UNCITRAL Events and News

UNCITRAL Events and Colloquia

27 October 2022

联合国国际贸易法委员会亚洲及太平洋区域中心邀请您参加与香港大学法律学院、香港和解中心以及国际争议解决及风险管理协会共同组织的2022年贸易法委员会亚太日活动。这次网络研讨会的主题是《RCAP@10:规划下个十年:亚太区域的调解和仲裁》会议将讨论亚洲及太平洋区域中心如何促进该区域法律协调和加强争端解决机制以加强国际商业交易的可预见性。 联合国国际贸易法委员会亚洲及太平洋区域中心主任 Athita Komindr 女士和联合国国际贸易法委员会亚洲及太平洋区域中心法律专家 蔡梦帆女士将参加开幕式。 该活动将于2022年10月27日下午16:30至18:00 (香港时间,GMT+8) 以虚拟方式举行。有关登记及其他详情,请参阅电子传单。登记及电子传单

30 September 2022 to 15 January 2023

The UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RCAP) is pleased to announce the initial line-up and kick-off of the UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day 2022 (AP Day) academic series. Themed: “RCAP@10: The Next 10 Years of Legal Harmonization in the Region”, the 2022 series celebrates the 10th anniversary of the establishment of RCAP. This series first activity was launched in the Republic of Korea by Inha University on 30 September 2022. Find the calendar of events in the attached e-flyer. UNCITRAL RCAP also invites you to revisit last year's series via the 2021 AP Day report.

29 September 2022 to 21 December 2022

The UNCITRAL secretariat held the Launch event of the inaugural UNCITRAL Days in Africa on 27 May 2022 with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration in Accra, Ghana and online, thanks to the support of the European Union. It served as the kick-off of the UNCITRAL Days in Africa academic series in presence of distinguished guests. 

During the UNCITRAL Days Africa, the secretariat of UNCITRAL will co-host a series of academic events with institutions of higher learning in the African countries to both celebrate the establishment of UNCITRAL and to raise awareness of the work of UNCITRAL amongst law students, legal experts, policy-makers, and the public and private sectors, thereby furthering the work of UNCITRAL in promoting the progressive harmonization and modernization of international trade and commercial law throughout the region. 

29 September 2022 to 21 December 2022

Le 27 mai 2022 a eu lieu le lancement de la première édition des Journées de la CNUDCI en Afrique dans les locaux du Ministère des affaires étrangères et de l’intégration régionale à Accra, au Ghana et en ligne, grâce au soutien de l’Union Européenne. Cet événement marque le coup d'envoi de la série d’activités des Journées de la CNUDCI en Afrique en présence de grandes personnalités. 

Au cours du dernier trimestre 2022, le secrétariat de la CNUDCI coorganisera une série de manifestations avec des établissements d'enseignement supérieur dans les pays africains afin de célébrer la création de la CNUDCI et de sensibiliser les étudiants en droit, les juristes, les décideurs et les secteurs public et privé aux travaux de la CNUDCI, ce qui contribuera à promouvoir l'harmonisation et la modernisation progressives du droit commercial international dans toute la région.

28 September 2022 to 01 December 2022

The UNCITRAL Secretariat is pleased to announce the line-up for the 2022 UNCITRAL Latino America and Caribbean Day (LAC Day). During the UNCITRAL LAC Day, the Secretariat of UNCITRAL will co-host a series of academic events with institutions of higher learning in the Latin America and Caribbean region to both celebrate the establishment of UNCITRAL and to raise awareness of the work of UNCITRAL amongst law students, legal experts, policy-makers, and the public and private sectors, thereby furthering the work of UNCITRAL in promoting the progressive harmonization and modernization of international trade and commercial law throughout the region.

28 September 2022 to 01 December 2022

La Secretaría se complace en anunciar las actividades programadas en América Latina y el Caribe en la edición 2022 del UNCITRAL LAC DAY. En estas jornadas la Secretaría de la CNUDMI copatrocina una serie de eventos académicos organizados por instituciones académicas de excelencia en la región de América Latina y el Caribe. Las jornadas celebran el establecimiento de la Comisión y concientizan el trabajo que realiza la CNUDMI entre estudiantes de derecho, expertos legales, legisladores, y representantes del sector privado y público en general.

29 August 2022 to 02 September 2022

Singapore Convention Week will be held from 29 August - 2 September 2022 this year. The UNCITRAL Academy, jointly organised by the Singapore Ministry of Law and the United Nations Commission on International Law (UNCITRAL) will be held from 30 August to 1 Stepember 2022. The theme for this year's UNCITRAL Academy conference is "Embracing Global Change, Navigating New Possibilities". The conference will explore the evolution of the legal industry and international commercial dispute resolution.

07 July 2022

A side event of the 55th Commission session,  “UNCITRAL and the Law of Digital Trade”, was co-organised by UNCITRAL, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea, the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations, and supported by UNCITRAL RCAP.

24 June 2022

On Friday 24 June 2022, the Head of UNCITRAL RCAP (https://uncitral.un.org/en/TA/regionalcentre_asia_pacific) Athita Komindr and UNCITRAL Legal Officer Judith Knieper will speak on the Singapore Convention on Mediation, recent developments in the Asia-Pacific, and mediation and Investor-State Dispute Settlement in Session 1 of a webinar hosted by the Korea International Mediation Centre (KIMC) for the Asia Pacific Centre for Arbitration & Mediation (APCAM) Webinar Series - A New Era of International Mediation.

01 June 2022 to 05 June 2022

The UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific and the Ministry of Justice of Sri Lanka will co-host the first Colombo Arbitration Week from 1 to 5 June 2022.

UNCITRAL Legal Officer Judith Knieper will be speaking on the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration and UNCITRAL Expedited Arbitration Rules for the opening panel discussion "Proposed Arbitration Act: A Fresh Start for Sri Lanka?" taking place on 1 June 2022 from 04.00 to 07.00 PM Sri Lanka time (+5.30 GMT)/07.30 to 10.30 PM Korea Standard Time/12.30 to 03.30 PM Central European Summer Time.

News Articles

24 July 2024

The monthly compilation for July of the bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL is now available.

16 July 2024

The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) adopted four new texts and agreed on a future programme of work at its 57th session in New York. Read the full press release here.

15 July 2024

The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law on Automated Contracting (the “Model Law”) at its 57th session in New York. Read the full press release here.