UNCITRAL Colloquium on Possible Future Work on Dispute Settlement 


Dates: 28 March 2022 (Monday) to 1 April 2022 (Friday)
Venue: UN Headquarters, New York and online
Time: 11:00 – 13:00 ; 15:00 – 17:00 New York time (Eastern Daylight Time)

At its fifty-fourth session, the Commission requested the secretariat to organize a colloquium during the seventy-fifth session of Working Group II to explore the legal issues relating to dispute resolution in the digital economy and to identify the scope and nature of possible legislative work. The Commission also requested that the desirability and feasibility of work on adjudication be discussed during the colloquium. 

The UNCITRAL Colloquium on Possible Future Work on Dispute Settlement aimed to assist the Commission in making an informed decision on the desirability and feasibility of future legislative work in the area of dispute settlement at its fifty-fifth session in 2022. The Colloquium touched upon the following topics:  

  • Developments in dispute resolution in the digital economy 
  • Online platforms for dispute resolution
  • Technology-related dispute resolution 
  • Adjudication 

The first two days of the Colloquium were dedicated to developments in dispute resolution in the digital economy and online dispute resolution platforms. The following two days were devoted to technology-related dispute resolution and adjudication. The last day was reserved for additional discussion, including on other proposals for future work. A round table discussion also took place, where a summary of the deliberations during the first four days were provided. 



Speaker's Bio


Colloquium Video Recordings

Official documents


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