UNCITRAL Colloquium on Civil Asset Tracing and Recovery

Friday, 06 December 2019 - 9:30am to 5:00pm

At its fifty-second session, in 2019, the Commission requested the Secretariat to organize a colloquium, in cooperation with other relevant international organizations, to further clarify and refine various aspects of the Commission’s possible work on civil asset tracing and recovery, for consideration by the Commission at its fifty-third session, in 2020. The Commission was of the view that the colloquium should consider the elements of a possible toolkit on civil asset tracing and recovery and collect more information on civil law jurisdictions practices. The colloquium should also: (a) examine both criminal and civil law tracing and recovery with a view to better delineating the topic while benefitting from available tools; (b) consider tools developed for insolvency law and for other areas of law; and (c) discuss proposed asset tracing and recovery tools and other international instruments (A/74/17, para. 203). That decision followed the consideration by the Commission of the proposals submitted by the United States of America (A/CN.9/996) and (A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.154).

The Colloquium on Civil Asset Tracing and Recovery was held in Vienna on 6 December 2019. More than 100 professionals dealing with asset tracing and recovery, in particular in insolvency proceedings, participated.

The report of the Colloquium (A/CN.9/1008) was before the Commission at its fifty-third session.



Concept note

Vienna and VIC information sheet (hotels, airport transfers, conference room location, etc.)


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