UNCITRAL - EBRD - SBLA Insolvency Law Conference

UNCITRAL, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Serbian Bankruptcy Law Association (SBLA) organized a regional conference on cross-border insolvency and the use of UNCITRAL insolvency texts in Serbia and the Balkans on 7th June 2024 in Belgrade, Serbia.



Video recording

Presentation slides

Session 1

Panel 1: CBI regulation at the international and regional levels
Zsoka Koczan, EBRD: Presentation on trade flows and investment in the Balkans
Prof. Paul Omar: Presentation of UNCITRAL CBIs framework

Panel 2: Presentations of CBI frameworks in selected jurisdictions
Prof. Vuk Radovic, Serbia
Prof. Jasnica Garašić, Croatia
Kamila Sawicka, Ministry of Justice, Poland