International Colloquium on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) - 2014

At its forty-sixth session (Vienna, 8 -26 July 2013), the Commission considered possible future work in the area of public-private partnerships (PPPs). It noted that UNCITRAL's Legislative Guide (with Legislative Recommendations) and its Model Legislative Provisions on Privately-financed Infrastructure Projects were widely-used, but were not a de facto standard or model available to States for PPPs reform. It also agreed that these texts might be in need of some updating and revision (they date from 2000 and 2003, respectively).

A colloquium on PPPs will take place from 3 to 4 March 2014 at the Vienna International Centre to discuss the Commission's considerations at its forty-sixth session in 2013 on possible future work on PPPs, and the scope of any future work to be recommended to the Commission at its 47th session (New York, 7-25 July 2014). The colloquium will bring together experts from government, private sector, academia and the non-profit sector. The colloquium will consider the results of an exercise to map current PPPs legislation, some preliminary findings on the main topics that might be included in any future legislative text on PPPs and the form that such a text might take.

The colloquium will be conducted on an informal basis. Interpretation in the six official languages of the United Nations (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) will be available.

The report of the colloquium will be before the Commission at its forty-seventh session and will be made available upon its issuance.

International Colloquium on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
Vienna, 3-4 March 2014

Discussion Paper Part I

Discussion Paper Part II

Crown Agents:  - Comparison  of Country PPP Laws with UNCITRAL PFIPs Instruments

Caroline Nicholas - Colloquium Possible future work on PPPs 3-4 March 2014 Vienna International Centre. Session 1

M. Fruhmann, T. Wiwen-Nilson, P. Dewast, B. Male Nyembo, P. Nernal Turnes - Cross-Border PPP

Marc Frilet - Scope of any future legislative text

Caroline Nicholas - Colloquium Possible future work on PPPs 3-4 March 2014 Vienna International Centre. Session 2

Caroline Nicholas - Colloquium Possible future work on PPPs 3-4 March 2014 Vienna International Centre. Session 3

Caroline Nicholas - Colloquium Possible future work on PPPs 3-4 March 2014 Vienna International Centre. Session 4

Caroline Nicholas - Colloquium Possible future work on PPPs 3-4 March 2014 Vienna International Centre. Session 6

Caroline Nicholas - Colloquium Possible future work on PPPs 3-4 March 2014 Vienna International Centre. Session 7

Irina Zapatrina - Comments to Nature of any legislative text to be recommended

Alexei Zverev - Model Law on PPPs for CIS Countries as a New Regional legislative Standard