UNCITRAL Events and News

UNCITRAL Events and Colloquia

08 April 2021 to 09 April 2021


30 March 2021

UNCITRAL is joining with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the International and Comparative Research Center to hold a virtual discussion session on the digitalization of international trade. The event will cover a range of issues related to current and possible future work of UNCITRAL in this important area, with a particular focus on COVID-19 response and recovery. The event is free of charge with simultaneous interpretation in English and Russian. Click here to register and find additional details

30 March 2021

ЮНСИТРАЛ совместно с Министерством экономического развития Российской Федерации и Центром международных и сравнительно-правовых исследований организует дискуссионную сессию в онлайн-формате, посвящённую цифровизации международной торговли. В рамках мероприятия будет обсуждаться ряд вопросов, связанных с текущей и возможной будущей деятельностью ЮНСИТРАЛ в этой важной области. Особый акцент будет сделан на борьбе с COVID-19 и восстановлении после эпидемии. Участие в мероприятии бесплатно. Мероприятие пройдёт на английском и русском языках с синхронным переводом. Зарегистрироваться и получить более подробную информацию можно по ссылке: https://praktikum.lfacademy.ru/digitalization-of-international-trade.

30 March 2021 to 31 March 2021

Co-organised by UNCITRAL, Ministry of Justice of Japan (MOJ), and the Japan International Dispute Resolution Centre (JIDRC), the Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy workshop will be held virtually on 30 and 31 March 2021. The workshop features Japan’s proposal on stocktaking of dispute resolution in the modern context, including the use of technology in international mediation and international arbitration, ensuring due process and fairness in arbitral proceedings, and other topics. For further details, please refer to the eFlyer and register via the QR code found below or via the following link.

29 March 2021 to 30 March 2021

The sixth annual 2021 OECD Investment Treaty Conference on 29-30 March 2021 will gather senior government policy makers for exchanges with leading representatives of business, civil society, academia and international organisations, including the Secretary of UNCITRAL. Since the heyday of investment protection treaties in the 1990s and early 2000s, the world has changed dramatically. Globalisation and digitalisation have radically changed how economies function. New threats to life on earth have come to the fore. In this new environment, the over 60 governments participating in work on investment at the OECD have resolved to reflect together on regulatory objectives and priorities for investment as part of an ambitious, wide-ranging reconsideration of treaties addressing investment. The Conference is the first step in this process. Join the conversation. Click here to visit the Conference website and to register for the event. 

17 March 2021

UNCITRAL RCAP is pleased to announce the “3rd South Pacific International Arbitration Conference”, co-organised with Asian Development Bank, ICC International Court of Arbitration, The Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Centre of International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA), and Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC). The conference aims to explore the theme of de-risking investment in the South Pacific region through a world-class international arbitration disputes regime.

17 March 2021

联合国国际贸易法委员会亚洲及太平洋区域中心(UNCITRAL RCAP)很高兴宣布将与亚洲开发银行、国际商会国际仲裁院、太平洋地区私营部门发展倡议、澳大利亚外交及贸易部、澳大利亚国际商事仲裁中心(ACICA)以及新加坡国际仲裁中心(SIAC)联合举办“第三届南太平洋国际仲裁会议”。本次会议旨在探讨通过世界级的国际仲裁争端解决机制降低南太平洋地区投资风险这主题。UNCITRAL RCAP主任Athita Komindr女士将致开幕词。本次会议将于2021年3月17日9:30至16:00(GMT+11)在悉尼歌剧院Yallamundi Rooms举行,并会通过Zoom直播。如需报名请联系:mialcala.consultant@adb.org,更多信息请浏览会议宣传页

05 February 2021

UNCITRAL, the  Ministry of Justice of Japan, and the Japan International Dispute Resolution Centre (JIDRC) are pleased to invite you to a kick-off discussion on Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy featuring (1) Japan’s proposal on stocktaking of dispute resolution in the modern context and (2) Israel and Japan’s proposal on dispute resolution in international high-tech related transactions. Speakers include Ms. Anna Joubin-Bret (The Secretary, UNCITRAL), Mr. Takashi Takashima (Senior Attorney, Ministry of Justice, Japan), Mr. Andrés Jana (Chair, UNCITRAL Working Group II), and Mr. Cedric Yehuda Sabbah (Director, Ministry of Justice, Israel), amongst others. 

11 December 2020


11 December 2020

À sa cinquante-deuxième session, en 2019, la CNUDCI a examiné une proposition de l'Union européenne sur la loi applicable dans les procédures d'insolvabilité (voir A/CN.9/995). La CNUDCI a demandé au Secrétariat d'organiser un colloque, en coopération avec d'autres organisations internationales compétentes, en vue de lui soumettre des propositions concrètes pour les futurs travaux éventuels de la CNUDCI sur ce sujet, pour examen par la Commission à sa cinquante-troisième session, en 2020.

News Articles

01 October 2024

The monthly compilation for September PDF of the bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL is now available.

30 September 2024

The Dominican Republic has signed the United Nations Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships (the "Beijing Convention on the Judicial Sale of Ships"). Read the full press release here.

25 September 2024

Libya has signed the United Nations Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships (the "Beijing Convention on the Judicial Sale of Ships"). Read the full press release here.