UNCITRAL Events and News

UNCITRAL Events and Colloquia

10 December 2020 to 12 December 2020

The UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific, the Centre for Transnational Commercial Law at The National Law University, Delhi, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) and INSOL India are pleased to announce the 2020 Moot Competition on Insolvency and Bankruptcy. The theme for this year’s competition is “Corporate Insolvency Resolution” and it will be held virtually from 10 – 12 December 2020.

12 November 2020 to 13 November 2020

UNCITRAL is pleased to announce the JPRI International Conference 2020, co-organised with the Judicial Policy Research Institute (JPRI), the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), and the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT). Themed “International Commercial Litigation: Recent Developments and Future Challenges”, covered topics include “Modernizing and Harmonizing International Commercial Contracts”, “Secured Transactions and Insolvency”, “Enforcement of Arbitral Awards and Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation”, and more. Ms. Anna Joubin-Bret, Secretary of UNCITRAL, will be participating. The event will be publicly livestreamed on the JPRI YouTube channel.

12 November 2020 to 13 November 2020

联合国国际贸易法委员会很高兴地宣布委员会将与韩国司法政策研究院(JPRI)、海牙国际私法会议(HCCH)和国际统一私法协会(UNIDROIT)共同举办主题为“国际商事诉讼:近期发展与未来挑战”的 2020年JPRI国际会议。会议将涵盖的主题包括“国际商事合同的现代化和统一”、“担保交易和破产”、“仲裁裁决和调解所产生的和解协议之执行”等。联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书长Anna Joubin-Bret女士将出席此次会议。该会议届时将在JPRI的YouTube频道公开直播

09 November 2020

Co-organised by UNCITRAL, the Department of Justice, Hong Kong SAR, and the Asian Academy of International Law (AAIL), the UNCITRAL Working Group III Virtual Pre-Intersessional Meeting on ‘The Use of Mediation in ISDS’ aims to facilitate the sharing of information on mediation and contribute to the discussion of Working Group III as it considers the way forward on the development of mediation as an ISDS reform option. The event will be held virtually on 9 November 2020 from 09:00 – 11:35 and from 16:00 – 18:35 (GMT+8).

09 November 2020

联合国国际贸易法委员会、香港特别行政区律政司和亚洲国际法律研究院(AAIL)将共同举办联合国国际贸易法委员会第三工作组关于“调解在ISDS中的应用”的间会预备研讨会。该会议旨在促进分享关于调解的信息,并将有助于正在考虑将调解作为ISDS改革方案发展方向的第三工作组讨论的开展。该会议将于2020年11月9日上午9:00-11:35和下午4:00-6:35 (格林威治标准时间+8)以线上方式举行。活动详情请参考电子附件,以及注册请访问:https://events.aail.org/en/event/2020-UNCITRAL-WGIII/ 

06 November 2020

Ms. Anna Joubin-Bret, Secretary of UNCITRAL, will be delivering the keynote speech at Mediation Conference 2020: "Mediate First - More Than You Can Imagine" hosted by the Department of Justice, Hong Kong SAR. Highlighted topics include the recently entered into force Singapore Convention on Mediation and the use of online dispute resolution in light of COVID-19. The event will be held virtually on 6 November 2020 from 09:30 – 11:30 HKT/GMT+8 (Morning session) and from 15:00 – 18:00 HKT/GMT+8 (Afternoon session).

06 November 2020

联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书长Anna Joubin-Bret女士将在由香港特别行政区律政司主办的2020年调解会议上发表主旨演讲:“调解为先 ,超越所想”。本次会议的重点议题包括于近日生效的《新加坡调解公约》和COVID-19下网上争议解决的运用。该线上会议的上午环节、下午环节举行时间分别为2020年11月6日09:30 - 11:30 (香港时间)/格林威治标准时间+8与15:00 - 18:00(香港时间)/格林威治标准时间+8。注册请访问:https://www.legalweek.hk/.

05 November 2020 to 06 November 2020

联合国国际贸易法委员会很高兴地邀请您参加将于2020年11月5日及6日在韩国首尔举行的,主题为“仲裁新格局:2020年及未来”的第九届亚太ADR会议。本次线上会议由联合国国际贸易法委员会、韩国商事仲裁委员会国际部(KCAB INTERNATIONAL)、韩国司法部(MOJ)、国际商会(ICC)和首尔国际争议解决中心(Seoul IDRC)共同举办。注册和活动详情可访问:https://www.seouladrfestival.com/thu.

05 November 2020 to 06 November 2020

UNCITRAL is pleased to invite you to the 9th Asia Pacific ADR Conference on 5 and 6 November 2020 in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Titled “The New Arbitration Landscape: 2020 and Beyond”, this virtual event is co-organised by UNCITRAL, the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board International (KCAB INTERNATIONAL), the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea (MOJ), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the Seoul International Dispute Resolution Center (Seoul IDRC).

05 November 2020 to 15 December 2020

La Secretaría se complace en anunciar las actividades programadas en América Latina y el Caribe en la primera edición del Día de UNCITRAL-LAC.  En el día de UNCITRAL-LAC la Secretaría de la CNUDMI co-patrocina una serie de eventos académicos organizados por instituciones académicas de excelencia en la región de América Latina y el Caribe. Esta serie de eventos celebran el establecimiento de la Comisión y concientizan el trabajo que realiza la CNUDMI entre estudiantes de derecho, expertos legales, legisladores, y representantes del sector privado y público en general.

News Articles

02 July 2024

The monthly compilation for June of the bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL is now available.

27 June 2024

The UNCITRAL/UNIDROIT Model Law on Warehouse Receipts was adopted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) at its 57th session in New York. The Model Law was developed as a joint project of UNCITRAL and the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT). Read the full press release here.

20 June 2024

A celebratory event for the United Nations Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships (the "Beijing Convention on the Judicial Sale of Ships") was held by the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of Malta, Comité Maritime International and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) on 19 June in Valletta, Malta. Seven additional States signed the Convention at the event. Read the full press release here.