CISG@40 Events

Zagreb International Conference on the Law of Obligations
Zagreb, Croatia
12-13 December 2019
Zagreb, Croatia
12-13 December 2019
The conference is organised by the Department of Law at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business and is organised in the framework of the celebrations of the UNCITRAL Secretariat for the fortieth anniversary of the CISG.
CISG Advisory Council/Universidad Panamericana Guadalajara CISG Conference
Guadalajara, Mexico
6 February 2020
Guadalajara, Mexico
6 February 2020
The Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara will host a CISG conference, in coordination with the 27th CISG Advisory Council Meeting. The theme of the conference is "5th Conference on International Arbitration and the UN Convention for the International Sale of Goods -- Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Enactment of the CISG".
Flagship CISG@40 event coordinated with the Austrian Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the eve of the Vis Moot Court competition.
Congresso international: celebrando los 40 años de la CISG
Madrid, Spain
17 April 2020
Madrid, Spain
17 April 2020
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) will host a day-long conference celebrating 40 years of the CISG the day before the International Competition of Arbitration and Commercial Law (Moot Madrid). The event is co-organized by UC3M and UNCITRAL.
The online event, "Dispute Management in a New World", is part of Jamaica International Arbitration Centre's (JIAC) Arbitration Week. The event will celebrate CISG@40 with the panel "Force Majeure under the CISG". Find the full schedule and information about the event here. View webinar video here:
Force Majeure, Hardship, and the COVID-19 Pandemia
CEDEP, Asuncion, Paraguay
19 August 2020
CEDEP, Asuncion, Paraguay
19 August 2020
Online event (in English only). Event information here: View webinar video here:
CISG and Other Uniform Law Tools for Contractual Risk Mitigation
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
27 August 2020
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
27 August 2020
Current Perspectives on the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
New York, USA
1 September 2020
Informational flyer
New York, USA
1 September 2020
Informational flyer
The New York Bar Association will celebrate CISG@40 by holding an online event that will provide an overview of the application of the CISG from practitioners from various jurisdictions. View the informational flyer here.
The CISG’s Impact on National Legal Systems
New York University, New York, USA
11 September 2020
New York University, New York, USA
11 September 2020
To mark the 40th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), NYU’s Center for Transnational Litigation, Arbitration, and Commercial Law and UNCITRAL, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law are hosting a series of webinars to both assess the CISG’s impact over the last 40 years and to identify questions that are still open.
The CISG’s Impact on International Commercial Law
New York University, New York, USA
15 September 2020
Informational Flyer
New York University, New York, USA
15 September 2020
Informational Flyer
NYU’s Center for Transnational Litigation, Arbitration, and Commercial Law and UNCITRAL are hosting a series of webinars to both assess the CISG’s impact over the last 40 years and to identify questions that are still open. Watch the video from the event here or listen to the audio from the event here.
The contribution of HCCH, UNCITRAL, and Unidroit to the harmonisation of the law of international sales
Rome, Italy
22 September 2020
Informational Flyer
Rome, Italy
22 September 2020
Informational Flyer
The UNCITRAL secretariat participated in the conference hosted by UNIDROIT Secretariat on the contribution of HCCH, UNCITRAL and UNIDROIT to the harmonisation of the law of international sales, and the Tripartite Legal Guide to Uniform Legal Instruments in the Area of International Commercial Contracts (with a focus on sales). Read more about the event here. View the opening address and the three panels from the event here.
40 años de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Contratos de Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías
Bogotá, Colombia
24 September 2020
Bogotá, Colombia
24 September 2020
En el marco de la Especialización en Contratación Internacional, la Universidad Externado de Colombia con el apoyo de la Comisión de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo del Comercio Mercantil (CNUDMI), celebrarán los 40 años de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Contratos de Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías (CNUCCIM), a través de un Webinar que se llevará a cabo el 24 de septiembre de 2020, a las 2 pm (hora Colombiana). Mira el Video.
UNCITRAL RCAP is pleased to announce a CISG@40 webinar co-organized with the Center for International Investment and Commercial Arbitration (CIICA) in Lahore, Pakistan. The conference commemorates the 40th anniversary of the CISG and will provide a forum to discuss and analyze the application of the CISG in the post-Covid-19 world, including whether Pakistan and other jurisdictions in the region should adopt the CISG. For more details and to register, please see the event flyer.
CISG@40: Lectures on Transnational Commercial Law at the University of Vienna in cooperation with UNCITRAL
Vienna, Austria
15 October - 29 October 2020
Vienna, Austria
15 October - 29 October 2020
An online course organize by the University of Vienna and UNCITRAL as part of the celebrations of the CISG 40th anniversary. The course is coordinated by the Principal Legal officer Mr. José Angelo Estrella-Faria and will feature various world renowned experts on international commercial law. It focuses on the fundamentals of transactional commercial law, its main areas of application, and the process of commercial law harmonisation: choice of harmonisation instrument and their respective advantages and disadvantages; harmonisation through specific binding instruments (CISG, Hague-Visby Rules and New York Convention); harmonisation through contract and institutional rules; harmonisation through model laws; the future development of transnational commercial law.
UN Day Seminar on The CISG and the Internationalisation of Trade Law in the Past 40 Years
26 October 2020
4:00 PM
26 October 2020
4:00 PM
An online seminar organized by the UNCITRAL National Coordination Committee for Australia (UNCCA) and the Commercial Law Association (CLA) on the CISG. A live, interactive seminar will be supplemented by a full conference package including a set of pre-recorded presentations covering a wide range of commercial law topics.Speakers will include internationally renowned expert on the CISG, Professor Ulrich Schroeter, full professor of Private and Comparative Law at the University of Basel, editor of the authoritative Schlectriem & Schwenzer commentary on the CISG, and member of the CISG Advisory Council, and with keynote speaker the Hon. Kevin Lindgren AM QC, former Justice of the Federal Court of Australia, as well as a host of other speakers, chaired by Dr Lisa Spagnolo of Monash University. Keynote speaker Hon. Kevend Lindgren's AM QC remarks can be read here.
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the CISG: CISG as a Tool for Global Trade: CISG as a Tool for Global Trade
Hong Kong, PRC
27 October 2020
Hong Kong, PRC
27 October 2020
A webinar, jointly organized by UNCITRAL, AAIL, and the Department of Justice of the Hong Kong SAR, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the CISG. Read more about the event here and view the eFlyer here. An array of world-renowned local and overseas speakers will be examining the CISG as a tool for global trade from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Secretary for Justice of Hong Kong Teresa Cheng's speech from the event can be read here.
40 años de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los contratos de compraventa internacional de mercaderías
Buenos Aires, Argentina
16 November 2020
Buenos Aires, Argentina
16 November 2020
La Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas de la Universidad del Salvador, Argentina invitó a la Secretaría de la CNUDMI a participar del Seminario sobre los 40 años de la CIM (CISG en inglés). El video del evento se encuentra aquí.
The Future Practice of Commercial Dispute Resolution after Extending the Application of CISG to Hong Kong
Hong Kong, PRC
10 December 2020
Hong Kong, PRC
10 December 2020
On 10 December 2020, UNCITRAL RCAP together with the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Mediation Centre, and International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute co-hosted the 2020 UNCITRAL Asia Pacific day to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the CISG. About 130 participants attended the webinar on “The Future Practice of Commercial Dispute Resolution after Extending the Application of CISG to Hong Kong”.
International Conference on Insolvency Law and CISG@40
Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
18 December 2020
Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
18 December 2020
As part of the UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day series, the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RCAP) is co-organised the International Conference on Insolvency Law and CISG@40 with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, UNCITRAL National Co-ordination Committee India, and the Gujarat National Law University Center for Corporate and Insolvency Law. Ms. Athita Komindr, Head of UNCITRAL RCAP, and Mr. Luca Castellani, Legal Officer at the UNCITRAL secretariat, delivered opening remarks
CISG@40: Role of UNCITRAL Instruments in Progressive Development of Cross-Border Legal Regime and Trade
Delhi, India
6 January 2021
Delhi, India
6 January 2021
The first day of the UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day 2-day virtual symposium, “Transnational Commercial Law, Insolvency, Restructuring, Entrepreneurship: Promoting Trade and Development Post the Pandemic”, discussed the role of the CISG in the progressive development of cross-border legal regime and trade as part of the CISG@40 celebrations.
La CISG: un nuevo régimen legal para el comercio internacional en Guatemala
Guatemala City, Guatemala
20 January 2021
Guatemala City, Guatemala
20 January 2021
Webinar del Comité Internacional de CACIF: "La CISG: un nuevo régimen legal para el comercio internacional en Guatemala", con motivo de la reciente entrada en vigor de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Contratos de Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías (CISG) en Guatemala, el 20 de enero de 2021, 8:30-10:30 (Guatemala).
6th Conference on International Arbitration and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
Jalisco, México
12 February 2021
Jalisco, México
12 February 2021
On 12 February 2021, Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara, will host the 6th Conference on International Arbitration and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), in collaboration with the United Nations Commission for International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), the International Chamber of Commerce, Mexican Chapter (ICC Mexico) and the Charter Institute of Arbitrators (CIARB). The conference will provide an account of recent developments and necessary changes for arbitration and international contracts in a post-COVID-19 world. Panels I and II will take place in English, while Panel III will be held in Spanish.
Exploring the New Frontier: The Modern Landscape of International Arbitration
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3 March 2021
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3 March 2021
The Asian International Arbitration Centre and AIAC Young Practitioners Group (AIAC YPG), supported by the UNCITRAL RCAP, will virtually host “Exploring The New Frontier: The Modern Landscape of International Arbitration”. The AIAC YPG virtual conference will be held on 3 March 2021, from 15:00 – 21:00 (MYT) in conjunction with the 5th AIAC [Virtual] Pre-Moot for the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. The keynote will discuss how the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), other private international law instruments, and alternative dispute resolution contribute to the contemporary law of the sale of goods. Programme can be found on the e-flyer and for any further queries, please contact or +603-2271 1000.
Congreso international: Celebrando los 40 años de la CISG
Madrid, Spain
8-9 April 2021
Youtube channel (will be streamed live)
Madrid, Spain
8-9 April 2021
Youtube channel (will be streamed live)
On 8-9 April 2021, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) will hold an event celebrating the 40th anniversary of the CISG as a lead-up event to the International Competition of Arbitration and Commercial Law (Moot Madrid). The event is co-organized by UC3M and UNCITRAL.
St. Petersburg International Legal Forum
St. Petersburg, Russia
18-21 May 2021
St. Petersburg, Russia
18-21 May 2021
Multiple panels will discuss different aspects of the CISG.
The event was co-organized with the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM), China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), and China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC).
The Conference included 4 sessions: “Experiences and Challenges of Application of CISG in China”, “CISG — Right Solution for B&R Trade Disputes”, “E-CISG” and “Dispute Settlement Regarding Sales of Goods”. Ms. Anna Joubin-Bret, the Secretary of UNCITRAL, spoke along with legal practitioners and experts from Belt & Road countries. In addition to sharing experiences in using the CISG to settle disputes in international sale of goods, speakers also explored measures for resolving trade disputes during the pandemic. The event was live-streamed with simultaneous Chinese and English interpretation. A recording of the event can be viewed here: Please find the Special Report on the CISG@40 Celebration Conference: The Application of the CISG in Chinese Arbitration by Mr. Wang Chengjie, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of CIETAC here.
本次研讨会包括四项议题:“CISG在中国适用的经验与挑战”、“CISG——为‘一带一路’贸易争议提供解决方案”、“数字经济时代的CISG”及“货物贸易的争议解决”。联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书长Anna Joubin-Bret女士和来自“一带一路”国家的法律工作者和专家作了相关发言。除分享使用CISG解决国际货物销售争议的经验外,讲者还探讨了在疫情影响下解决国际贸易纠纷的应对措施。研讨会进行了现场直播,并提供中英文同声传译。
关于活动回放,请点击观看: 关于中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会副主任兼秘书长王承杰先生在“纪念《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》通过40周年国际研讨会”上的专题报告《〈联合国国际货物销售合同公约〉在中国仲裁的适用》,请点击查看。
The Conference included 4 sessions: “Experiences and Challenges of Application of CISG in China”, “CISG — Right Solution for B&R Trade Disputes”, “E-CISG” and “Dispute Settlement Regarding Sales of Goods”. Ms. Anna Joubin-Bret, the Secretary of UNCITRAL, spoke along with legal practitioners and experts from Belt & Road countries. In addition to sharing experiences in using the CISG to settle disputes in international sale of goods, speakers also explored measures for resolving trade disputes during the pandemic. The event was live-streamed with simultaneous Chinese and English interpretation. A recording of the event can be viewed here: Please find the Special Report on the CISG@40 Celebration Conference: The Application of the CISG in Chinese Arbitration by Mr. Wang Chengjie, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of CIETAC here.
本次研讨会包括四项议题:“CISG在中国适用的经验与挑战”、“CISG——为‘一带一路’贸易争议提供解决方案”、“数字经济时代的CISG”及“货物贸易的争议解决”。联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书长Anna Joubin-Bret女士和来自“一带一路”国家的法律工作者和专家作了相关发言。除分享使用CISG解决国际货物销售争议的经验外,讲者还探讨了在疫情影响下解决国际贸易纠纷的应对措施。研讨会进行了现场直播,并提供中英文同声传译。
关于活动回放,请点击观看: 关于中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会副主任兼秘书长王承杰先生在“纪念《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》通过40周年国际研讨会”上的专题报告《〈联合国国际货物销售合同公约〉在中国仲裁的适用》,请点击查看。
International Commercial Legislation: Trends and Perspectives
Doha, Qatar
2-3 November 2021
Call for Papers
Doha, Qatar
2-3 November 2021
Call for Papers
The conference will celebrate the CISG@40 and will explore the following main themes: the role of UNCITRAL in the harmonization of national laws; the impact of model laws and international principles and guidelines in drafting national laws; the impact of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) on private transactions; and the broader adoption and use of the CISG in Arab countries.
Event held by the Permanent Mission of Indonesia in Vienna, in collaboration with the Law Faculty of Unversitas Padjadjaran. The webinar introduced participants to the work of UNCITRAL progressively from an overview of UNCITRAL’s mandate and its work from the legislative and technical assistance aspects, to a more specific focus on the CISG’s principles, benefits, and policies.
The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is a multilateral treaty that establishes a uniform legal regime for contracts for the cross-border sale of goods. Such sales contracts operate as the backbone of international trade, and uniform rules for sales contracts provide traders with an efficient, modern and comprehensive legal framework to support their commercial activities. A recording of the event is available for viewing here: