UNCITRAL Events and News

UNCITRAL Events and Colloquia

11 September 2023 to 12 September 2023

UNCITRAL RCAP held the 3rd Incheon Law & Business Forum (ILBF) themed “From Documents to Data: Legal and Commercial Solutions for Digital Trade,” from 11 – 12 September 2023 at the Holiday Inn Incheon Songdo, Republic of Korea. The Forum was co-hosted with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea and Incheon Metropolitan City, Korea Legislation Research Institute and other partners. This two-day regional Forum brought together representatives from the law, business, and public sectors to discuss the promotion of law reform and business development in support of digital trade across the Asia Pacific, with special attention on UNCITRAL instruments.

29 August 2023

UNCITRAL’s project on the stocktaking of developments in dispute resolution in the digital economy (DRDE) was launched in 2021, conferring on the secretariat the mandate to monitor the changing landscape of dispute resolution in the digital economy by compiling, analysing and sharing relevant information with a view to laying the groundwork for updating existing UNCITRAL texts or developing new ones.

27 July 2023

The UNCITRAL secretariat is organizing a panel entitled “African Perspectives on Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy” during the 2nd edition of the African Arbitration and Mediation Days. UNCITRAL’s project on the stocktaking of developments in dispute resolution in the digital economy (DRDE) was launched in 2021, conferring on the secretariat the mandate to monitor the changing landscape of dispute resolution in the digital economy by compiling, analysing and sharing relevant information with a view to laying the groundwork for updating existing UNCITRAL texts or developing new ones. The project gives particular attention to the disruptive aspects of digitalization in dispute resolution, in particular those with respect to due process and fairness, but also focuses on the enabling aspects of technology as far as its impact on cost and duration of procedures is concerned. In line with its mandate, the UNCITRAL secretariat is organizing discussions to seek inputs from different parts of the world so as to ensure the comprehensiveness of its work. This panel complements the “World Tour” which has been held to date in Tokyo, New York, Guatemala City, Paris and Vienna.

12 July 2023 to 13 July 2023

The Colloquium will consider areas in which international trade law can effectively support the achievement of climate action goals set by the international community, the scope and value of legal harmonization in those areas and the need for international guidance for legislators, policymakers, courts and dispute resolution bodies. It should consider in particular: (a) the contribution that UNCITRAL, being a subsidiary body of the United Nations General Assembly and an inclusive forum to devise global solutions, could make in the light of its mandate to promote the harmonization and modernization of the law of international trade in the form of possible future work and (b) how existing UNCITRAL instruments in areas such as contract law, electronic commerce, insolvency, secured transactions, public procurement, public-private partnerships and dispute resolution can be applied to support climate action. Find more information about the Colloquium here.

21 April 2023

The International Insolvency Institute and the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York, with the official support of UNCITRAL organized a conference on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Recognition and Enforcement of Insolvency-Related Judgments (2018). The Conference was held on Friday, 21 April 2023, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m (EDT) following the 62nd session of UNCITRAL Working Group V (New York, 17-20 April 2023). 

14 April 2023

The International Colloquium on UNCITRAL PPP Instruments and Chinese Practice, co-organized by UNCITRAL, the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (MOFCOM) and Tianjin University, will be held on 14 April 2023. Under the theme of "Sustainable PPP", the Colloquium will explore legislation and sustainable development issues in PPP practice, focusing on key issues such as the UNCITRAL PPP legislative practice and legal framework, PPP governance and contract,  and PPP value co-creation.

14 April 2023

由联合国贸法会(UNCITRAL)、中华人民共和国商务部(MOFCOM)和天津大学共同举办的“联合国贸法会PPP示范立法与中国实践国际研讨会”将于2023年4月14日举行。以 "可持续发展的PPP "为主题,本次研讨会将探讨PPP实践中的立法和可持续发展问题,重点讨论联合国贸法会PPP立法实践和法律框架、PPP治理和合同以及PPP价值共同创造等关键问题。研讨会将有助于加强PPP实务届对联合国贸法会PPP文书和一般PPP法律条款的理解,汲取PPP实践中的经验,并共同探讨PPP的可持续发展。 

29 March 2023

The UNCITRAL Secretariat will hold an in-person discussion entitled “UNCITRAL's Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy Initiative” during the Paris Arbitration Week. The event was hosted by Science Po Law School. The UNCITRAL project on the stocktaking of developments in dispute resolution in the digital economy (DRDE) was launched in 2021, conferring on the secretariat a mandate to monitor the changing landscape of dispute resolution in the digital economy by compiling, analysing and sharing relevant information with a view to laying the groundwork for possible updates to UNCITRAL texts and development of new ones if necessary.  The project gives particular attention to the disruptive aspects of digitalisation in dispute resolution, in particular those with respect to due process and fairness, but also focuses on the enabling aspects of technology as far as its impact on the cost and duration of procedures is concerned. In line with its mandate, the UNCITRAL secretariat is organising discussions to seek inputs from different parts of the world to ensure the comprehensiveness of its work. The PAW discussion will be hosted at Sciences Po Law School, complementing a world tour covering Tokyo, New York, and Guatemala City.

07 March 2023

Actividad organizada por la secretaría de la CNUDMI, ALARB y SIECA-SICA. Esta actividad está compuesta de cuatro paneles. Panel I: el uso de la tecnología en el arbitraje; Panel II: Mediación en línea; Panel III: Resolución de controversias en plataformas en línea; y Panel IV: Intercambio de experiencias. Buenas prácticas para divulgar jurisprudencia y experiencia relevante en materia de solución de disputas. Esta es una actividad en formato virtual, con registro previo (enlace).

13 February 2023

Join the UNCITRAL Secretariat for “The New Age of Dispute Resolution: Digitization & Evolving Norms”, an event jointly organized with the New York International Arbitration Center, New York State Bar Association, and the American Society of International Law.

When: Monday, 13 February from 18:30 to 21:30 (EST)
Where: Bracewell LLP (31 West 52nd Street, Suite 1900, New York, NY 10019).

News Articles

31 January 2025

The monthly compilation for January PDF of the bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL is now available.

13 January 2025

Panama has the United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration (the "Mauritius Convention on Transparency"). Read the full press release here.

10 January 2025

With its ratification of the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (the "Singapore Convention on Mediation"), Israel becomes the 15th State Party to the Convention. Read the full press release here.