN.9/96 - Report of the Working Group on International Legislation on Shipping on the work of its seventh session (Geneva, 30 September-11 October 1974)
- A/CN.9/96/Add.1 - Fourth report of the Secretary-General on responsibility of ocean carriers for cargo: bills of lading
- A/CN.9/97 - Preliminary draft set of arbitration rules for optional use in ad hoc arbitration relating to international trade (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules)
- A/CN.9/97/Add.1 - Observations on the preliminary draft set of arbitration rules for optional use in ad hoc arbitration relating to international trade (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules)
- A/CN.9/97/Add.2 - Suggested modifications to the preliminary draft set of arbitration rules for optional use in ad hoc arbitration relating to international trade (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules)
- A/CN.9/97/Add.3 - Observations on the preliminary draft set of arbitration rules for optional use in ad hoc arbitration relating to international trade (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules)
- A/CN.9/97/Add.4 - Observations on the preliminary draft set of arbitration rules for optional use in ad hoc arbitration relating to international trade (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules)
- A/CN.9/98 - General conditions of sale and standard contracts
- A/CN.9/99 - Report of the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments on the work of its third session (Geneva, 6-17 January 1975)
- A/CN.9/100 and Annex I-IV - Report of the Working Group on the International Sale of Goods on the work of its sixth session (New York, 27 January-7 February 1975)
- A/CN.9/101 - International payments: bankers' commercial credits and bank guarantees
- A/CN.9/101/Add.1 - Analysis of the observations received in respect of "Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1962)" and its revision by the International Chamber of Commerce
- A/CN.9/102 - International payments: security interests in goods
- A/CN.9/103 - Liability for damage caused by products intended for or involved in international trade
- A/CN.9/104 - Multinational enterprises
- A/CN.9/105 and Annex - Report of the Working Group on International Legislation on Shipping on the work of its eighth session (New York, 10-21 February 1975)
- A/CN.9/106 - Current activities of international organizations relating to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/107 - Training and assistance in the field of international trade law
- A/CN.9/108 - Provisional agenda, notes on the provisional agenda, and tentative schedule of meetings
7 th session, 13-17 May 1974, New York
- A/9617 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its seventh session (New York, 13-17 May 1974)
- A/CN.9/85 - Provisional agenda, notes on the provisional agenda, and tentative schedule of meetings
- A/CN.9/86 - Report of the Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments on the work of its second session (New York, 7-18 January 1974)
- A/CN.9/87 and annex I-IV - Progress report of the Working Group on the International Sale of Goods on the work of its fifth session (Geneva, 21 January-1 February 1974)
- A/CN.9/88 - Report of the Working Group on International Legislation on Shipping on the work of its sixth session (Geneva, 4-20 February 1974)
- A/CN.9/88/Add.1 - Report of the Secretary-General; third report on responsibility of ocean carriers for cargo: bills of lading
- A/CN.9/88/Corr.1 - International Legislation on Shipping: report of the Working Group on the work of its sixth session (Geneva, 4-20 February 1974)
- A/CN.9/89/Corr.1 - International payments: Bankers' commercial credits; bankers' guarantees
- A/CN.9/90 - Multinational enterprises: Current status of work: note by the Secretary-General
- A/CN.9/91 - Ratification of or adherence to conventions concerning international trade law: report of the Secretary-General
- A/CN.9/92 - Training and assistance in the field of international trade law
- A/CN.9/92/Corr.1 - Training and assistance in the field of international trade law
- A/CN.9/93 - Liability for damage caused by products intended for or involved in international trade
- A/CN.9/94 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law: report of the Secretary-General
- A/CN.9/94/Add.1 - [Report of the Secretary-General on current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law] : United Nations Conference on trade and development (UNCTAD)
- A/CN.9/94/Add.2 - [Report of the Secretary-General on current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of trade law: Council of Europe
- A/CN.9/95 - Administrative and financial implications of the report of the working group on international legislation on shipping on the work of its sixth session
- A/CN.9/L.25 - Compilation of bibliographies on international trade law
6 th session, 2-13 July 1973, Geneva
- A/9017 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its sixth session (Geneva, 2-13 April 1973)
- A/CN.9/74 - Report of the Working Group on International Legislation on Shipping on the work of its fourth (special) session (Geneva, 25 September-6 October 1972)
- A/CN.9/75 - Progress report of the Working Group on the International Sale of Goods on the Work of its fourth session (New York, 22 January-2 February 1973)
- A/CN.9/76 - Report of the Working Group on International Legislation on shipping on the work of its fifth session (New York, 5-16 February 1973)
- A/CN.9/76/Add.1 - Report of the Secretary-General, second report on responsibility of ocean carriers for cargo: bills of lading
- A/CN.9/77 - Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments: draft uniform law on international bills of exchange and promissory notes; report of the Working Group on the work of its first session (Geneva, 8-19 January 1973)
- A/CN.9/78 - Report of the Secretary-General: the feasibility of developing general conditions of sale embracing a wide scope of commodities
- A/CN.9/79 - Report of the Secretary-General: summary of comments by members of the Commission on the proposals of the special Rapporteur on international commercial arbitration
- A/CN.9/79/Add.1 - International commercial arbitration: summary of the comments by members of the Commission on the proposal of the special Rapporteur
- A/CN.9/80 - Training and assistance in the field of international trade law
- A/CN.9/81 - The establishment of a union for jus commune in matters of international trade - analysis of comments and observations by Governments
- A/CN.9/82 - Report of the Secretary-General: current activities of international organizations relating to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/83 - Multinational enterprises
- A/CN.9/84 - Provisional agenda, notes on the provisional agenda, and tentative schedule of meetings
5 th session, 10 April - 5 May 1972, New York
- A/8717 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its fifth session
- A/CN.9/62 - Progress report of the Working Group on the International Sale of Goods on the work of its third session, held in Geneva from 17 to 28 January 1972
- A/CN.9/62/Add.1 - Progress report of the Working Group on the International Sale of Goods on the work of its third session, held in Geneva from 17 to 28 January 1972
- A/CN.9/62/Add.2 - Progress report of the Working Group on the International Sale of Goods on the work of its third session, held in Geneva from 17 to 28 January 1972
- A/CN.9/63 - Report of the Working Group on International Legislation on Shipping on the work of the third session, held in Geneva from 31 January to 11 February 1972
- A/CN.9/63/Add.1 - Report of the Working Group on International Legislation on Shipping on the work of the third session, held in Geneva from 31 January to 11 February 1972
- A/CN.9/64 - Problems concerning the application and interpretation of existing multilateral conventions on international commercial arbitration and related matters: report by Mr. Ion Nestor (Romania), Special Rapporteur
- A/CN.9/65 - Training and assistance in the field of international trade law
- A/CN.9/66 - Timing and contents of the UNCITRAL Yearbook
- A/CN.9/67 - International payments: Negotiable instruments: Draft uniform law on International Bills of Exchange and commentary
- A/CN.9/68 - Provisional agenda and annotations
- A/CN.9/69 - General conditions of sale and standard contracts
- A/CN.9/70 - Report of the Working Group on Time-limits and Limitations (Prescription) in the International Sale of Goods on its third session held at New York from 30 August to 10 September 1971
- A/CN.9/70/Rev.1 - Report of the Working Group on Time-limits and Limitations (Prescription) in the International Sale of Goods on its third session held at New York from 30 August to 10 September 1971
- A/CN.9/70/Add.1 - Report of the Working Group on Time-limits and Limitations (Prescription) in the International Sale of Goods on its third session held at New York from 30 August to 10 September 1971
- A/CN.9/70/Add.2 - Report of the Working Group on Time-limits and Limitations (Prescription) in the International Sale of Goods on its third session held at New York from 30 August to 10 September 1971
- A/CN.9/71 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/72 - international payments: negotiable instruments: note by UNIDROIT concerning the effects of the international bill of exchange in the executory process
- A/CN.9/73 - Commentary on the Draft Convention on Prescription (Limitation) in the International Sale of Goods
4 th session, 29 March - 20 April 1971, Geneva
- A/8417 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its fourth session
- A/CN.9/38/Add.1 - Analysis of replies from Governments and banking and trade institutions to the questionnaire on negotiable instruments used for making international payments
- A/CN.9/48 - Analysis of replies of Governments and banking and trade institutions relating to negotiable instruments for optional use in international transactions
- A/CN.9/50 - Working Group on Time-limits and Limitations (Prescription): report on the work of the second session (including text of a preliminary draft of a uniform law on prescription and commentary thereon)
- A/CN.9/51 - Provisional agenda and annotations
- A/CN.9/52 - Working Group on the International Sale of Goods; report on the work of the second session, 7-18 December 1970
- A/CN.9/53 - International payments: negotiable instruments: suggestions as to future work on negotiable instruments
- A/CN.9/53/Corr.1 - International payments: negotiable instruments: suggestions as to future work on negotiable instruments
- A/CN.9/54 - Implementation of the Commission's decisions relating to general conditions of sale and standard contracts
- A/CN.9/55 - Working Group on International Legislation on Shipping; report on the work of the first session, 22-26 March 1971
- A/CN.9/56 - Register of texts
- A/CN.9/57 - Timing and content of the UNCITRAL Yearbook
- A/CN.9/57/Corr.1 - Timing and content of the UNCITRAL Yearbook
- A/CN.9/58 - Training and assistance in the field of international trade law
- A/CN.9/58/Add.1 - Training and assistance in the field of international trade law
- A/CN.9/59 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/59/Corr.1 - Current activities of international organizations related to the harmonization and unification of international trade law
- A/CN.9/60 - The establishment of a Union for jus commune; proposal by the French delegation
- A/CN.9/61 - Register of experts and scholars in international trade law: supplement to the register of experts and scholars in international trade law
- A/CN.9/L.20 - Bibliography on international trade law
- A/CN.9/L.20/Add.1 - Survey of bibliographies relating to international trade law
- A/CN.9/R.5 - Time-limits and limitations (prescription) in the international sale of goods
3 rd session, 6-30 April 1970, New York
- A/8017 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its third session
- A/CN.9/30 - Report of the Working Group on time limits and limitations (prescription), first session, 18-22 August 1969
- A/CN.9/31 - Analysis of replies and comments by governments on the Hague Conventions of 1964
- A/CN.9/32 - The Establishment of an UNCITRAL Yearbook
- A/CN.9/32/Add.1 - The Establishment of an UNCITRAL Yearbook
- A/CN.9/33 - Analysis of the Replies and Comments by Governments on the Hague Convention of 1955: report of the Secretary General
- A/CN.9/34 - Implementation of the Commission's decisions relating to general conditions of sale, standard contracts and incoterms: report of the Secretary-General
- A/CN.9/35 - Report of the Working Group on the international sale of goods, first session, 5-16 January 1970
- A/CN.9/36 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/36/Add.1 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/36/Add.1/Corr.1 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/36/Add.1/Corr.2 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/37 - Guarantees and Securities (Bank Guarantees)
- A/CN.9/38 - International Payments - Negoctiable Instruments; Analysis of the replies received from Governments and banking and trade institutions to the questionnaire on negotiable instruments used for making international payment
- A/CN.9/39 - Training and Assistance in the field of International Trade Law
- A/CN.9/40 - Register of Organizations and Register of Texts
- A/CN.9/41 - International Legislation on Shipping: a survey of the work in the field of international legislation on shipping undertaken by various international organizations, and co-ordination of future work in this field
- A/CN.9/42 - International Commercial Arbitration
- A/CN.9/43 - Bibliography on International Trade Law
- A/CN.9/44 - International Payments - Bankers' Commercial Credits
- A/CN.9/45 - Guarantees and Securities
- A/CN.9/45/Add.1 - Guarantees and Securities
- A/CN.9/46 - Programme of Work through 1973
- A/CN.9/49 - International Commercial Arbitration: The United Nations Convention of 1958 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
- A/CN.9/49/Add.1 - International Commercial Arbitration: The United Nations Convention of 1958 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
- A/CN.9/L.19 - Progressive codification of the law of international trade: note by the secretariat of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT)
- A/CN.9/R.1 - Time-limits and limitations (prescription) in the international sale of goods: Suggestions concerning alternative approaches for consideration of the Report of the Working Group
- A/CN.9/R.3 - Bibliography
- UNCITRAL/III/CRP/3 - Draft basic convention establishing a common body of international trade law: proposal by the French delegation
2 nd session, 3-31 March 1969, Geneva
- A/7618 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its second session
- A/CN.9/11 - Replies and studies by States concerning the Hague Conventions of 1964
- A/CN.9/11/Add.1 - Replies and studies by States concerning the Hague Conventions of 1964
- A/CN.9/11/Add.2 - Replies and studies by States concerning the Hague Conventions of 1964
- A/CN.9/11/Add.3 - Replies and studies by States concerning the Hague Conventions of 1964
- A/CN.9/11/Corr.1 - Replies and studies by States concerning the Hague Conventions of 1964
- A/CN.9/12 - Replies by States concerning the Hague Convention of 1955 on the law applicable to international sale of goods
- A/CN.9/12/Add.1 - Replies by States concerning the Hague Convention of 1955 on the law applicable to international sale of goods
- A/CN.9/12/Add.2 - Replies by States concerning the Hague Convention of 1955 on the law applicable to international sale of goods
- A/CN.9/12/Add.3 - Replies by States concerning the Hague Convention of 1955 on the law applicable to international sale of goods
- A/CN.9/12/Add.4 - Replies by States concerning the Hague Convention of 1955 on the law applicable to international sale of goods
- A/CN.9/13 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/13/Add.1 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/14 - Incoterms and other trade terms
- A/CN.9/15 - Bankers' commercial credits: note by the Secretary-General transmitting a study by the International Chamber of commerce on documentary credits and observations thereon
- A/CN.9/15/Add.1 - Bankers' commercial credits: note by the Secretary-General transmitting a study by the International Chamber of commerce on documentary credits and observations thereon
- A/CN.9/16 - Time-limits and limitations (prescription) in the field of international sale of goods
- A/CN.9/16/Add.1 - Time-limits and limitations (prescription) in the field of international sale of goods
- A/CN.9/16/Add.2 - Time-limits and limitations (prescription) in the field of international sale of goods
- A/CN.9/16/Add.3 - Time-limits and limitations (prescription) in the field of international sale of goods
- A/CN.9/16/Add.4 - Time-limits and limitations (prescription) in the field of international sale of goods
- A/CN.9/17 - International sale of goods. The Hague Conventions of 1964. Analysis of the replies and studies received from Governments
- A/CN.9/18 - General conditions of sale and standard contracts: promotion of wider use of existing general conditions of sale and standard contracts
- A/CN.9/19 - Negotiable instruments: unification of the law of bills of exchange and cheques: note by the Secretary General and preliminary report by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT)
- A/CN.9/20 - Preliminary study of guarantees and securities as related to international payments
- A/CN.9/20/Add.1 - Preliminary study of guarantees and securities as related to international payments
- A/CN.9/21 - International commercial arbitration: steps to be taken for promoting the harmonization and unification of the law of international commercial arbitration
- A/CN.9/22 - The United Nations Conventions of 1958 on the Recognition and Enforcement of foreign Arbitral Awards
- A/CN.9/22/Add.1 - The United Nations Conventions of 1958 on the Recognition and Enforcement of foreign Arbitral Awards
- A/CN.9/22/Add.2 - The United Nations Conventions of 1958 on the Recognition and Enforcement of foreign Arbitral Awards
- A/CN.9/23 - Consideration of inclusion of international shipping legislation among the priority topics in the work programme
- A/CN.9/24 - Register of organizations and register of texts
- A/CN.9/24/Add.1 - Register of organizations and register of texts
- A/CN.9/24/Add.2 - Register of organizations and register of texts
- A/CN.9/25 - Co-ordination of the work of organizations active in international trade law
- A/CN.9/26 - Working relationships and collaboration with other bodies
- A/CN.9/27 - Training and assistance in the field of international trade law
- A/CN.9/28 - Consideration of the possibility of issuing a yearbook
- A/CN.9/29 - Agenda
- A/CN.9/L.14 - Time-limits and limitations (prescription) in the field of international sale of goods
1 st session, 29 January - 26 February 1968, New York
- A/7216 - Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its first session
- A/CN.9/1 - First session of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law: note by the Secretariat
- A/CN.9/2 - Provisional agenda
- A/CN.9/3 - Adoption of rules of procedure: note by the Secretary-General
- A/CN.9/4 - Comments by Member States, organs and organizations on the work programme of the Commission: note by the Secretary-General
- A/CN.9/4/Add.1 - Comments by Member States, organs and organizations on the work programme of the Commission: note by the Secretary-General
- A/CN.9/4/Add.2 - Comments by Member States, organs and organizations on the work programme of the Commission: note by the Secretary-General
- A/CN.9/4/Corr.1 - Comments by Member States, organs and organizations on the work programme of the Commission: note by the Secretary-General
- A/CN.9/5 - Survey of activities of organizations concerned with the harmonization and unification of the law of international trade: note by the Secretary-General
- A/CN.9/6 - Organization and methods of work: note by the Secretary-General
- A/CN.9/6/Corr.1 - Organization and methods of work: note by the Secretary-General
- A/CN.9/7 - Collaboration and working relationships with organs and organizations concerned with international trade law: note by the Secretary-General
- A/CN.9/8 - Agenda adopted at the 2nd meeting, on 30 January 1968
- A/CN.9/9 - Methods of work for priority topics (Working paper submitted by the Working Group on agenda item 5 (a) and (b) as adopted, with amendments, by the Commission at its 19th meeting on 22 February 1968)
- A/CN.9/10 - Recommendation approved by the Commission at its 21st meeting, on 23 February 1968, for inclusion in the report
- A/C.6/L.571 - Steps to be taken for progressive development of private international law with a view to promoting international trade: background paper by the delegation of Hungary
- A/C.6/L.572 - Unification of the law of international trade: note by the Secretariat