UNCITRAL Colloquium on the Recognition and Enforcement of Electronic Arbitral Awards

Dates: 1 October (Tuesday) to 2 October 2024 (Wednesday)
Venue: Vienna International Center (VIC), Vienna; Boardroom D
Time: 9:30 – 12:30; 14:00 – 17:00 Vienna time (CEST/UTC+2)

At its fifty-seventh session, the Commission mandated Working Group II to work on the recognition and enforcement of electronic arbitral awards and, subsequently, on electronic notices of arbitration. In this regard, the Commission provided the Working Group with a broad mandate to identify the issues and explore appropriate solutions to address those issues without prejudice to the final form of the outcome. Hence, the Commission requested that the Secretariat organize a two-day colloquium during the eightieth session of the Working Group to further assess the issues with respect to the use of electronic awards.

The UNCITRAL Colloquium consists of four panels:

  • Panel 1 will discuss issues related to electronic awards from the perspectives of arbitral institutions.
  • Panel 2 will discuss the experience of digitalization in national court proceedings, focusing on the electronic rendering and enforcement of judgments. 
  • Panel 3 will be dedicated to providing an overview of UNCITRAL existing texts on electronic commerce and electronic communication.
  • Panel 4: the discussions will focus on consistency across UNCITRAL instruments and to capitalize on the solution they provide.

The colloquium will end with a round-table discussion desirable approaches the Working Group could take, as outlined in document A/CN.9/1190, and any other potential avenues for advancing the work.

Programme (forthcoming)

Speaker Bios (forthcoming)


Official documents


Colloquium Video Recordings (forthcoming)


Presentations (forthcoming)


Additional Resources

Government submission

Arbitration texts

Texts on electronic commerce and electronic communication

Note: UNCITRAL texts are available at https://uncitral.un.org/en/texts.

Arbitration Rules from institutions