Status: UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency (1997)
This page is updated whenever the UNCITRAL Secretariat is informed of changes in enactment of the Model Law.
The UNCITRAL Secretariat also prepares yearly a document containing the Status of Conventions and Enactments of UNCITRAL Model Laws, which is available on the web page of the corresponding UNCITRAL Commission session.
Legislation based on or influenced by the Model Law has been adopted in 60 States in a total of 63 jurisdictions:
Abu Dhabi Global Market
Dubai International Financial Centre
Great Britain
British Virgin Islands
(a) Overseas territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
(b) Enacting the Acte uniforme portant organisation des procédures collectives d'apurement du passif (OHADA), adopted on 10 September 2015 at Grand-Bassam, Côte d'Ivoire.
Disclaimer: A model law is created as a suggested pattern for law-makers to consider adopting as part of their domestic legislation. Since States enacting legislation based upon a model law have the flexibility to depart from the text, the above list is only indicative of the enactments that were made known to the UNCITRAL Secretariat. The legislation of each State should be considered in order to identify the exact nature of any possible deviation from the model in the legislative text that was adopted. The year of enactment indicated above is the year the legislation was passed by the relevant legislative body, as indicated to the UNCITRAL Secretariat; it does not address the date of entry into force of that piece of legislation, the procedures for which vary from State to State, and could result in entry into force some time after enactment.