Working Group I: Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises


39th session, 13-17 February 2023, New York

38th session, 19-23 September 2022, Vienna

37th session, 9-13 May 2022, New York

36th session, 4-8 October 2021, Vienna

35th session, 25-29 January 2021, Vienna

34th session, 28 September - 2 October 2020, Vienna

34th session, 23-27 March 2020, New York 

Due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the 2020 March, April and May sessions of UNCITRAL Working Groups I, III, IV, V and VI had to be postponed. Alternative arrangements were put in place, which allowed for progress to be made on the working papers scheduled for consideration at those sessions.

33 rd session, 7-11 October 2019, Vienna

32 nd session, 25-29 March 2019, New York

31 st session, 8-12 October 2018, Vienna

30 th session, 12-16 March 2018, New York

29 th session, 16-20 October 2017, Vienna

28 th session, 1-9 May 2017, New York

27 th session, 3-7 October 2016, Vienna

26 th session, 4-8 April 2016, New York

25 th session, 19-23 October 2015, Vienna

24 th session, 13-17 April 2015, New York

23 rd session, 17-21 November 2014, Vienna

22 nd session, 10-14 February 2014, New York