Notes on the Main Issues of Cloud Computing Contracts (prepared by the UNCITRAL secretariat, 2019)
Part two. Drafting a contract
P. Notifications
Notification clauses usually address the form, language, recipient and means of notification, as well as when the notification becomes effective (upon delivery, dispatch or acknowledgment of receipt). In the absence of any mandatory legislative provisions, parties may agree upon formalities for notification, which could be uniform or vary depending on the importance and urgency and other considerations. More stringent requirements may be made applicable, for example, in case of suspension or unilateral termination of the contract, as compared to routine notifications. The parties may agree on the deadlines, keeping in mind reversibility and business continuity needs. The contract may contain references to any notifications and deadlines imposed by law.
The parties may opt for written notification to be served at the physical or electronic address of the contact persons specified in the contract. The contract may specify the legal consequences of a failure to notify and of a failure to respond to a notification that requires such a response.