UNCITRAL Events and News

UNCITRAL Events and Colloquia

04 November 2021 to 05 November 2021

UNCITRAL RCAP held the 10th Asia-Pacific ADR Virtual Conference on 4 and 5 November 2021 in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Titled “Innovating the Future of Dispute Resolution Beyond 2021: The Journey Continues”, this virtual event was co-organised by UNCITRAL RCAP, the KCAB INTERNATIONAL, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the Seoul International Dispute Resolution Center (Seoul IDRC). Event details can be accessed here.    

02 November 2021 to 03 November 2021

Jointly organized by UNCITRAL RCAP and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea and, supported by KCAB INTERNATIONAL and Seoul IDRC, the UNCITRAL Special Session will take place from 2 to 3 November 2021. An annual flagship event, this year’s theme is “UNCITRAL and Regional Developments on Arbitration and Mediation”. The Session is a capacity-building event that brings together invited government officials of the Asia-Pacific region and international legal experts. 

01 November 2021

Jointly organised by UNCITRAL RCAP and the Department of Justice of the Hong Kong, China, the 4th UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Judicial Summit will take place from 1 to 2 November 2021. A biennial flagship event, this year’s theme is “Sustainably Adapting to a New Normal.” The Summit brings together judges, officials, practitioners, academics, and other professionals in the region to discuss the legal challenges and opportunities created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Day 1 of the Summit, open to the public, consists of three sessions on green and sustainable financing, digital economy and dispute resolution, and insolvency and restructuring, respectively. Registration for Day 1 is available at https://legalweek2021.hk/registration. Day 2 of the Summit is an invitation-only judicial roundtable for judges and judicial personnel to discuss supply chain trade disputes arising from pandemic disruptions in addition to digital economy and dispute resolution, and insolvency and restructuring matters. 

28 October 2021 to 29 October 2021

Co-organised by UNCITRAL, the Department of Justice, Hong Kong SAR, and the Asian Academy of International Law (AAIL), the UNCITRAL Working Group III Intersessional Meeting on the “Use of Mediation in ISDS” aims to discuss ways to strengthen the use of mediation in ISDS disputes by exploring the draft notes prepared by the UNCITRAL Secretariat on model treaty provisions and guidelines for the use of mediation, as well as the experience and perspectives of international organisations and different jurisdictions through panel sessions, practical workshop and roundtable discussion. Hybrid mode of virtual and in-person participation is adopted for this meeting on 28 October 2021 18:30 - 21:30 (GMT+8), and 29 October 2021 10:00 – 12:00 and 18:30 – 21:20 (GMT+8) (evening session open to WG III delegations only). For further details, please see the attached e-flyer and register here

28 October 2021 to 29 October 2021

Organisée conjointement par la CNUDCI, le Département de la Justice de Hong Kong et l'Académie asiatique de droit international (AAIL), la réunion intersessions du Groupe de travail III de la CNUDCI sur « L’utilisation de la médiation dans le RDIE » vise à examiner les moyens de renforcer le recours à la médiation dans le RDIE à travers l’étude les projets de notes préparés par le Secrétariat de la CNUDCI sur les dispositions des traités types et les lignes directrices pour le recours à la médiation, ainsi que l'expérience et la perspective des organisations internationales et des différentes juridictions, par le biais de présentations, d'ateliers pratiques et de tables rondes. Un mode de participation hybride (virtuelle et en personne) sera adopté pour cette réunion le 28 octobre 2021 de 18h30 à 21h30 (GMT+8), et le 29 octobre 2021 de 10h00 à 12h00 et de 18h30 à 21h20 (GMT+8) (la session du soir est ouverte aux délégations du Groupe de travail III uniquement). Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter le feuillet électronique ci-joint et vous inscrire à l'adresse suivante : https://2021-uncitral-wg-iii-intersessional.net/.

27 October 2021 to 28 October 2021

The joint UNCITRAL-World Bank Group Judicial Capacity-Building Initiative on International Best Practices in the Area of Insolvency Law is intended to serve as a platform for judges, in particular from developing countries, to exchange their views and experiences with handling domestic insolvency cases and to learn in that context about the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law and the World Bank Principles for Effective Insolvency and Creditor/Debtor Regimes.

21 October 2021 to 08 December 2021

The UNCITRAL Secretariat is pleased to announce the line-up for the 2021 UNCITRAL Latino America and Caribbean Day (LAC Day). During the UNCITRAL LAC Day, the Secretariat of UNCITRAL will co-host a series of academic events with institutions of higher learning in the Latin America and Caribbean region to both celebrate the establishment of UNCITRAL and to raise awareness of the work of UNCITRAL amongst law students, legal experts, policy-makers, and the public and private sectors, thereby furthering the work of UNCITRAL in promoting the progressive harmonization and modernization of international trade and commercial law throughout the region. 

21 October 2021 to 08 December 2021

La Secretaría se complace en anunciar las actividades programadas en América Latina y el Caribe en la edición 2021 del UNCITRAL LAC DAY.   En estas jornadas la Secretaría de la CNUDMI copatrocina una serie de eventos académicos organizados por instituciones académicas de excelencia en la región de América Latina y el Caribe. Las jornadas celebran el establecimiento de la Comisión y concientizan el trabajo que realiza la CNUDMI entre estudiantes de derecho, expertos legales, legisladores, y representantes del sector privado y público en general.

28 September 2021

Le Ministère du Commerce et des Petites et moyennes entreprises du Sénégal, la Commission des Nations Unies pour le droit commercial international (CNUDCI), la Chambre de commerce internationale (CCI) et l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), organisent un webinaire portant sur la numérisation des pratiques commerciales internationales au Sénégal. 

06 September 2021 to 07 September 2021

UNCITRAL RCAP held the 2nd Incheon Law & Business Forum themed “Navigating the Storm: Helping MSMEs Set Sail with Legal Harmonization” on 6-7 September 2021. The Forum was co-hosted with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea and Incheon Metropolitan City, and supported by the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) and the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board INTERNATIONAL (KCAB INTERNATIONAL).

News Articles

04 January 2024

The monthly compilation for December of the bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL is now available.

04 December 2023

The monthly compilation for November of the bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL is now available.

29 November 2023

With its ratification of the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (the "Singapore Convention on Mediation"), Nigeria becomes the 13th State Party to the Convention. Read the full press release here.