UNCITRAL Events and News

UNCITRAL Events and Colloquia

17 September 2020

联合国国际贸易法委员会亚太区域中心(RCAP)负责人Athita Komindr将在2020年9月17日举行的“一带一路:建设连通性,实现一带一路可持续发展”研讨会中对《新加坡调解公约》作出概述。该研讨会由亚太法律协会(LAWASIA)组织,作为其2020年线上会议的一部分。会议将邀请来自亚太地区的专家与会,讨论《新加坡调解公约》与中国“一带一路”倡议的可持续发展和投资项目。与会专家和会议详情参见:https://www.lawasia.asn.au/conferences-events/current-webinars/lawasia-2020-conference-online/one-belt-one-road

14 September 2020 to 31 December 2020

The UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RCAP) is pleased to announce the initial line-up for its 2020 UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day (AP Day) academic series.

14 September 2020 to 31 December 2020


联合国国际贸易法委员会 (以下简称UNCITRAL) 由联合国大会依据其1966年12月17日第2205(XXI)号决议成立,为纪念这一历史性的决议,RCAP于2014年首次设立了亚太日,现已成为RCAP与亚太地区高等院校联合举办的年度旗舰活动。亚太日旨在提高法学院学生、法律专家、政策制定者以及公共与私营领域各界对UNCITRAL工作的认知,进而推动亚太地区国际贸易及商法的逐步现代化及协调。


12 September 2020

联合国国际贸易法委员会和新加坡律政部很高兴邀请您参加庆祝《新加坡调解公约》生效的线上活动。该活动将于公约生效之日(亦即2020年9月12日星期六)格林尼治标准时12:00在www.singaporeconvention.org 举行。该活动将公开广播并无需注册。更多活动详细信息,请参阅随附宣传册

12 September 2020

UNCITRAL and the Singapore Ministry of Law are pleased to invite you to attend the Digital Event to Commemorate the Entry into Force of the Singapore Convention on Mediation. The event will be held on the date of the Convention’s entry into force, Saturday 12 September 2020, at 1200h GMT at www.singaporeconvention.org. For more details please see the event flyer


06 June 2020

联合国国际贸易法委员会亚太区域中心(RCAP), 联合国国际贸易法委员会印度国家协调委员会(UNCCI)及Manav Rachna University诚邀阁下参与于2020年6月6日(星期六)举行的“跨境破产: 印度应否采纳贸易法委员会示范法”在线研讨会。联合国国际贸易法委员会亚太区域中心将由仁川作联合欢迎词,联合国国际贸易法委员会高级法律干事Kate Lannan将由维也纳加入讲解《贸易法委员会跨国界破产示范法》(示范法)及协调化的好处。另外,Dr TK Vishwanathan将讨论把示范法条文纳入印度法律的需要,Mr. Sumant Batra将为相关印度法律及示范法作出扼要分析,而 Judge Allan L Gropper 则会分享实务经验及讨论采用示范法的好处。有关研讨会详情,请参阅附上的单张

2 pm(维也纳); 5.30 pm (新德里); 9 pm (仁川)

06 June 2020

The UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RCAP), the UNCITRAL National Coordination Committee for India (UNCCI), and the Manav Rachna University are pleased to invite you to a webinar with the theme “Cross Border Insolvency: Should India adopt the UNCITRAL Model Law?” on 6 June 2020. UNCITRAL RCAP will be delivering co-welcoming remarks from Incheon while UNCITRAL Senior Legal Officer Kate Lannan will be speaking from Vienna on the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency and the benefits of harmonization.

27 May 2020

The UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RCAP), the UNCITRAL National Coordination Committee for India (UNCCI), and the Centre of Excellence on ADR (CADR) at the Faculty of Law, Manav Rachna University are pleased to invite you to a webinar with the theme "Mediation as a Tool for Conflict Management" on Wednesday 27 May 2020.

27 May 2020

联合国国际贸易法委员会亚太区域中心(RCAP), 联合国国际贸易法委员会印度国家协调委员会(UNCCI)及Manav Rachna University法律学院Centre of Excellence on ADR (CADR)诚邀阁下参与于2020年5月27日(星期三)举行的“使用调解作为争议管理工具”在线研讨会。来自联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书处、政府机构、法律及学术界的讲者将介绍新加坡调解公约及和与会人士互动讨论有关使用调解作为商业争议管理工具的相关议题。RCAP及研讨会主持人将作开场词,随后将由四位讲者逐一发言,研讨会最后将开放予自由讨论及问答环节。与会人士可将问题发送至特定频道,主持人将整合有关问题并交予讲者回答。有关研讨会详情,请参阅附上的单张

21 February 2020 to 22 February 2020

UNCITRAL is a co-organizer of the Vienna Arbitration Days, the leading arbitration conference in Austria. The event will be held from the 21-22 February in Vienna, Austria. This year’s topic is Arbitration and Public Law. UNICTRAL Secretary, Ms. Anna Joubin-Bret, will speak about transparency in arbitration during a session titled, Safeguarding Public Interest in Arbitration. The program and details about how to register for the Vienna Arbitration Days can be found here.

News Articles

30 September 2024

The Dominican Republic has signed the United Nations Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships (the "Beijing Convention on the Judicial Sale of Ships"). Read the full press release here.

25 September 2024

Libya has signed the United Nations Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships (the "Beijing Convention on the Judicial Sale of Ships"). Read the full press release here.

02 September 2024

The monthly compilation for August of the bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL is now available.