改革方案初稿 (仅提供英文)
Initial draft Commentary to the Code of Conduct
- Compilation of comments (jointly with ICSID)
Initial draft on Pertinent elements of selected permanent international courts and tribunals
Compilation on dispute prevention practices
Initial draft on Appellate mechanism
Initial draft on mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
Initial draft on mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) - Addendum 1
- Comments received:
- Armenia
- Colombia
- European Union and its Member States - Draft clauses on mediation
- European Union and its Member States - Draft guidelines on mediation
- Kingdom of Bahrain
- Panama
- Republic of Korea
- Singapore
- Viet Nam
Initial draft on assessment of damages and compensation
- Comments received:
- Comments received:
Initial draft on the regulation of third-party funding
Draft Note on the Implementation and Enforcement of the Code of Conduct
Draft Code of Conduct for Adjudicators in International Investment Disputes Version Two
- 意见汇总 (jointly with ICSID) (Update as of 19 April 2021)
- Draft Code of Conduct Version Three - 意见汇总 (jointly with ICSID) (Update as of 3 November 2021)
Initial draft on the establishment of an advisory centre
Initial draft on the establishment of an advisory centre – Addendum 1
投资人与国家间争端解决制度下审裁员行为守则(带注释 )和附件
- 意见汇总 (jointly with ICSID)
- Other Comments Received