UNCITRAL Working Group III - Informal online meeting on the draft Code of Conduct - 23-24 March 2022


23-24 March 2022, 1 to 3 pm (Vienna, Austria time)

The UNCITRAL Secretariat is organizing, jointly with the Secretariat of ICSID, a two-day informal meeting on the draft code of conduct for adjudicators in international investment disputes.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider informally the redraft of articles 1 to 8, as contained in document CRP.2 and to consider certain questions in relation to the preparation of a redraft of articles 9 to 11, following the 42nd session of the Working Group.  

The purpose of informal meetings generally is to explore topics in detail in order to support delegations in their preparation for the next Working Group meetings at which these topics will be considered and make such discussions more efficient. In addition, informal meetings can be helpful in providing technical support to the Secretariat tasked with the preparation of revised versions of the working papers to be formally presented to the Working Group. No decisions will be taken at these meetings. The discussions will be guided by the Chair and the Rapporteur who will briefly introduce the topics. Interested delegations will be invited to make brief introductory remarks. Delegations will then be invited to informally raise any questions, share their views and make suggestions.



Summary of the Chair and Rapporteur


Background Materials